Drill Baby, Drill . . .
Mat Staver
A meme on social media says: “Pretty excited. Our loan was approved. We’re closing on a full tank of gas.” Yesterday, I was shocked by how much it cost to fill my tank. Gas prices reached an all-time high!
On Day One, Joe Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline. Now he wants to buy oil from countries that hate us.
But there is a better option. A U.S. Senate bill will end Biden’s ability to block the Keystone Pipeline and open the path for energy production in America. America is rich in oil and natural gas and must become energy independent again. This will strengthen our economy, create new jobs and keep us strong internationally.
But Biden thinks HE has a better plan. He wants to enrich the dictators that despise us, like Iran (which has called America “The Great Satan”) and Venezuela, which is a communist country that already has Iranian missiles able to reach American soil.
This is insane!
Legislators in D.C. must be flooded with messages of support for Sen. Ted Cruz’s bill and other efforts for our nation to be self-reliant. Urge our federal legislators to demand energy independence today. — Mat
Biden is toying with breaking longstanding sanctions against Venezuela’s brutal communist dictator President Nicolás Maduro.
Venezuela is the first nation in the Western Hemisphere with Iranian-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of dropping bombs. This technology is stationed in the northeast corner of South America, less than 1,300 miles from Miami.
These UAVs include “thousands of unmanned systems, which are designed to gather intelligence, and to strike surface or air targets, either by launching missiles and bombs, or conducting a suicide explosive attack by diving into the target.”
“Ultimately, the Iranians have marked out Venezuela as a potential base for some sort of activity against the U.S. in the future,” said Major Tal Beeri, head of the research department at the Alma Research and Education Center and a former member of the Israel Defense Forces’ Military Intelligence Directorate.
“Even if they do not actually act from it, in Iran’s strategic view, merely having a presence there is a threat to the United States.”
The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, even claims that Venezuela is, at least symbolically, part of its radicalized Shi’ite axis. Beeri told reporters, “The Venezuelan regime, like Iran, is isolated. They share common interests and foster ties. Iran has clear economic and military interests in the country.”
Venezuela is both philosophically opposed, and physically threatening, to America. Why is Biden rushing to pay millions of dollars to this nation’s communist dictator when America already has these natural resources?
We must throw off the shackles of our dependency on nations that despise us. Biden’s actions are escalating an already serious threat to America.
Demand that Congress protect America and allow us to create American self-reliance. STOP Biden’s bad decisions and support Sen. Cruz’s bill and all actions to create natural gas and energy independence with your faxes today.
America cannot become dependent on Venezuela or Iran.
Legislators in D.C. need to be flooded with messages of support for Sen. Cruz’s bill and other efforts like supplying natural gas so our nation can be self-reliant. Urge our federal legislators to demand energy independence today.
We are fighting for much more than energy independence.
Today, I’m back in court representing military members against Biden’s forced COVID shot mandates. We were able to help expose how we caught the Navy lying about people of faith.
The Navy professed that it had lost confidence in a ship’s commanding officer because of his vaccine status and claimed that to keep him in command, while not injected, would force them to park the ship.
However, when this lie was filed in court, the commander was on board the ship far out to sea for two weeks of maneuvers, testing and training for military readiness. The ship returned to port on Friday, March 4, after having completed the military drills assigned to it … and after the military claimed the ship could not be deployed unless every sailor had the jab. This is not the first time we caught Joe Biden’s Department of Defense lying.
This reeks of petty retaliation and contempt for people of faith. And I am once again in court to stand with these brave men and women and fight for their religious freedom. But I cannot fight these battles alone. Please consider giving today and having the impact of your gift DOUBLED through our 2022 Challenge Grant. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.
God bless you!
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Biden, Joseph. 2022. “Live Video Press Conference.” The White House. March 8, 2022. Whitehouse.gov/live/.
Cruz, Ted. 2022. “Energy Freedom Act.” Cruz.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/energy_freedom_act.pdf.
Lappin, Yaakov. “Iranian-Made UAVs Are in Venezuela, 1,200 Miles from Miami’s Skyscrapers, Expert Reveals.” Jewish News Syndicate, December 29, 2021. Jns.org/iranian-made-uavs-are-in-venezuela-1200-miles-from-miamis-skyscrapers-expert-reveals/.
Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
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PO Box 540629
Orlando, FL 32854