German Psychotherapists Demand Ban on Computer Killer Games
Lydon LaRouche
November 30, 2007 (LPAC)--The German Society of Psychotherapists (GwG) called for a total ban against violent computer games, in a statement issued yesterday from Cologne. This worthy attack, aimed at the heart of death-cult youth brainwashing tactics, took place only days after the LaRouche Youth Movement intervened sharply at a Berlin event on the same grouping.
The society pronounced, "Killer games are landmines for the soul of young people," noting that the games give players bonus points for each person they kill. The "image of man" disfigured in this way in the minds of young people, is inhuman, and must therefore be banned by law. (Take note that the word they used, "das Menschenbild", which translates as "the image of man", is highly reminiscent of Friedrich Schiller and is rarely heard today outside of church services.)
Politicians must act, the society demanded, "before an entire generation of children and youth are pulled into a whirl of violence... Computer killer games are inhuman," they say, "and therefore violate the constitution." The GwG is the largest psychotherapists' association of its kind in Europe.