Voting for Obama?
Forgetting voluntarily my intuition as well as the information available psychically, I spent several hours reading works and skimming the internet to find new, coherent information on Barack Obama.
First of all, is it imaginable to find the secrets of a politician spread out on the front page of a newspaper or in the blogs? However, it had to be attempted, and more importantly, I had to focus my attention on this subject, however tortuous.
It must be reminded, especially for the Europeans, that the American People do not directly elect its Presidents (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Electoral_College).
The President is elected by an Electoral College, which is at the mercy of the financial and political imbroglios, and therefore open to all kinds of corruption.
To know in which basket one should put his eggs, the poor John Doe—considering that his vote isn’t automatically rejected by regional wheeling and dealing, or by some earthy electoral law that spews out from the brain of some lawyer paid by the local party—must still calculate whether his voice has a small chance of weighing in on the balance.
So, who to vote for?
Mr. Obama’s personality:
What strikes me is the stiffness, the coldness of his ego, both of which can only be equaled by his stature. Mr. Obama savors the power, welcoming it with open arms. Look at him. His wife’s ego is even more affirmed, assorted with anger, if not spite for anything that does not resemble her or comply. What a couple!
Here is a man whose intelligence and will power could surely be useful in the United States. However, does Obama want to serve the United States, or is he responding to his visceral need to take power, which exacerbates his cold conniving aspect?
For how many years has he been preparing, surrounding himself? Has he chosen his friends, his church and his collaborators to win the presidential elections? We can easily imagine him surfing in the upstart milieu to locate the most avid, recruit the most malleable.
Can you believe for one instant that he has reached such a place by miracle, like some innocent child? Has he been picked out by the temporary masters of the world, like Hitler or Schwarzenegger were, to endorse the role of an agent of chaos? With which lodges, international trusts, banks and insurance companies, Muslim countries and which corrupted leaders has he formed alliances? Finding them and listing them out is not the most important.
The biggest problem of this drama playing out in the United States comes from what Mr. Obama is, and especially the frenetic need of the American People to believe him at all costs
Mister feelgood lies continually. Yes, all politicians lie. But he has the audacity to claim that he is different from the others and that he can change the fate and future of Americans. And his electorate has the weakness or the foolishness to believe him at all costs. His wannabe electors, his fans, started out by letting their ears and emotional bodies be fooled by his lullabies. Obama spoke like a high school poet to high school kids thrilled to dream and rhyme in unison, incapable of seeing the real situation and trying to persuade themselves that they will change the world their way.
Of course, the world advances, however slowly, except when the gods get involved.
The American people needs to believe that it is capable of living in peace, that it is great and open because it accepts a dark skinned president. It needs to believe that it is capable of changing, of creating a just and prosperous society, of stopping to drug itself to escape reality and the international finance’s netting. It needs to believe that the American system has avoided the global corruption, or that it can get out of it by some miracle. It is better to continue turning in circles, evoking the same cookie cutter themes rather than making a decision to reject the entire system and unmask it publicly. But, besides the euphoria of the general elections, do the citizens (Americans and Westerners) have the courage to read a book, instruct themselves, stop using their credit cards and antidepressants and accept that the messages screamed out by the movies are reality rather than fiction?
Barak Obama is not as clear as the Hollywood producers. He does not mention a world government, nor the censored Media or the manipulation of the oil price. Yet, do children fond of fairy tails have the need or desire to hear about the catastrophic state of the global economy, of the momentary failure of globalization, of the suffering of the planetary Consciousness or of the corruption eating away the system and its individuals?
Obama coldly waits—between two bodyguards and three insurers—for the result of his dazzling passage in United States history. The comets pass, make sparks and melt inexorably into the night to which they belong.
When will the American People wake from their slumber and state of emotional immaturity? “I have a dream”, Kennedy and Camelot, Hollywood and Schwarzenegger, hamburgers, Starbucks, money. Looking good. Health food and the Dalai Lama for those that wish to show their openness, all while maintaining their old habits.
Still, the United States distinguishes itself from other countries for two reasons:
-Because of its position in the Divine Plan. On this, nothing must be repeated. Amen.
-The North American continent is, despite what we want to think, the land on which the theories and vibration of human liberty, more appropriate to the terrestrial future than Europe, have been anchored. It is the continent on which the expansion, the fusion of the peoples and the possibilities of manifestation have been initiated to be diffused the world over.
Europe is eroding under the hypocrisy, the weight of its past and the magnificence enclosed within its cathedrals. In this article I will avoid doing a world tour so as to leave you with some illusions.
We therefore need to come back to the essence of the American dream, still alive in Nature, in its national parks, young, powerful, all of which still encrusted with Life and Divine beauty. One must anchor himself in the creative and conscious vision of a new spiritual society in which everyone can live, express themselves, and exchange with each other without having to run over the other to achieve to their ends.
Europe and France participated in the construction of the mental planetary body. They gave birth to the great philosophical movements. However, the mental body—which individuals must also build on their energy structures—becomes a trap if the individual cuts himself off form the soul, from one’s spiritual Self. This is what happened in Europe once the intellectuals forgot God and the need of a fusion between Him and mankind, of a political policy impregnated with the Divine Presence? Because Man cannot refuse God.
By refusing God, we turn our backs to the Essence, to the Vital Force. By gorging itself with the separation of Church and State, France has lost its soul, and developing countries have sunk their armies and elites in rottenness and corruption.
Obviously, we are not talking of going back to an infantile religion based, once more, on lies created 16 centuries ago to make up for human immaturity. We are talking about finding an equilibrium, between intelligence, knowledge and the Divine call.
Is a change possible, or is it simply a dream? It is possible, if we transmute the unconscious dream into a creative vision, carried into the mind and hearts of individuals dedicated to serving the Divine Plan and the Planet.
Yes, if the United States, if the individuals put themselves in harmony with the Divine Thought, with their soul, without complacency (See Chapter “be impeccable”. Manifestations. Conversations with Archangel Michael).
Therefore, what is the solution: PRACTICE, PRACTICE, WORK (Meditation, alignment techniques, cleaning techniques related to your extensions/parallel lives).
Then, if your Mind, at one with your Spiritual Self, becomes strong, capable of manifesting, then it will participate in the creation of the world’s future. You will no longer be the toy of those that create and lead, but rather an apprentice-creator.
By opening up your eyes, by improving in your daily lives, you will change the state of mankind. You will impose new decisions and new leaders. New Leaders are emerging; ready to serve you, to guide you towards a different world. Are you ready to receive them and work with them?
The voice that you must hear is not that of Barack Obama, which is human, honey like and false, but rather that of the Divine and its Ambassadors. For, only the Divine Verb is irrevocable. The Divine Consciousness manifests itself as soon as it expresses itself, It Is, by Essence and cannot fail. Do you hear this voice?
Anchor your Divine I Am Presence: