Rocky Montana
As the long foretold events have begun to fulfill themselves, due mainly to human ignorance, arrogance, greed and over-population, the essential reason and meaning behind the nearly 70 years of ongoing contacts between Billy Meier and the Plejaren becomes clear; to assist humanity in avoiding its self-destruction and to assure its future survival.
Unfortunately, not only the skeptics and reputation-wary scientists have shunned Meier's information, but also most of the so-called "UFO community", who have preferred to indulge their fantasies and egos, chasing lights in the sky and pontificating on imminent encounters with extraterrestrials, despite the fact that official contacts lie decades in the future--assuming governments become more civilized and avoid destroying humankind and the planet.
Below is a news article from the May 15, 2008 earthquake in China, in which some experts now say may have been caused by the weight displacement from the emmense body of water held behind Zipingpu dam; the very situation Meier warned about decades ago. And yes, there are the copyrighted, dated, published books to corroborate all of his predictions.
A second news article describes the rapid retreat of all the glaciers and snow cover in the Himalayas. A third article describes the first recorded displacement, this century, of an entire island community due to coral and soil erosion from rising tides.
Note: Billy Meier had, besides a lot of unofficial contacts, about 250 official (with information for the public) contacts with Extraterrestrials SEMJASE, PTAAH, QUETZAL, ASKET, NERA, TALJDA, MENARA, PLEIJA, FLORENA and others. Most of those talks were written down and published in the Contact Notes (German only, although many English translations are now in print or are in the process of being corrected).
From an Open Letter dated 1951:
23. Landslides and avalanches, as well as earthquakes and seaquakes as well as every kind of storms will prevail; gales and typhoons, hurricanes and tornados will increase ever more in their numbers and will become ever more violent and destructive.
24. And also therewith overpopulation will bear the guilt, because over-population will become monstrously negative and will thereby give rise to an unnatural climate change that in only one decade from today will already begin to effect the world very detrimentally.
25. The monstrous mass and weight of the cities and villages continuously stress the inner structures of the Earth more and more through which the tectonic plates will be adversely affected, inevitably leading to increasing tectonic displacements and faults, through which immense tremors will be evoked world-wide, whereby finally the deaths will go into the hundreds of thousands and into the millions.
From Contact 45 dated 1976:
60. That is to be understood in this way, that Earth Man exploits his planet and robs it of the fundamental life energy, in that he robs from it the underground oil and gas and the most diverse ores.
61. This leads to the fact that the Earth suffers shifts within, which leads to enormous volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, because slowly the Earth collapses from within.
62. The same event is generated also by the construction of dams and similar formations, which cause, by the assembled masses of water, very dangerous shifts.
63. The worst delusion the human being is performing is his subterranean and below-surface explosion tests, which he declares are atomic bomb tests, but which in truth are much more dangerous.
From Contact 70 dated 1977:
202. The Earth will not come to rest, because earthquakes of much greater magnitude will shake her, than this was the case during the last year.
203. Only that these quakes are not all to be expected during this year.
204. However, they will be of a terrible magnitude to the degree that nations and islands will sink.
205. Unusually severe droughts will move across the world, in order to then be succeeded by flooding of severe proportions.
From Meier Prophecies dated 1958:
54.) Through the madness of his overpopulation, the human has already detrimentally altered the world and the climate in such a way that a climbing climatic warming becomes apparent that will be carried far into the Third Millennium and release monstrous natural catastrophes, yet that will not be the end, because everything goes further in the same style and at the beginning of the Third Millennium more than seven billion people will be on the Earth, which will lead to even greater harm and to destruction worldwide because on one hand nature strikes back in vengeance and on the other hand, the human undertakes everything which will destroy the entire environment and life.
From Ptaah on January 7, 2005, Special Bulletin 16:
Ptaah - The weight of the people, buildings, machines and transport concentrated on such places, as well as all other materials, presses, to an extent, on the underground, which thereby burdens the tectonic plates very severely and damages them, whereby devastating earthquakes are released that destroy everything and demand many human lives.
From Contact 437 dated November 18th, 2006:
Billy: Still something because of the weather: Winter is keeping us waiting, as you said at our last meeting, as however also that the climate changes ever more rapidly. Can you still briefly say something about that?
Ptaah: The climate warms ever faster, whereby the snowfall is also absent ever more frequently in the deeper sites, while the Earth's polar ice masses, as well as the glaciers, melt ever faster, which leads to this: that by the year 2100, in some cases, the water of the seas will rise up to 160 centimeters. [5'3"]
Forceful natural changes have become unstoppable, consequently there is also a general change in the world of animals, birds, fish and the entirety of the fauna, as however also regarding the flora, because already it is all changing and is beginning to adapt to the new conditions of nature.
Thus, it is also the case with the migratory birds which remain in their home areas in Winter and are no longer drawn to other domains.
It is the same with migratory animals, because their pasturelands are changing and everything is taking on new forms.
[End quoting]
News article published on May 15, 2008 entitled: "Reservoir dam may have triggered China quake. Scientists say finding suggests human activity played a role in the disaster". http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29015900/ .
News article published on May 07, 2009 by Stephen Leary entitled: "CLIMATE CHANGE: Snow Cover Turning to Lakes in the Himalayas". www.ipsnews.net/news.asp .
News article published on May 08, 2009 by George Monbiot/Jon Freeman entitled: "CLIMATE CHANGE DISPLACEMENT HAS BEGUN–but hardly anyone has noticed". www.guardian.co.uk/environment/georgemonbiot/2009/may/07/monbiot-climate-change-evacuation