T. Anthony Michael - Online Journal Contributing Writer
Now that the genie is out of the bottle, economic, political and social events will proceed with the inexorable force of destiny. The predictions that follow do concern the unsavory business of what, positively, will not be brought into the future. This is of critical importance. Why? Because those who do not know, and understand, and heed history, are always, always forced to repeat it. Prediction #1 As we all sit back and wait for this year’s October Surprise, please know that it came a little bit early this year -- on September 15 which will forever be known as Black Monday. Actually, the entire month of October is set up to be a series of Black Mondays, as well as every other day of the week is shaping up to be. It’s really a good time to brace yourself since this year’s election cycle, and beyond, will bring with it a whole new season of surprises. Things like the beginning of the end of fiat money -- the real root cause of all our financial problems and economic ills. This foundational flaw, together with all of the multi-layered financial/economic/accounting mechanisms and schemes that have insidiously crept into the system, are the ‘not talked about’ institutionalized culprits and structural deformities that really need to go. Without them, the perps wouldn’t be so tempted to stack the deck against us all the time. The only legitimate currency is that which is backed by gold, or some other precious commodity that is universally valued, and issued directly by the US Government, not a privately owned, organized crime syndicate like the fed. Debt driven, fractional-reserve banking -- the real bane of global finance -- will then be banished from the planet forever, along with the overlords of disaster capitalism, institutionalized usury and loan-sharking (e.g. World Bank and International Monetary Fund), as well as their economic hitmen. Finally, the central organizing principle of modern society, and especially Western civilization, will no longer be maximizing shareholders’ wealth. Prediction #2: Another little surprise will come in the form of an announcement that goes something like this: The USA was conceived to be a constitutional republic, not a democracy by plutocracy. The founding fathers would be absolutely horrified to see the “mob rule by the privileged elites” into which this once great nation has degenerated. Every political philosopher knows that democracy, when sufficiently dumbed down and unduly influenced by the moneyed ruling class, will always devolve into a despotic tyranny. Therefore, the wholesale exportation of our fraudulent notion of democracy, and its supposed freedoms (to buy, buy, buy after watching the boob tube hucksters), by the political and corporate classes must be reconsidered. And it will be soon, on a new channel during this “fall” season’s new lineup! Stay tuned . . . Prediction #3 Another announcement will be made, in the not too distant future, about the business entity commonly known as the corporation -- the main huckster of this ‘brand’ of faux democracy. Surely, if the devil were to ever choose the perfect form in which to enter in order to carry out his nefarious designs, Inc. is it. Is there any other entity on earth -- person or party, organization or association, government or institution, jurisdiction or bureaucracy, club or group, fraternity or sorority, etc. -- that can function with such impunity, as it hides behind the shield of limited liability? Those two words have given complete cover for the flagrant and wanton destruction of planet Earth. You name it -- oil slicked coastlines, razed rainforests, beaches strewn with dead dolphins and whales. Not to mention the complete erosion of human, civil and national rights, wherever INC decides to set up shop. Let’s pick a country. Let’s go to India and visit Bhopal of Union Carbide fame. Close to 8,000 people died within two weeks of that December day in 1984 in what is known as the worst industrial disaster of the last century. Now that Dow Chemical owns Union Carbide, you can only imagine the veritable phalanx of attorneys who are paid unconscionable fees to ensure proper responsibility and accountability will never be assumed by their master. Or let’s visit the Punjab and talk to the thousands of widows of farmers who committed suicide because of Monsanto’s “seedless seeds.” Or go to just about anywhere on that subcontinent where a Wal-Mart is being protested for land theft, encroachment and despoilation. Let’s not forget about all the Coca Cola bottling plants that have become notorious for stealing the most precious commodity that every Indian cherishes and covets -- water. Well, that takes care of land, water, air . . . and blood. What else in heaven’s name do these stakeholders want?! We all know the deal. It’s the one where the individual, and his/her environment, is always trampled in favor of the corporate interest. Isn’t it time to really take stock of what our current predicament has left us with. Perhaps it’s also time to seriously think about actually reordering the order, instead of once again rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Like we’ve said, “optimizing stockholder profit” will soon be history, as the cease and desist orders are not far from being issued to Corporate America. Might as well get a head start on dissolving (or re-chartering) that corporation. Prediction #4 Termination of Globalization: The dominating and predatory form, that is. No other global initiative has been more unsuccessful at creating a framework for a more efficient transfer of goods and services around the planet. Truly, every aspect of this corporate inspired policy has failed miserably. Wherever it promoters trumpet its stated intention to make markets more streamlined, effective and resilient, it has done quite the opposite. One only needs to look at the current debacle within the European Union concerning the banking, credit, and stock market breakdowns. Never has a response from the appropriate governing bodies been more disorganized, full of mixed messages and working at cross-purposes with the member states. It’s like watching the Three Stooges (France, Germany and Italy) play musical chairs blindfolded with no clothes on. What an unprecedented spectacle, and in plain view for the entire world to watch! This will undoubtedly put the brakes on the concretizing of a North American Union and its planned currency -- the Amero. Praise the Lord! As a matter of fact, all of the financial unions and economic superstates (e.g. European Union; Southeast Asian Association for Regional Cooperation; Union of South American Nations) that have been created over the past many years will, by sheer necessity and desperation, be forced to reorganize themselves in the next few years. Even South America, which has two distinct camps that are constantly gummin’ up the works for each other, will abandon their current emerging model in favor of one that enjoys complete freedom from its NA taskmaster. To their credit, they have set the bar higher than it has ever been set concerning their strongly stated desire to be free of IMF and World Bank control. Only Russia has exceeded their standards, as they had already been fleeced by the oligarchs in what may very well be the grandest larceny of national wealth/resources in history. This, of course, was preceded by a 75-year scourge of incessant rape, pillaging and plundering by the Bolsheviks and their Western financiers and handlers. The ruinous influence of these two globalization thugs (IMF and WB) can be instantly assessed by looking at the economic calamities they caused in Argentina (1999-2002), as well as in Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia during the 1997 Asian currency crisis. Likewise, every nation in Africa that has chosen to take on their monetary yoke has only misery and war and financial oppression to show for it. Wherever these two Scrooges show their faces, it’s quite like Ebenezer himself showing up to make a house call. You know the patient will soon find himself in a pine box after all gold fillings and rings have been removed. We have seen this globalization scam unfold in country after country, as a ruse to steal a nation’s resources, always taking from those who have, and giving to those who want it. In fact, an objective assessment of all the world’s current conflicts would reveal that the vast majority are directly the result of this geopolitical/commercial dynamic. The privatization of water sources/bodies/supplies/rights is perhaps the most provocative and glaring, and can be found at the root of a number of these resource wars. Clearly the verdict has been delivered: Economies are much less vulnerable the more locally they are positioned and the less centralized their decision-making process. This arrangement affords much greater resiliency when dealing with the vicissitudes of the marketplace. And it takes the power away from those who are insulated in ivory towers, and far from the plight of the common man. “Think globally; Act locally.” Prediction #5 The stock market will become extinct. There is no greater tool at the disposal of those who can, and do, manipulate the various markets than the charade of “setting up” a formal system of trading, buying and selling of anything, as exemplified by the New York Stock Exchange. This is where it all happens. From devastating whole national (and regional) economies, to toppling uncooperative corporate execs, to bringing 150-year old multi-billion dollar companies to their knees within a week’s time. From triggering stockholder revolts, to propping up corporate raiders, to extorting billions from national and/or corporate treasuries, they can, and do, do it all right there on the floor of the exchange. Really, the very best example of what occurs in these speculative market exchanges is the gambling casino. In Vegas, everyone knows that the house always wins. It never loses. Even when there is the appearance of losing, it still wins. Go figure, but it’s true. Your stockbroker is not too unlike the blackjack dealer. And your financial planner is often a croupier in disguise. So, the question remains, do you honestly know what your hard earned retirement money is invested in? If not, this is a very good time to find out! For those of us who have been there, we know that whether you call it an oil bourse, a commodity exchange, or a bond market, you’re still playing in a game that can go against you at any time. Wipe out your earnings in a heartbeat; devour your principal in a flash. It’s often been said that when he comes, “he comes like a thief in the night.” Do you still feel you know where your entire life savings are currently residing? The derivatives market represents the single greatest threat to worldwide economic stability and financial security. It poses such great potential for financial abuse and economic devastation that the current institutional arrangements of this commercial realm have become completely unacceptable. The alarming proliferation of hedge funds, as well as the growing number and variety of derivative instruments, has reached a critical mass that is incompatible with living a financially sound life on planet Earth. Simply put, some of these instruments are so far from the street -- economic reality -- that they put in jeopardy all the hard work, which appears in the form of real goods and services, that is produced by any economy at any given time. This predicament signifies a clear and present danger to us all. Remember -- derivatives are the real megillah. Derivatives, by their very nature, can be highly radioactive, and can go nuclear any time circumstances conspire in just the right, or wrong, way. Those who control their destiny can, likewise, utilize their inherent threat as a means of conduct, completely under the radar screen, of financial/economic terrorism. It’s time for them to go. And we trust it’s just a matter of execution at this point. Prediction #6 Mass Consumerism and Perpetual Economic Growth -- the Frick and Frack of our age -- are history. One need not look any farther than the inside of one’s own home to see the ravages of these adopted twins. They own the bedroom, the living room, the family room and all the closets. They’ve taken over the kitchen, the den and the garage, as well. Since their middle names are Amass and Accumulate, we can only imagine what might lay hidden in the attic, the basement and the shed. Ever since they became the twin pillars of Kali Yuga’s overarching philosophy of life, things started to really go to hell in a handbasket . . . or rather gilded cage. How so? What else could one expect from a political economy that demands growth, necessitates growth and extols the virtues of growth at every turn (and on every other commercial and newscast). Growth at the expense of what? We’ll tell you what -- life! One of the most tragic parts of this ever-unfolding tragedy has been the dramatic change in the spirit of the people with whom these twins associate. The very society loses its refinement, as the culture becomes debased. Aren’t so many things associated with Americana experienced as coarse, and crude? Likewise, the nation, which was once known as the “land of the free; home of the brave,” morphs into a country reviled for its unkindness, lack of compassion and cruelty. Before anyone realizes, the citizenry is easily being herded, and then stampeded, into wars and conflicts of every sort and kind. What else could be expected when the meme of consumerism is subliminally implanted at such a young and tender age, and relentlessly reinforced from cradle to grave? And, what does it really say about a society when all who belong to it are known as consumers? Kind of like little Pac-Men (and Pac-Women) gobbling up everything in sight. It starts out with Big Macs and 24 oz Cokes, then super-sized Hummers, then oil fields and gold mines and precious rainforests, and then whole countries. Likewise, in the corporate realm, any board director, company officer, division president, regional director, department manager, production supervisor, etc., will candidly speak to the greatest pressure in their lives. More sales, more profit, more production, more revenue -- anything that will show an increase in year over year growth. Always gotta grow, even though you’ve been out of puberty for 20 or 30 years! Well, you can imagine that this state of affairs can only go on for so long. As a matter of fact, this party is now over. And the hangover is about to begin. Perhaps it’s time to send these twins on a permanent vacation to the waterless region. Prediction #7 There is a very profound and significant connection between 9/11/01 and 9/11/08 that may be difficult for many to fully embrace. But here it goes – The omen that 911 truly was, looks a little bit like, The Lord of The Rings. Remember the Twin Towers? When they came down in New York City, it was a message to humankind that the reign of the Almighty Dollar was coming to an end. As a nation’s currency goes, so goes its destiny. Her financial strength and economic prowess was on the wane, and soon to be greatly diminished. Just as the WTC (financial capital of the world) was pulverized into dust, the US dollar would be swept into the ash heap of history. Just as we see it collapsing all around us, exactly seven years after the original 911 apocalyptic events. When the Ring of Power was finally destroyed, like the Pentagon (ring-shaped command center of the military-industrial complex) was mortally wounded and damaged, the message was equally clear. Her military might and superior force would be reduced to rubble in the twinkling of an eye. She would, likewise, soon see the demise of Her all-pervasive state sponsored terrorism. This, because she had lost all moral ascendancy. Besides, the empire could no longer be sustained politically, financially, practically or ethically, as the seeds of its own destruction had fully sprouted. The most fatal seed grew into that extremely corrupt and predatory form of corporate, crony capitalism which was so socially unconscious, and so environmentally unaware, it was quite doomed from the very beginning. The good news is that this nation -- its people -- will now be compelled to beat their “swords into plowshares” and their “spears into pruning hooks.” Just as the Phoenix rose from its ashes, so too will America ascend to even greater heights, as long as she ascends with the guidance of the highest of ideals, loftiest of principles and noblest of intentions. And she reforms, and transforms Herself, in good faith, in earnest and with haste.