Why Is This Man Smiling?
Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine
Why am I smiling?
I am smiling because I can look into the camera and see myself getting healthier.
My detox efforts have yielded gentle and firm results over time.
I have seen my Light become brighter by living both thoughtfully and heartfully as I am designed to do.
I believe strongly in the sense of intuition....as I comprehend the human body as an electrical system in a multidimensional universe, I am rewarded with the gifts that this understanding brings me.
The Universe wants me to understand myself, so that I can magnetize and focus my Love in a self-guided yet collaborative effort along with higher spiritually developed beings who have come to planet Earth at this time.
I can't help but notice my own skin becoming healthier, my eyes brighter....I'm celebrating "me" right now, so that you can see how I've progressed over the years.
Now on this planet, the rules are changed, now you will attract as much abundance as the Light that you shine.
Yeah the earth is being clouded with chemtrails, however I'm regularly detoxing from chemtrails with ionic foot baths (I manufacture the plates in Saskatoon), living food, pure lifestyle, plenty of rest and magnetized water.
I've left a pretty thick digital trail so that you can follow my journey from 3D to the fifth dimension.....if you visit my website at http:/www.indianinthemachine.com/index2.html along the way you will see the sky spirits, the cloudships, messages from Archangel Michael and the Galactic Federation of Light, Indian in the machine music and videos and more.
Thank you for creating conditions for a gorgeous transformation of our planet Gaia, by seeing yourself and everything as perfection (for if you cannot not, then how will you move on to higher vibrations?)
Indian in the machine