Understanding the New Age Children
Alcuin Bramerton
It is becoming apparent that all over the world children are being born now who are more advanced, spiritually, than most adults.
Many of these children have psychic or clairvoyant powers. They can see people who their elders and betters say are not there. Their invisible friends are more important to them than their parents. They live simultaneously in full waking consciousness in more than one dimension or reality. Benign extraterrestrials are their confidantes and helpers. They carry clear recollections of past and future lives. They are healers and they are knowers. Some, like Channie Centara, are not only human beings, they are simultaneously angels and benign extraterrestrials as well.
Some of these children have strange eyes. Light comes out of them, pale blue light sometimes, directed light. Some of them have very old, wise-looking, deep-seeing eyes. When their brains are scanned, unusual electrical activity is observed. They communicate with each other telepathically. They are creative. They love animals, flowers, water and crystals. They prefer to wear nothing on their feet. They prefer outdoors to indoors. They loathe the smell of television.
The New Age children among us are free at the level of spirit. And they feel no fear. They hate the psychology of control and they therefore hate school, they hate religion, and they hate our meat-fixated prescribed diets. Some do not need to eat or drink at all.
The Western educational establishment responds to these children as enemies. They are stigmatised as having behavioural special needs, their approach to life has new disease-names invented for it, and they are drugged stupid with Ritalin and other child-poisons to avoid embarrassing the received orthodoxies of adult normality. Orthodox religion says they are possessed by evil spirits. Dieticians say they will die of malnutrition.
Because the New Age children are free and fearless, they do not hesitate to controvert the control systems they are made victims of. They are not afraid to rebel, to misbehave, to be awkward or disobedient if their personal spaces are invaded by grown-ups or removed by institutions trying to cure them.
Often they do not concentrate in class because they cannot concentrate in class. They are being distracted by psychic experiences. They are doing more important work in the universe next door.
Often they get deeply frustrated with educational tasks which do not require, or applaud, creative thought. They get deeply frustrated when their linguistic creativity is rubbished as being dyslexic, ungrammatical or rude.
Because they feel no fear, they sometimes play truant from school and from home. Because they feel no fear, they sometimes deliberately become pregnant in early puberty to demonstrate their freedom and to exercise their creativity. Because they feel no fear, they sometimes commit suicide if their parents and schools prove to be unsatisfactory nurturers.
These children are here to smash up the system. We need their help and we need their teaching. They are wise beyond our imagining. They will help us to build new systems built on freedom, creativity and sharing. They will teach us how not to feel fear. They will teach us to be free. They are not only the children of the New Age, they are the creators of the New Age.
The benign extraterrestrials who assist human evolution on Earth sometimes talk about the New Age Children. For example, on the 9th July 2008, a Sirian called SaLuSa, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation said: "There will be so much that you want to know once we can meet you, and there will be no lack of communication on our part. We have our plans in full readiness for your enlightenment, and a number of different forms of communication will be used. We wish to reach as many people as possible even in remote areas, and have the technology to do so. There are also large numbers of illuminated souls that have specifically joined you upon Earth for such an occasion. They are largely amongst your younger people, and they are already aware of their mission. They have the eyes with which to see where Man has gone wrong, but more importantly the answers to put it right. Take notice of your young people as many are speaking words of wisdom. They are advanced souls who have come from the higher levels where your destiny lies. The Earth has little to teach them, and they bring great love and compassion to lead you out of the dark into the Light ...." The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 09.07.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here.