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After the 4th of July Thoughts
Rod Remelin
Last night I went to a 4th of July Fireworks display at my small towns high school. At first I didn't think to much of what was going on after taking my seat, just before the show started, but felt something peculiar to this 4th of July gathering that I had never remembered feeling in past ones. There was a feeling of question in the air -- mind you it was not on the peoples faces, nor was it in their muted conversations as the fireworks were going off, it was however in the posture of their bodies as they faced the direction of the fireworks in the sky.
When people are on the verge of waking up, at times stirred by unseen forces causing them to become more reflective, less sure of themselves, and generally unsettled inside, they will mirror that state of mind back into the world around them -- but generally not anymore knowing of the fact that they are, then they are of their own state of mind at that particular moment.
As I looked around me, by this time having been alerted to what was going on within the people present, I got the impression that many were unsure of the reason that they were there, and what the point was to this pyrotechnic display in the sky above them. Some of you on my e-mail list might think after this remark the average U.S. Citizen not capable of such unguarded retrospective thought, and I assure you at the time I was most incredulous myself about whether or not to conclude such a improbability --nevertheless the sense of that very well being the case was indeed taking place right before me.
When I awoke this morning -- the morning after witnessing what I now view as a local micro-awakening, I began to consider the ramifications of what I had been shown the previous evening.
My first thought was that something has happened in the last year, in spite of all artificially induced factors to the contrary, which might very well indicate the possibility of having occurred some form of mass DNA re-sequencing, or quite possibly connections being made between helixes that were not there before, thus causing to take place within the subject host a differing projection and view of not only their reality, but of the world in general. Could this be true, could the human race in light of every facet of their lives being continually subjected to discord, mass mind control and blunt head trauma, be developing, from the standpoint of their own DNA, overrides to this constant barrage of assaults ?
If this is true, and our DNA really is in the process of getting a much needed upgrade to at least 1.1, it might explain why the world around us at this time, seems so highly polarized, and by that I mean extremes on both ends of the spectrum, causing tug-o-wars not only within the individual, but entire nations as well. Furthermore, if the human race is getting it's DNA upgraded, by whatever forces unseen or otherwise, then it means that their might be the capacity in the not-to-distant future, for the average human to not only have the ability to negate their perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, but to suddenly have it within themselves, the knowledge of how to reroute and by-pass, undesirable, low-order impulsing.
Can you imagine a nation of people that start exhibiting heretofore latent abilities for intuitive insight, and reasoning, that suddenly have the acumen for discerning fact from fiction, along with the moral compass to know right from wrong, and the courage to act?
"The implications are mind boggling. . . to say the least"
Rod Remelin