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Sustainable Communities and Contemporary Mainstream Society

Geoff Griffiths

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Sustainable Communities

The 1960s was a time of breaking out of the old mould and into new, more effective, healthy and people friendly ways of living. Out of the sixties came the creation of bulk food supplies, organic gardens, living self-sufficiently, natural healing modalities, and experiencing inner freedom and personal sovereignty. Up until then all of these were almost totally foreign to conventional mainstream living.

Following this, in the late 1960s, flower children created self-sufficient communes. Then early pioneers followed in the 1970s, creating the first wave of pioneering sustainable communities and eventually in the 1980s professionally designed sustainable communities were created. Recent decades has seen additional natural-based technologies, and further refinements in the form of specific sustainable templates, such as Co-housing, Eco-villages, Permaculture villages, etc.  

Successful sustainable living is about getting the all of the basic essentials right, before embracing any smart, enhancing, luxuries, if that still appeals. This is also call subsistence living, and contrasts with mainstream living today, where people seek entertainment and luxuries, but without having the crucial, basic essentials of good food, clean water, plentiful, affordable sensible housing, robust health, good education etc.

The flower children of the 60s demonstrated many aspects of successful sustainable community living. They also spoke of the incoming age of planetary peace, co-operation and abundance, which they called the Aquarian age, and is generally know today as Global Ascension. They informed us that it would manifest either gracefully, sooner, singing and dancing; or else later through suffering, kicking and screaming. But either way it would happen in the very near future. They then proceeded to manifest the beginnings through creating self-sufficient communes, which lay the groundwork for sustainable communities. 



As low-consumption, sustainable communities succeeded and numbers began flourishing, it went much against the grain of corporations who bridled at the reduced consumption by many young people, who were potentially their greatest customers. The global elite of banksters feared this movement would grow and spread to challenge, and eventually undermine their economic and financial control, through the reduction of debt-based consumption.

The global elite rejected the singing and dancing option, and sought to create their own NWO, using kicking and screaming alternative. To ensure greater control, the global elite changed the economics in the English-speaking countries, from where most flower children emerged, back to the regressive economics of competition, scarcity and debt, in a wild reprise of the 1920s.

This they did through enforcing the same regressive, cut-throat, market-place economics that set up the depression. Marketplace Capitalism has never believed it could ever work honestly and decently, and began with slave labour to eliminate labour costs. It has always decreed that the lower echelons should be law abiding, whilst the higher levels would run massive scams, the higher the level the greater the scam, whilst they deliberately impoverished the lowest levels in reverse manner. 

Many people of the 60s and 70’s created debt-free, sound, sensible sustainable solutions that unfolded during those years, before the enforced return to a debt-funded proliferation of self-defeating, unsustainable, corporate-driven mainstream practices, beginning in the 1980s and increasing thereafter. These seriously bedevil the world today.

In their drive to further impoverish the poor, the banks themselves collapsed through collapsing too mortgages via increasing interest rates, and could no longer fund the debt-driven corporations. This has now created the greatest of all busts, and the full gamut of out-of-control global problems: financial, ecological, social, economic. These are now comprehensively breaking down through corrupt and self-defeating practices.

The breaking down of the excessively costly, ineffectual medical system today that cannot cure myriad runaway diseases, largely caused by the lack of basics, is but one example. There is now no field of mainstream endeavour that isn’t thoroughly compromised to the extent that no part of western society any longer functions as it should, and all of it is now bogged down by multiple binds, locked-in to every other part. Under the last US regime this was accelerated and intensified, and thus hastened its own demise, and now the squeeze is on from all directions.  


Global Ascension

Some people have been waiting for the breakdown of the obsolete, debt-based, economics of competition and scarcity to occur, so that a sustainable economics of co-operation, abundance and healthy living can replace it, as was spoken about and worked towards decades ago.  In the mean time, solutions have continued to be developed and refined in advanced communities, becoming part of their everyday reality, and improving and uplifting their lives considerably, while they wait patiently for the removal of contrived obstructions to their mainstream release.

This current situation will not recover until this positive re-orientation occurs. Already a huge amount of it is ready to roll, and has been for some time. We are entering a future that is about doing everything the right way, and fixing everything up to be as it should. It is a future everyone can participate in, and create together. We can each be at the forefront of this transition. If the future looks frightening to some people, then they are just sitting on the wrong side of the fence by holding on to obsolete values. The global elite are desperate right now, and their actions are becoming more overt and visible as they rapidly lose control.

We are now in the long-awaited transitional time, and the dynamics are about to change on all fronts and at every level, towards a global-wide, locally implemented embrace of sustainable living and community living through necessity, if not free choice. The obsolete and the dysfunctional will go so that harmonious uplifting solutions can be freely embraced. Continued obstruction to this will become increasingly obvious and publicly revealed, loosening its hold and enabling people to reclaim greater empowerment and sovereignty.

Today, people can search, find solutions and update themselves on the internet for whatever they need, by following their intuition, as the internet itself is like a vast responsive, intuitive organism, where people of goodwill are able to post their very best understandings for personal, group and planetary benefit and upliftment, including healthy living, natural healing modalities, setting up land optimally and cutting-edge understandings.

Many solutions are already thoroughly known throughout much of mainstream society, but have remained hidden, within the home. Other systems have been developed at the highest levels. All have awaited until now. As mainstream systems break down, these are being released so that mainstream can re-orientate towards sustainable, empowering, debt-free practices, which will become regarded as the norm.

From this point on, the transition to a better, harmonious, healthy and wholesome way of living can be as graceful as people allow it to be, as they explore and embrace better ways of living. 


Community Dynamics

Some Australian communities are struggling with internal relationships as they grope towards excelling, for everybody has to re-orientate from being selfishly orientated and preoccupied, to becoming genuinely community-spirited. People do not have to be dragged to this; they have the option of being ahead of things by advancing community spiritedness towards others, as was done in the sixties to get this whole process going.

The real model of human nature is best demonstrated between the newborn infant and mother, and not in the artificial, competitive world of mainstream business, or elite sporting gladiators. All people are already wholesomely motivated and compassionately wise at their core, but that gets overlaid by beliefs and whatever we have denied and suppressed out of conscious awareness. These include shocks and trauma, and things that give us feelings of embarrassment, shame and guilt, etc.

Anything rejected becomes subconscious, whilst remaining highly active, and continually undermines our conscious lives, and our self-esteem; whilst the conscious mind, through continued denial, rationalises and justifies the dysfunctional behaviour to themselves and others. This makes it difficult to identify actual issues, and then heal and learn from them.

Whatever is suppressed becomes of issue in a person’s life, and anything not properly dealt with will undermine and compromise their living, by restricting them into being locked inside the mainstream paradigm of common dysfunctionality, which then serves as ‘proof’ of dysfunctional human ‘nature’.

Anything that we heal from gives us insight and compassionate wisdom, which enables us to transcend our inner problems and move on to better things, even as we embrace the next level of suppression. Resolution comes from the A’s: awareness, acceptance, appreciation, accommodating and allowing, towards ourselves and others, and moves us in the direction of unconditional love.       

Communities are creations that oblige their members to face and confront their own individual dysfunctionality, as it arises in their daily interactions. Many disowned past hurts get brought into our awareness, to be accepted and integrated. Some people, not understanding the way healing works, may disown and react against their denied problems and then project them onto others. This is why the highest standards of decency, consideration and ethical conduct are crucial to successful community living, as it points people in the right direction, and maintains genuine relationships at every level on good terms, which enables joyous transformation, without pain or recriminations.

A community of equals is the best way for people to heal themselves and break out of the dead-end, left-brain mainstream paradigm of common dysfunctionality, and into whole-brain, higher levels of conscious understanding and harmonious living. This is a far more potent instrument of enlightenment and transformation than could be attained through professional therapy or sitting at the feet of a guru.



In Australia, Aboriginal people are naturally community spirited, and can make do really well, given the enormous difficulties of isolation, impoverishment and imposed, unsustainable non-solutions, such as inadequate housing, inappropriate housing in the hot arid and tropical areas, a proliferation of junk food to a captive clientele, chronic per capita under-funding, poor health care etc. In today’s breaking-down world, we may now have more to learn from them, than they have from us.

The awareness, acceptance and appreciation of Aboriginality as a valid and viable way for them to BE, will enable this community spirit to be shared, and proliferate throughout the continent. This will assist many struggling Oz communities, as they grope towards fulfilment, by assisting the re-orientating from selfish, individualised living to becoming truly community spirited.


Geoff Griffiths

[email protected]