The Unhived Mind
June 22 2014
AMD possibly not safe
Russia will be replacing all the AMD and INTEL processors used in government offices with their own locally made chip. I do not know if they themselves got ahold of special information regarding AMD and deemed them unsafe, but they will be switching over to locally made processors just like China did. And I bet they are trash, but it is better to have things be safe than glitzy.
I will be looking into this, to get the performance stats on that processor.
The processor is an 8 core processor at 64 bits clocked at 2 ghz, loosely based on ARM. That will be superior to any homegrown processor China has. It is designed to be a system on a chip, which means the processor will handle everything including video. The operating system will be, as was with China, a Linux/Unix variant. How powerful could this chip end up being? With only two cores it might compete with a modern Intel Atom. If 8 cores are properly utilized, my guess is that it might be as powerful as an I3, but not more. One thing is certain, Russia will not be suffering with this chip, it is virtually assured to be powerful enough to be a middle of the road processor from either Intel or Amd. Quite a surprise I would say. If it ends up being cheap, Russia might be able to market it abroad.
A 16 core version is due in 2016. Surprisingly, Russia will manage to do this on a 28 nm die, which is quite advanced. It will be called the Baikal processor, and be made by Baikal electronics. If Russia pulls this one off, the NSA may end up having a reason to weep.
theunhivedmind says:
Latest Intel Core Vpro chipsets are an NSA’s dream and your spying nightmare
6 Responses to Latest Intel Core Vpro chipsets are an NSA’s dream and your spying nightmare
- TheUnhivedMind says:
You can still purchase i3/6/7 processors but you must make sure they are not the Core Vpro high end processors which right now seem to be aimed at the business sector, I wonder why? A little espionage anyone? I would strongly suggest you purchase an i7 processor now whilst you can or a few of them and expect that to be your last computer unless you can shield out the transmission of the 3g by a Faraday cage type method or by disabling it completely.
The only other ways around this would be to use the AMD processors if they do not carry similar technology or you can look at buying an Amiga X-1000 type machine by A-Eon Technology using modern Power-PC chips which definitely do not contain spy ware or microwave radiation.
The article is wrong I believe by telling you that even with the computer having no power it will still transmit using the 3g wireless system inbuilt. Even 3g has to have a power source to exist and if there is no power it cannot work but this would mean making sure that no wall-plug socket is placed in the electrical outlet socket on the wall regardless of the machine being physically switched on or not. The idea is not to let any juice sit in the machine. Take for instance the Asrock motherboards with the instant boot system to load up Windows instantly. This needed the computer always plugged in thus acting as a standby. Unfortunately leaving things on standby is needed to prolong their life, one of the reasons they tell you to switch off machines now under the guise of cost and environment. No the reason they tell you to switch off is so your electronics get hot, cold, hot and cold and thus solder joints and metallic components fail quicker just aiding the consumerism and the planned obsolescence agenda. Also make sure there is no motherboard battery being used to backup power this processor.
Do not rush to throw out older PCs which may aid you still in the future with more optimized operating system like Amiga OS4 and Linux (Crunchbang, Puppy, Archbang) etc. Stay one step ahead of these vermin daily. If you do not use wifi they are now forcing you to have the military microwave weaponry regardless with these chip sets. I suggest you study microwave weapon expert, Barrie Trower for more information on the negative effects of such technology.
Strongly support independent systems like the Amiga X-1000 and men like Trevor Dickinson. Just hope when they do become a force to be reckoned with that they do not sell out to the pirates of the Livery aka The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists. Make sure you understand how Microsoft is in bed with the National Security Agency and even has an office at the NSA. Make sure you know what they have planned to try to stop people putting independent operating systems on their own computers doing away with dual-booting and forcing you onto the spy systems.
-= The Unhived Mind
Intel are going to destroy computing with suppression and bugs [Video]
truth19 says:
The FBI already has all emails and passwords since the early 90′s they have your history of the net.
- TheUnhivedMind says:
What they do not have with ease is the content on your hard disks especially if you use independent operating systems and software which are compiled from source where you can see if any spyware code were added. Yes the FBI (Nazi Pink Triangle Boys) and the terrorist FBI Division #5 have been using spyware for years such as the hidden Magic Lantern trojan. Do not trust the big name security software out there because they were compromised years ago when they all agreed to let certain government spy-ware and viruses enter systems such as the Magic Lantern in the name of so-called National Security. Reminds me of VISTA being the Virtual Intelligence Surveillance Tactical Application of the National Security Agency and GCHQ. I believe in many ways that a lot of the hackers of windows are actually doing you a favor in aiding to eventually shut down back-doors in the software purposely put there for spying capabilities.
People should start using PGP type software to encrypt everything but make sure they do not have the keys on any of these types of processor controller machines. Even if they can eventually be decrypted by the NSA it certainly frustrates them. We all know that it was GCHQ and the NSA behind Duqu, Stuxnet and Shamoon malwares. It all goes back to The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists as part of the pirates of the Livery serving the moneybags, The Worshipful Company of Mercers who controls the World through its financial power using proxies like TheCityUK. All for the City of London Corporation merchant pirates from hell headed by the hidden hand of Roman power that continues today (Congress of Vienna) using the veiled British Empire power who itself uses the overt U.S. Empire as its proxy whipping boy to take all the anti-Satan blame around the World. When did you ever see a City of London flag being burned in the Middle East? Maybe you should check into how the Livery have controlled the Muslim Brotherhood since its creation tied to The Honourable East India Company. Always diverting attention onto patsies & pawns just as they have done with the 9/11 attacks both mainstream and the alternative media.
-= The Unhived Mind
TheUnhivedMind says:
September 16, 2012 at 10:00 pm
I then changed the subject to how Bill Gates (a jew) stole EVERYTHING, he stole Dos from IBM (and was later forced to settle that by writing OS2 for IBM,) He infiltrated and stole everything from WordPerfect, he directly stole the Lotus Spreadsheet and released it as Access, He stole Stacker from Stac electronics outright; – get a load of this! Back in the day, hard disk space was valuable, and anything that could be done to optimize it was priceless. Stack electronics had a product called Stacker, that compressed data on the hard disk so at least twice as much would fit. Naturally, Stacker was not a cheap program, but it really paid to buy it because hard disks cost so much.
Well, I had that computer center. And on the day Dos 6.0 came out, a customer dragged his PC in, I put it on the bench, and he wanted EVERYTHING wiped off the disk and Dos 6.0 put on it, because Dos 6.0 “encorporated disk compression into the operating system”. I watched the install screens go by, and they bragged about how this new feature could be implemented, just type dblspace at the command prompt immediately after install. Well I did that, and you know what happened? The screen said STACKER, BY STAK ELECTRONICS for about a second, went to a Microsoft screen and the hard disk compression started.
That distro of Dos was recalled IMMEDIATELY and within a week Microsoft released dos 6.1, and the only difference was that screen did not come up.