SUNGAZING (Updated Nov. 16, 2008)
Shri Hira Ratan Manek
"Living On Sunlight" --The Art and Science of Sun Gazing as taught by Hira Ratan Manek, HRM
/pdf/Hira Ratan Manek - Living on Sunlight.pdf
Edited extr
act from the Web site: http://www.solarhealing.com
Shri Manek has researched ancient Jain and Hindu Scriptures and experimented on himself under strict medical Scrutiny to Develop a simple and scientific technique of harnessing energy from the Sun and the Earth. He lived without food, on water alone, for a prolonged period of 411 days since several years. He dedicated his life to teaching how our body can gain energy from sources other than food.People who practiced this method have observed negative emotions to drop, chronic illnesses to disappear and all obsession with food become a thing of the past.
Shri Manek’s method: Is to be practiced standing BAREFOOT on BARE EARTH. No wearing shoes, and no standing on concrete, stone or even on grass in a meadow or lawn (The grass absorbs the solar energy). One has to stand either on sand or on gravel/mud/ earth. Bare feet have to be in contact with the bare earth.Practice this in the open, in the first one hour after sunrise or the last one hour just before sunset. During this time, the sun rays are not too strong, and also the UV radiation etc. is supposed to be lower, so no harm will come to the eyes. Start by simply gazing (or rather, looking) at the sun for 10 seconds only. Do not stare or focus on the sun. Simply just look at it. No stress or strain on the face, facial muscles or eyes. Stand relaxed. No need to maintain an unblinking, unwinking stare. Blink as and when it naturally happens. During the practice, the attitude of “surrender” to the natural divine cosmic sun energy must be there, as also an “auto-suggestion” and implicit belief that this is going to help/heal/nourish you. Increase the time you gaze at the sun by ten seconds each day. In about three months time, you will be doing it for about 15 minutes. At this time, all your mental tensions, problems etc. will go away. This itself is a major thing. If this is your objective, you can stop the practice at this time and go to the “Post sun gazing practice”.
If you wish to go ahead, continue for another three months, increasing again by ten seconds each day. When you are six months into the practice, you will be somewhere around 30 minutes. At this time, all your physical ailments will also be gone. If this is your objective, you can stop the practice at this time and go to the “Post sun gazing practice”. If you wish to go ahead, continue for another three months, increasing again by ten seconds each day. When you are nine months into the practice, you will be somewhere around 44 minutes. This is the maximum. DO NOT EXCEED 44 minutes. You will find that in this period, your hunger slowly goes down until it finally disappears and you have no need for food any more.
At this time, sungazing has to be stopped and there is no need to continue the practice any more. According to Shri Manek, during the first three months, the pineal gland is getting activated, and the hypothalamus or pathway to the brain from the eye is getting charged. After that period the solar energy starts reaching your brain and charging it. After this period, the solar energy starts getting stored in each and every cell in your body. When all the cells in the body are charged there is no need to do sungazing any more. Only the post-sun-gazing practice needs to be done to recharge the body. Shri Manek says that we need a lot of energy for digestion of food and for our brain/mind, to deal with all the mental problems, depression, negative emotions etc. He says that since the sun gazing has removed all his mental problems, he is calm and cool so no energy is used/lost here. Since he is not eating any more, no energy for digestion is required either. So his energy needs are greatly reduced and he can easily meet them without needing food!
Post Sun Gazing Practice: Simply walk barefoot on bare earth for 45 minutes a day!
Conclusion: There is no urge to carry on doing sungazing for nine months until you reach 44 minutes. You can stop the practice whenever – at three months, six months etc. You will get the benefits accordingly.
If there is a problem of macular degeneration, Shri Manek suggests to do the following modified exercise: Look at the sun for a second or so. Then close your eyes and “see” the image of the sun in the “third eye” (ajna chakra – middle of the eyebrows). Keep focusing on this mental image as long as it persists. When the image goes away, open the eyes and just look at the sun once again, and then repeat the process (focus on the image with closed eyes). Repeat a third time. Do this until the image persists for about 5-6 minutes. At this time, the macular problem will be healed, and then you can do the regular practice.www.falconblanco.com/sungazing/manekji.htm[NOTE: Yes, sun gazing is possible. This article does not discuss the fact that human carbon-based cells are changing to crystalline cells, which utilizes Light for energy in 5D. This man must be advanced in his conversion to crystalline cells and holds very high frequencies. ---PHB ]