THE ROSWELL ROCK: An Interpretation
[NOTE: Dear Reader: The writer (Zeropoint) of this article has not gone far enough in research, and has totally missed the most important fundamental source of Truth in our time, The Phoenix Journals. The final question is asked, "Why don't Aliens, or God for that matter, just tell us in plain English about these life and death matters?"
My point is, God has, but so few are willing to acknowledge it. ---PHB ]
The Roswell rock has the following 12 characteristics, all of which are highly symbolic:
Dark red color
Discovered by a hunter, accidentally following goat tracks instead of deer tracks, in 2004. This hunter had to double back to get the rock.
Was discovered peaking out of the sand as if dropped from space.
Gentle triangular shape
Made of iron ferrite
Two sided, with two poles, each with different magnetic properties, one "dead" and the other "alive".
Found in Roswell, NM., famous for its Alien visitations.
Has a raised design on one side which is not a bass relief, but an alchemical addition that was apparently lifted out of the original rock face! This is very unusual and perhaps a “one of a kind miracle” by our technology.
A matching crop circle on another continent, dated from 1996, found in the UK which is known world wide for it‘s indecipherable crop circles. A crop circle precisely matching a petroglyph is also a one of a kind phenomena to my knowledge. Furthermore, the UK is often referred to as a remnant of Atlantis which was supposedly sunk by earth changes.
The design on the rock is basically 11 intersecting circles that form three separate but related symbols or systems, as follows. The relations of these circles follow the arcane rules of sacred geometry, golden mean ratios, and Fibonacci spirals.
The top symbol is a Tai Chi showing positive and negative phases of an identical solar system, represented by two planets rotating around a larger sun. The two rotating planets are light and dark indicating that these are positive and negative as well. This design also can appear like a planet and a moon, or a moon going through phases, or even an eclipse. Still others see a potential energy device or engine of some sort, but I’m not clear as to why Aliens would send a message about moon phases, eclipses, or motors? That would be too trivial.
Underneath, or in the background, of the Tai Chi solar system are two other symbols that look like the CBS television logo of an eye, or the Vesica Piscis that is often used to represent Christ, or the Christian symbol of the fish. This symbol is used in different ways around the world, but usually it refers to: a) The galactic center of our solar system, and b) the all seeing “eye of God” which doubles as the cosmic center of the entire universe, i.e. where the big bang supposedly began. The Tai Chi symbol is also composed of two fishes chasing each other's tails, and this same fish or whale symbol is heavily used in the books I mention in a second here.
With these 12 facts, or should I say “tracks“, the human family needs to pick up the trail where the Roswell deer hunter left off. What are the symbols and circumstances of this strange rock suggesting to us about our own planetary situation? What message could possibly be worthy of two separate Alien visitations, producing two bizarre artifacts, on two separate continents, just 8 years apart, at this particular time in history? It must be significant, whatever it is. Everyone should take part in this hunt for the truth, for it is a message to us all.
The message that I see in the rock is very significant. And not too pleasant either. It is a dire warning about our solar system going through a very critical and dangerous phase that I call “solar rebooting”. The theory of solar rebooting was first advanced by Dr. Willy Gaspar in his two new books entitled the Celestial Clock and more recently The Sacred Marriage.
The Gaspar Theory, or solar rebooting theory, is simple enough to express, but mastering all the evidence for it is really a chore because it involves not only a good understanding astrophysics, but geology, ice ages, ice core science, astronomy, sacred geometry, Egyptian culture and its hieroglyphics, Sumerian and Hebrew and many other ancient cultures, mysticism, the etymology of ancient languages, the oral traditions and sacred scriptures of Taoism, Hinduism, Kabala, and various mystery schools, a good understanding of the mechanical and electrical theory of dynamos, both modern and ancient astrology, and the eternal battle between the Nephilim and the Elohim which has forced this knowledge underground and buried it in obscure symbols. Whew! Now there’s 10 years of reading for you!
The Gaspar theory of Solar rebooting simply stated says that the sun is not just on an 11 year cycle of sun spots, but also an 11,600 year cycle of “rebooting“. We all know how to reboot a computer by switching it off and on, and we hate to do it because data can be lost. But what if our sun is periodically rebooted to reset and refresh it’s electromagnetic field? And then it switches direction to satisfy the larger polarities, and balanced spinning, of our Yin / Yang universe that the Ancient Taoists discovered?
The reason this possibility should concern us is because this rebooting process can wreak havoc on the earth and is possibly responsible for many ancient earth changes, like: pole shifts, mega floods, continent sinking, earthquakes, and extreme volcanism. This is the essence of the Gaspar theory, and I think this theory is supported by the symbols we find on the Roswell Rock and its sister crop circle.
On the rock, in the background, we have the symbol for all the all seeing eye of God, representing the universal center, and what mystics all the “Great Central Sun“ or the start of the Big Bang. Conjoined with that, we see a well known symbol for our Galactic Sun, representing the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. On top of these two symbols we see the positive and negative phases of a solar system, like ours. And, of course the Roswell rock was found on our Earth, not some other planet.
If the Rock and crop circles are true expressions of higher intelligence, and not faked in anyway, shouldn’t we expect a real message from them, one that is both timely and important?
Dr. Gaspar shows in his books how the Great Central Sun, and our Galaxy Sun, and our Solar System Sun, are all linked in sequence by electro magnetism. He goes on to show, as best our science can, that this is an integrated system that is controlled by a host of bodies in space and tracked meticulously by the ancients in their astronomy and astrology. Their knowledge about the rebooting of the Sun, often referred to as a “day” of awe and judgment and reckoning “ was embedded in the sacred texts and ceremonies of their ancient cultures and largely forgotten over time. But that doesn’t mean the problem of the sun rebooting every 11.600 years has gone away. The next rebooting time corresponds with 2012. This rebooting is a natural part of the cycle of precession, as well. Will it happen again?
Another scientist that concurs with Gaspar is Joseph Newman. Mr. Newman approaches this same problem from a completely different angle. Mr. Newman is an expert on electromagnetic fields and has experimented with these almost his life. He is the sole inventor of the first back EMF energy generator that many scientists have supported on record. He has a practical, hands on approach, that seems to have escaped his text book competitors. On various You tube videos he shows an actual picture of a sun eruption. The picture was captured by NASA by accident. This truly huge eruption was apparently caused by the star’s electromagnetic field collapsing. If such an eruption ever exploded out of our sun and hit the earth, it would likely fry the earth. Gaspar finds evidence that this actually happened on our planet which would indicate that all stars may do this periodically, perhaps on a natural cycle, perhaps on an 11,600 year cycle that is coming due, soon.
Newman uses practical, experimental evidence to indicate that our Sun has already entered the rebooting phase in preparation of the 2012 solar system polarity shift. Supposedly there have been unusual solar storms on out lying planets as the field gradually collapses, and asteroids have disappeared from their usual orbits. During this shift we may have a dead sun for a few weeks, and then a major sun eruption that scares the hell out of people. What then follows is scary: there is a severe lack of gravity resulting in asteroids losing orbit and hitting us, then comes the re-alignment, and random floating, of the iron ( magnetic) core of the earth, then serious adjustments in the plate tectonics of our planet, mega-volcanism resulting in boiling red oceans, then some sort of brief nuclear winter, then tsunamis from earthquakes and sloshing oceans, then perhaps: inconceivable storms from cold and warm fronts getting rammed together. This would certainly produce the dire prophesies of Edgar Cayce and other well know psychics, not to mention conditions ripe for desperate, antichrist figures.
On the upside, what all this havoc amounts to, is an automatic “self cleaning mechanism” for the Earth, or a “cosmic crop rotation” procedure that keeps our planet vital . The earth would emerge fresh, bright and new for those who survive. And there would be a “new heavens“, too, because the constellations would be in a new relationship to our geography. The Koran specifically prophesies that after the day of judgment, the sun will rise in the West. We can see on the Roswell Rock that the direction of the rotation of the planets around the "sun" seems to reverse in just this way. Note that the solar system symbol is not a mirror image, but a reversed, or inverted, image.
On the downside of a solar reboot, is the possibly that 90% of the Earth’s population could be wiped out.
I say this because if the solar eruption doesn’t fry you, the pole shift could freeze you. If the earthquakes don’t bury you, the tsunamis could drowned you. If the volcanoes don’t suffocate you, the nuclear winter might starve you. If you get through all that, the lawless hordes might kill you for your food or your gun. You get the picture.
The Bible talks about the oceans turning to blood and the mysterious wormwood asteroid hitting us, etc. The Hindu belief in Shiva tells of a feminine cosmic destroyer and rebuilder, and the bulk of early Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Kolbrin Bible also underscore a period of fearful, cleansing chaos from Mother Earth. Although many today think these things will be caused by the return of the brown dwarf sun/planet Nibiru. I don’t see this happening. The problem with Nibiru is that no one can ever find it! Yet it is supposed to be huge, massive, and within striking distance. Independent, amateur astronomers have not confirmed Nibiru for 2012.
If our beloved Sun -- the object of so much ancient worship -- does reboot, there will be very few places to run. It may be easier to just let your life go and reincarnate under better circumstances. A remote area, in a very stable cave, well above sea level, well insulated, with lots of books and 5 years of food is the best defense against solar reboots.
In summary: The 12 characteristics of the Roswell rock should take on new meaning at this point. Can you see how each is hugely symbolic? Did I forget anything? Hint: the dark red color of the rock is the mystical color of the Divine Mother‘s energy, Mother earth, Native Americans -the rightful inheritors of this planet, and also of the iron in the rock, and the magnetic core of the earth. The triangular shape points to the three known suns acting in unison to produce the cleansing effects of solar rebooting. The dead polarity of one side of the rock (visible with a compass) and the spinning polarity of the other side may indicate the two possible states of the Sun: ON and spinning / or DEAD and rebooting. All 12 characteristics and circumstances, without exception, surrounding the Roswell Rock, can be seen as pointing toward the solar reboot theory.
But are we sure enough to take action? There is much more information in the books and videos of Willy Gaspar and Joseph Newman, and I’m sure others are speaking out also. Another smart researcher named Richard Merrick also has many useful postings discussing the sacred geometry of the Roswell Rock.
I rather doubt that governments and NASA will be talking up this theory anytime soon! Yet the ancients and the especially the Egyptians talked about it constantly, given their inscriptions on so many tombs and temples. Who are we going to follow here? The comic book glyphs and cosmic stories of ancient eye witnesses; or the patchy, overly cautious, science of modern astronomy and astrophysics? This is actually a tough decision!
A final question might be: Why don’t Aliens, or God for that matter, just tell us in plain English about these life and death matters? The answer to this is probably that have too much karma, and we need to prove ourselves, and that God insists on being discovered by the few diligent seekers while all the rest can go to hell for a while, as far as She/He is concerned. Therefore hints maybe all we’re gonna get. So, we must be careful not to get caught following goat tracks instead of the real “game“ like the hunter who was synchronously led to the Roswell Rock, the big clue, craved in stone like the 10 commands.
Drunello Melchizadek, a popular new age author, tells a far out story about a woman who heard a voice that told her to take a rock, that she found on a forsaken beach, to him. The woman presented it to him after a seminar and it turned out to be highly symbolic and conformational of his work. So perhaps it is not unusual for "God, or somebody up there" to use objects from everyday life to reveal deeper mysteries and directions.
I submit these ideas to the human family with the hope that other researchers will continue exploring and commenting on these possibilities. There is way too much going on here for any one researcher to master, we should join together and work through this. If we all go down, at least we go down helping each other.