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1670 Divine Message Foretells Omegans on Earth

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In the year 1670 Anno Domini, a Saint called Saint Alphonsus de` Liguori of Italy conversed with the Lord daily and was instructed on how to tell people to come to his door and open it unto God for petitions!  Said the Blessed Lord to him,  \"Alphonsus, say to them that by faith, and love of thy brothers and thy sisters with a contrite heart, humble with no pride left within your soul will my Father and yours answer all who come to Him.  Tell them that of all the virtues love of thy fellow man is second to love of Him that please Him most.\"

In future times man will loose this precious gift because the world and all its prideful virtues will overcome them, consume them, and hearts will wax cold.  Before my second coming my Father and yours will raise up a mighty army of the faithful to deal a mighty blow to the cruel and greedy men of this world.  He will pour out a mighty gift upon His little ones who will change the world for the betterment of all mankind, and the greedy men will know He is The Mighty One of old and The Mighty One of those times to come.  In those days they will hide their faces from His Mighty Light and seek refuge in the darkness of the dark prince of this world. 

Blessed are His children who come to serve Him and lay before the gifts given to them.  He will encamp a Mighty Angelic Army with swords of fire to protect them.  I am the Alpha & the Omega.  In those days He will call those children His Omegans.\"

God Bless You

From:  [email protected]