A Cloning Question
From: Cara McKennon
G. Bush Sr. was definitely from all the Dark Agenda organizations. Some one else took him out. From information I have read, Bush Sr. had three clones with him when he was killed in Japan and taken out by a laser weapon. Remember when he threw up on his dinner? A new clone was present to immediately replace him. This one had freckles though. The clones can also be used to appear in public, targets for assassination.
It is my understanding that the president has three clones of him in existence at all times who accompany him to various functions in case of an assassination from an outside threat. This is why he has such a large entourage go with him everywhere.
Bush Jr. is at present the most hated President in the history of this country, so do not believe the popularity polls. They are lies. Even the press hate him, but must do as they are told to keep their jobs. The protection around him is very high to prevent a possible public assassination attempt. Those are very hard to explain away.
The candidates can not be in the position they are in presently without being part of the club. They also must have a personal wealth of 100 million dollars to be allowed to run on a Democratic and Republican ticket. Party rules.
It is my understanding that Bob Dole was supposed to have been elected President instead of Clinton being re-elected to a 2nd term, but Dole bowed out because of the cloning issue. Maybe he feared he would be killed and replaced with a clone.
Colin Powell was supposed to have been our Presidential Designate when NESARA was announced on 9/11/2001. He was later killed and cloned. That's how he was turned from being a White Knight to a Dark Knight. He is not aware he is a clone.
It's possible many of who was assumed to be White Knight, were killed and cloned and became Dark Knights, or double agents, or simply put under mind control with computer chips under the skin so they would change their allegiance to the Illuminati.
I have also read that a walk-in would take over the body of the next president by an Ascended Master from the higher realms, and this agreement was made prior to the person being reincarnated. This can be done with a clone or souled being.
The clones are programmed. The real person can be mind controlled through various means. One way is by inserting computer chips under the skin.
The Lighted realm has also said they could take advantage of the cloning issue by having an Ascended Master from the Higher realms take over that body and turn it to the Light.
This was discussed in the chat room last night. I have recently learned from someone who frequents the chatroom that cloning now only takes 16 days. It used to take about 400 days because the clone developed from a baby and was given a growth hormone that made them age rapidly. But there was a flaw in the procedure. The clone continued the rapid aging so they had to be replaced frequently. With the new process, the clone is a copy of the person and doesn't need to grow up and be aged to the same age as the person being cloned.
This could be why Colin Powell doesn't know he's a clone. The clones wouldn't need to be replaced as often either...if at all, unless they were killed like two of Clinton's clones were in an attempt to try to kill Clinton...the two clones were killed instead by accident.
I hope this helps answer some of your questions about cloning. Love, Peace and Harmon, Cara
(S - is for Suzy)
S: Maybe-well, probably-you know that a sheep has just been cloned and some fear has been expressed about this leading to attempts at human cloning. What do you say about this?
MATTHEW: Mother, you would be amazed at all I could say about this! Cloning is a relatively new process on Earth, but elsewhere in the universe it has been used for eons to keep civilizations from dying out. Furthermore, cloning is not as new there as publicly announced- adult humans have been reproduced by this process for some time.
S: Matthew, are you completely certain about this?
MATTHEW: Yes, Mother, I am. I've mentioned my friend Hugo. Because of his work with the plant and animal life on Jupiter, he's very familiar with cloning. I don't mean that he's the source of my knowl-edge- the reality of cloning is widely known except on Earth-but if you would like a thorough explanation of the human cloning process, I'll ask him to tell you about it.
S: Please do.
MATTHEW: Mother, Hugo is here in response to my energy beep. Go ahead, Hugo.
HUGO: Hello, Madam Suzy! I am glad to join your company in this moment. It is my understanding that you have questioned if clon-ing of adult humans has been done on Earth. Indeed that is fact, and has been for some time, as Matthew told you. I shall start straight away, at the beginning of the cloning process, if I may. Thank you.
Human cloning is a process whereby the cellular material of a living being is taken for the purpose of producing a likeness in a new entity. The cellular material is placed in a sterile vial in a liquid conducive for the growth of that material in purity and without imperfections entering the substance. After it divides and subdivides, the matter is transferred to a larger laboratory container under the same sterile conditions and temperature and light controls.
The embryonic form becomes quickly apparent and soon the defi-nite form of a fetus is easily recognizable. When the fetus has reached the stage of approximately six months of normal gestational age, it is transferred again, to a holding tank wherein the liquid approximates the amniotic fluid in the womb during pregnancy. In this liquid the fetus continues to evolve normally as if in a womb. When the fetus has reached term development, it is removed from the fluid and is then treated as if birth by natural means has occurred. Except, of course, there is no umbilical cord to treat. Minor cosmetic surgery remedies that absence of the normal appearance.
The process in human replication does not take an incubation pe-riod of nine months. It is accelerated by means of chemical additives and ideal circumstances of laboratory makings. The initial process can take between six and seven of your weeks for certainty of perfect fetal development, and another eight to ten weeks is required for the full growth. Since none of this is by natural birth processes, regular gesta-tional time has no meaning. Cloning is not confined to reproducing infants who are permitted to grow normally from birth into adulthood. When the clone of a specific adult is at stake, the period of aging from emergence of the infant into an adult in prime years, say between 30 and 35 years of age, is only between 350 and 400 days. About one additional month of aging is required to produce a clone of a 65-year-old individual. That is the approximate age of most humans being cloned on Earth at this time. The substance that permits this rapid aging has not yet been dis-covered for such a purpose except by those few scientists engaged in the cloning process. A few individuals on Earth have been afflicted with a chemical imbalance that causes their bodies to age far more quickly than what is normal there. A 10-year old child can have the aged appearance and organic functioning and processes of a very old person. Old by your standards, that is, not elsewhere.
The chemical that causes the imbalance in that diseased child's system is what is used almost to perfection in the process of rapidly aging infant clones into adults. This aging acceleration process also requires the addition of several key nutrients to the diet and ideal laboratory conditions of temperature and controlled degrees of oxygen and carbon dioxide. The disadvan-tage is that when the appearance must be identical to the original per-son who is about 60 or 65 years, then the entire cloned being must be aged until that identical appearance is reached. There is no way to stop the aging of the organs and still achieve the necessary appearance, thus the organs are subjected to all the stress of the accelerated aging as well as any deficiencies inherent in the family genes. Even if the newly cloned individual initially appears fresher and younger looking than the origi-nal person or the predecessor clone, it quickly breaks down and starts showing more advanced signs of aging in all respects.
I have spoken so far only of the body of a cloned individual. The brain is another matter. It is the most intricate aspect of the growth procedure, both in vitro and once in flesh. The human brain is a com-puter, and the downloading function from the original brain to the brain of the clone works exactly like your computers in this same type of process.
Duplicating the original brain can be done with perfection in an infant clone. Education is supplied continuously to the clone through-out the aging period from birth to adulthood, and the brain functions as normally as you would expect within the accelerated learning faculties. Because the brain is so vast in capability, the clone's absorption of information during the educational process is not only easy, it is most interesting for the people involved to see such giant leaps in learning. We observe this from here and see this as the only aspect of scientific nature on your planet that is beginning to be enlightened as to func-tional human brain capacity.
Madam, the extended educational process is necessary because an abrupt insertion of intelligence on a blank slate would produce a neuro-logical shock. The clones are instructed from infancy by tutors who are specially trained behavioral scientists. This aspect of the process is exactly what you do with your infants, teaching them to become aware, alert, re-sponsible little individuals with personalities, skills, a sense of responsi-bility and engaging mannerisms. The tutors, whose students are quite more unique than most, are trained themselves by personal films of the family and are supplied other intimate family history, thus they are familiar with all speech and movement mannerisms of the cloned indi-vidual.
It is another matter entirely when a swiftly produced adult clone is the object. A major reason aging can be accelerated is the brain's capa-bility to absorb information and perform functions at a far faster and more comprehensive rate than most Earth people realize. In fact, if this were not so, human cloning there would not be possible. In a rapidly-aged clone, keeping the integrity of all knowledge gained during the original being's lifetime to that point is at stake. The adult clone's initial memory ability is compromised to the extent that the clone may appear befuddled or momentarily at a loss for words until the memory kicks in or the clone's own thinking aspect overrides the hesitation and covers, so to speak. Since this is not highly unusual in "real" people, it is not generally noticed with suspicion in the cloned beings, but rather is considered only a human imperfection.
The downloading of all information in the brain of the original person or of the clone being replaced must be done at the moment of the need for the new clone. This can be done most successfully from the person's brain to the first clone. Slight deterioration occurs with every successive downloading procedure from the outcast clone to its replacement. No, the original brain cannot be used to circumvent this deterioration-even if that individual is still alive-because that original brain does not have the same accumulated knowledge as the most recent cloned entity. You can see that the identical store of latest infor-mation is essential if the replacement clone is to be accepted as the real person.
While we are pleased to see this advancement in technology on your planet, its misuse neutralizes our elation at your discovery. Powerful people are being cloned now and have been cloned for many years, and none of this started with good intent. Always it has been for con-trol purposes. Some of your world leaders were cloned many years past, and by now are in the thirtieth or more versions of the original person. The purpose of cloning those people is to create the certainty of their longevity and maintenance of their influence.
You can notice the abrupt and considerable change in appearance toward vibrant health and youthfulness of some world leaders as seen in TV films or photographs. Usually this high robustness and stamina immediately follows a day or a few days of absence from the public eye after a period of increasingly evident aging appearance. You attribute those remarkable differences to the person's brief vacation or recovery from a proclaimed illness, but here it is known that, simply, a new clone has replaced the old one. Yes, several clones are produced at the same time, educated as I previously explained, and kept in various places on your planet to be ever ready as needed for the up-to-the-moment knowledge insertion process. Many versions of the clones are necessary because the art of this science has not been perfected on Earth. The cloned adult bodies disintegrate far more rapidly than same-age bodies having grown old naturally. This is due partly to the accelerated aging process from infant to adult body and partly to the lack of skill in those scientists who perform the various procedures. Earth's third density atmosphere also is a factor.
S: Hugo, excuse me, please. Are clones accepted by the person's family? Surely they must be aware of what's going on.
HUGO: The cloned individual's family members are, of course, aware of the existence of the clone or clones, and they participate in both the educational process and the "cover-up." If they resist, they themselves are cloned, usually against their will, and their clones carry on with public functions. In some cases the original persons have died naturally, or they have been killed if it served the purpose of still more powerful people. Others are still living, although never seen in public. Only the clones are seen publicly. To quiet your mind of its question, Madam, five countries have developed the cloning with just about the same level of success with the reproductions, and one other country is still experimenting with earlier stages. Laboratories are designed around the same func-tional basis, with little variation in the overall process. Some years ago there were enough variations in procedures so that differences in the quality of the clones were easily detectable. The aging process was the primary difference in approach at the different laboratories, and there were consequential weaknesses in the maximum achievable degree of physical stability and brain downloading success. With the eventual agreeable exchange of technology so that all areas of imperfections could be improved, all the current clones are emerging with approxi-mately the same functioning abilities, appearance and aging character-istics in all countries where they are produced.
Now, to continue. I shall address the very important matter of a soul in a cloned body. As for a soul being or not being in these man-made bodies, most definitely, no soul is "born" in a cloned individual, but a soul may choose to enter one. There is good reason for a soul to enter, just as there is good reason for a soul not to. For a soul who has been waiting to experience in physical form, it is an opportunity to do so in these waning days before great changes within God's plan for raising consciousness of the planet and all of you who are receptive. However, any soul who enters these cloned bodies knows the risk of becoming trapped by the dark forces that have per-vaded the psyche of the original person and any predecessor clones. This is a particularly important consideration as brain functioning dete-riorates with each downloading process, as I have mentioned, and thereby weakens a soul's mental resistance to becoming trapped. Also, in later versions of the clones, longevity is not long, so those bodies are not looked upon as the paradise life one might suspect of an individual in a highly influential position.
Why would any soul take on such a problem? The power of such an influential position is exactly why some souls are not only willing, they are eager to enter the clone. They do so with the determination to overcome the genetic structure, the influence of the memory, and the inherent tendency to follow the negative path that the original soul was genetic and moral character to the point that there does seem to be a turnabout in the "person's" health, attitudes and activities. In such cases, it is because the stronger soul's higher intention attracts the higher light energy that enables it to infuse the cloned body with physical stamina not available to those souls with less resolve, and therefore the stronger soul can sustain the body's life force for a much longer period than a weaker soul can.
Now you are thinking, how can any body live without a soul? The chemical makeup of a physical body is such that it is an independently functioning entity. Its life force is sustained by its own energetic mo-mentum derived from the elements and interacting processes of nor-mal organic functioning. Therefore, a clone without a soul has the same mobility and thinking capacity as any normal body. Let us address what is not in a clone without a soul. First, emotions are not the givens they are in a naturally created human. A soul-less clone has to acquire the appearance of emotions in accordance with its surroundings, perhaps what is expected of a "regular guy" or maybe a member of high society. It is only conformance to the circle in which the clone moves that gives it the appearance of having emotions. But the most essential lack in a clone is the spiritual aspect that is inherent in a baby born from the egg and sperm of its parents. The soul life force encompasses those aspects of beingness that are the bonding with God-conscience, intuition, sense of self at a higher plane than normal conscious functioning. So, neither those ties with God nor natu-ral emotions are within the soul-less cloned individual. Instead, there is a mechanical and mental aspect of what is appropriate to do or say.
Once mastered, that ability is as proficient as if the "person" had spent a lifetime accumulating wisdom and behaving properly. Your mind is so full of questions, Madam! No, producing what you call "test tube babies" is not in the least the same nature as cloning individuals, and most surely not in purpose.
S: I'm sorry I keep thinking of things to ask you, Hugo. Since it's public knowledge that a sheep has just been cloned, do you know why people en masse haven't questioned whether the same can be done with humans?
HUGO: Well, Madam, I'd say that even though the cloning of the animal is known, there will be no sustained information on that accom-plishment. The art of cloning has not been perfected there, and the products will not age in the same normal way naturally-conceived ani-mals do. When this is realized, there may not be many reports on it. Also I'd say that concentrated publicity could logically cause all think-ing individuals to extrapolate that achievement into the possibility of human cloning. That kind of speculation does indeed exist there, but to prevent the major populace accepting such a feat as even a possibility, much less a validity, science fiction in books and films is the masterful means whereby the human cloning technology is confined to entertain-ment, and always in a tenor of absurdity.
S: Thank you for your opinion, Hugo. What do you know about the aliens called "little grays"? HUGO: Well, Madam, respectfully, we know all there is to know about them. With pertinence to Earth, we know that in underground laboratories, primarily in your Southwest United States, they are using their genetic material to reproduce themselves. When they arrived on Earth several decades past, they taught the cloning technology to your government-selected scientists, and that was the introduction of clon-ing to your civilization.
Ever since those beings arrived there they have done little except misuse their high level of intellectual and technological abilities. They had not intended to remain long, but they became trapped in Earth's density and realized that they couldn't leave the planet because their systems no longer were of the higher density from which they came. To keep their strain pure and to guarantee numbers sufficient to survive any attempts to exterminate them, they have been cloning them-selves at a great rate. No, Madam, not exactly an army, as combat is not their immediate intention, but an army in numbers, yes. There is vastness in living areas underground on Earth that citizens would find incredible if they could become aware of it. It would be equally as-tounding if they could know that non-Earth beings are permanent resi-dents on the planet.
These beings you call little grays are considerably smaller in stat-ure than Earth humans and indeed look like the depictions given by individuals who were abducted for medical experimentation and repro-duction purposes. Some of them are responsible for the abductions that took place as claimed, but with two huge and vital exceptions: where the kidnapped persons were taken and by whom. Trapped on the planet, the abductors no longer were extraterrestrial to Earth, and their travel crafts went down underground, not up into space. These "extraterrestrials," as mistakenly cited, have not been any-where except in the immense city mazes beneath Earth's surface since their arrival about half a century past. The only exceptions to their underground living are those brief abduction happenings. Then, using small spacecraft of their or your government's design and fabrication, they obtain humans to take back to the underground laboratories built specifically for their experimentations. These experimentations are in the nature of establishing a suitable mating program of the two civiliza-tions, which, in the eyes of the "little grays," would reinforce their chances of survival on your planet beyond their pure strain by cloning.
Your major world leaders would like everyone to fear real extrater-restrials. They have considered producing the "little grays" in such ag-gressive exhibition that it would prove their stance that public fear of "extraterrestrials" is justified. Those leaders know that nothing is to be feared from the extraterrestrials in this part of the solar system! If it were not so desperately self-serving and so negative for Earth, to us it would be amusing that the United States government lets that mean-spirited alien civilization hide and experiment under your ground at the very same moment it denies the presence in your skies of representa-tives of civilizations they know are benevolent.
All space brothers in your area are friendly and have let this be known to government leaders. Most are there expressively to SAVE your planet! Cooperatively, they are preventing Earth from losing or-bital regularity and are assisting you in myriad other ways. This service in universal friendship has been ongoing for many years and will con-tinue during the heavier cleansing episodes ahead. Nevertheless, official statements continue to explain away sightings of the authentic extrater-restrial spacecraft by "logical" means.
Such foolishness, such childish games! But the consequences have been tragic for those space beings who some time ago came only in peace and offering technology and other assistance to preserve your planet. In exchange, they asked the world leaders to cease building nuclear armaments and planning for nuclear war that would destroy the planet. The government leaders would not give up their dark con-trol, and they killed or held in captivity those peaceful emissaries. De-spite that, those emissaries' fellow space beings STILL are helping you.