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RESPONSE TO: ANCIENT ALIENS, Episode: The Satan Conspiracy (2013)

Rocky Montana

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To the producers of ANCIENT ALIENS TV Series, Episode: The Satan Conspiracy  (2013)

Regarding: SEMJASA vs. SAMJAZA

You might as well label the above video-documentary, "Sympathy for the Devil" with the mismatch of actions and falsehoods contained therein.  Your so-called "experts" along with most of mankind, remain fooled by the Master Dark Trickster, Satan's propaganda.  Your video-document speaks of Semjasa and Samjaza interchangeably, as if they are one and the same. THEY ARE NOT.  The truth of these things has been in publication since the early 1990s and is currently available for reading online for over a decade. Let's clear up the misunderstanding regarding these two different entities and names, Semjasa and Samjaza, and then, perhaps, you will be in a position to edit that video so that it reflects Truth.




Quoting from: Phoenix Journal 2, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL, Chapter 1, Page 12:

"This is the book and secret records of Jmmanuel which means "God with us", "God among us", who is a son of Joseph, of Jacob, the distant descendant of David, who was a descendant of Abram, whose lineage goes back to Adam, the father of man of the Earth, who was begot by Semjasa, the leader of the Sons of Heaven who were the guardian angels of God, the great ruler of those who traveled from afar.

"Semjasa, the heavenly son of guardian angel of God, the great ruler of those who traveled from far away through the space of the universe, begot with an earth wife, Adam, the father of the white human race.

Adam took an Earth wife and begot Seth. ..."   --Esu Jesus Sananda



Thus, Samjaza aka Satan (not Semjasa) is responsible for all the evil deeds throughout the galaxy and is the cause of the spread of evil on Earth.  He doesn't even have to work very hard at it, as man follows so willingly, to his ruination.

A similar corollary lives in the gross misunderstanding between the man Judas Ischarioth and the man Juda Iscariot. Don't know about that one either?  You're not alone.  Deceit to confuse the masses is one of Master Dark Trickster, Satan's powerful tools.  The majority of "religious" people continue to be baffled and confused by these two falsehoods.

Quoting from: Phoenix Journal 225, BIRTHING THE PHOENIX, VOL. 4, from Chapter 11, Pages 149-151 & 155:

"... Let us start with a discussion on the Pharisees, and then we will move right along to the Curse of Canaan.  We will begin by using George M. Lansa's Gospel Light--And Indispensable Guide To The Teachings of Jesus & The Customs Of His Time. Let us turn, please, to the section on Dealers and Money Changers. This section begins with a quote from John 2:14, 15 and then Lamsa's commentary.


"They sacrificed unto demons, which were no gods. Deut. 32:17.

"... Indeed, the great movement of modern history has been to disguise the presence of evil on the Earth, to make light of it, to convince humanity that evil is to be "tolerated", "treated with greater understanding", or negotiated with, but under no circumstances should it ever be forcibly opposed.  This is the principal point of what has come to be known as today's liberalism, more popularly known as secular humanism.  The popular, and apparently sensible, appeal of humanism is that humanity should always place human interests first.  The problem is that this very humanism can be traced in an unbroken line all the way back to the Biblical "Curse of Canaan".  Humanism is the logical result of the demonology of history.

"Modern-day events can be understood only if we can trace their implications in a direct line from the earliest records of antiquity.  These records concern pre-Adamic man, a hybrid creature whose origins are described in ancient books.  Book of Enoch (which itself is part of an earlier Book of Noah, written about 161 B.C.), says that Samjaza (Satan)  [S: BE MOST CAREFUL HERE.  THAT DID NOT SAY SEMJASE, WHO IS A DIFFERENT BEING THAN SEMJASA--BOTH LIGHTED OF GOD, AND NOT CONNECTED TO SATAN IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. SEMJASA WAS THE FATHER OF THE WHITE RACE OF HUMANS.  DO YOU NOTICE HOW CLEVERLY THE ADVERSARY TO GOD DISGUISES HIS NAME TO MIMIC THAT OF GOD'S PEOPLE?  NOTICE THE SPELLING--SAMJAZA.  IT IS AS WITH TWO JUDAS, THROUGHOUT HISTORY THE DISTINCTION BECOMES CLOUDED.  THIS APPARENT INITIAL INCORRECT CONCLUSION IS UNFORTUNATE INDEED, BUT LET US CONTINUE WITH THE STORYLINE.]  the leader of a band of two hundred angels, descended on Mt. Carmel.  They had lusted after the daughters of men from afar, and now they took them for wives.  These fallen angels, know as the Order of the Watchers, taught their wives magic.  The issue of these unions was a race of giants, known as Nephilim.

"... [S: Let us turn now to the final paragraph in this book and see what conclusion the author has reached.]

"We have been persecuted because we have fallen into the trap of the world, the dualism which offers us the choice of following God's Will, or of passively joining the Canaanites in accepting Satan as the leader, which means participating in the shedding of blood and the obscene rituals of human sacrifice.  Today, America is obedient to the Will of Canaan, engaging lechery, robbery, and international Masonic conspiracy.  America, who God intended to lead the world into the path of righteousness, now is called "the Great White Satan" because the fair-skinned people of Shem have been deceived into carrying out Satan's work on this Earth.  The choice is one which must be determined and made, and the decision is not far off: will the people of Shem accept God's Promise to Abraham  [S: Another unfortunate error.  The God of Abraham is NOT THE TRUE GOD, ATON.]  , or will we continue to allow ourselves to be deceived by the Satanic Masonic Order of Canaanites?  There is nothing in between--and if we persist in doing the Satanic work of the Canaanites--America will become--NOTHING."   --Sananda



Lucifer was God Aton's firstborn son.

Quoting from: Phoenix Journal 2, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL, Chapter 16, Page 149.

"The beauteous son, Lucifer, had been cast forth from the Realms of Glory and order, unto the tiny planet of Earth that he might mend of his ways.  It was ordained that the Lighted One would come forth in the proper time to begin to reclaim the souls in punishment with the fallen Angel."   --Gabriel



Lucifer was God Aton's greatest creation, but became, perhaps, His biggest disappointment.

Quoting from: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, February 1990, Volume 1, NumberPage 6:

"When Lucifer, as head of the Archangelic realms and who was the favored and beautiful creation of God, was expelled from the presence of God--"to shape up"--he took his followers and ran rampant about the Universe--tearing up the places upon which they inhabited.  As a matter of fact, Earth herself had to be "reclaimed" in order to make it habitable for new creations.  Earth was, further, to be the place where Satan was banished (Lucifer's name was changed by God, to Satan). Lucifer means the bright and most brilliant morning star--the greatest perfection.  When evil entered he obviously no longer could wear that sign around his neck.

"Lucifer defied God and was stricken from God's presence to mend of his ways.  Many hordes of angels went with him. Later, after failing to either mend of his ways or to take his place elsewhere, he again defied God and this time he was "cast down" in a confrontation with Archangel Michael and was tossed out on his ear.  "Cast down" and "fallen" designate not direction, but rather a "falling from Grace".  He was sent to Earth and other planets of such density, and he has destroyed the balance and brought one catastrophe upon another to the peoples.  The facts are that he and his bands of hoodlums went first to the constellation of Orion prior to Earth.  Just as all planets in your solar system are not as is Earth--neither are all planets and places of Orion.  There are still places in these constellations which are totally evil.  They are, however, for all practical purposes-- prisoners to the planet, if not at least the constellation.  As technology is remembered and increases, abilities to travel increase and colonies are begun and hence the cycles begin again and again."   --Sananda



Satan is a Hebrew word meaning "adversary". Here on Earth, and after Semjasa came and went, Satan took on the mantle (called himself) Samjaza in order to fool as many ignorant humans as possible.  This scheme is still working it would seem.

Quoting from: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, February 1990, Volume 1, Number 4, Pages 6-7:

"Lucifer defied God and was stricken from God's presence to mend of his ways.  Many hordes of angels went with him. Later, after failing to either mend of his ways or to take his place elsewhere, he again defied God and this time he was "cast down" in a confrontation with Archangel Michael and was tossed out on his ear.  "Cast down" and "fallen" designate not direction, but rather a "falling from Grace".  He was sent to Earth and other planets of such density, and he has destroyed the balance and brought one catastrophe upon another to the peoples.  The facts are that he and his bands of hoodlums went first to the constellation of Orion prior to Earth.  Just as all planets in your solar system are not as is Earth--neither are all planets and places of Orion.  There are still places in these constellations which are totally evil.  They are, however, for all practical purposes-- prisoners to the planet, if not at least the constellation.  As technology is remembered and increases, abilities to travel increase and colonies are begun and hence the cycles begin again and again.

"There is always the "opportunity" for change and the returning within the Creator's flock.

"Satan and his bands of hoodlums hit all the young colonies and caused untold devastation.  They destroyed the life forms on Venus and Mars as they worked their way through the Galaxy.  This is why the spin-off or recognition of the "Reptilian" races. You are talking about an invisible realm and the reptile is representative of the "dark" forces.  It is also why, in your more recent mythology, Venus is the "planet of love" for it still exists in its fourth-dimensional state of "rightness".

"Creator always provides a "reentry clause" which binds any evil from a recovering placement for a period of time.  Then again Satanic influences are allowed--probation if you will.  Those who chose the dark path are given opportunity to gain experience and, hopefully, change of their ways.  Lo, all of you have walked in those shoes also.  NOW, WHAT WILL YOU DO? TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION!

"Those of "darkness" are given truth and ability to "change".  Choosing to not leave of Satanic ways they are left to the consequences and as the souls come forth they are again placed in dimensions suitable to the level of growth.  The totally evil are left to express in the "void"---the absence of light which means actually lack of wisdom and knowledge.  Either way, the planet is basically cleared of lifeforms and energies go where their suitable placement might be.  Satan is bound (kept from impact) against those remaining--the planet changes and recovery begins.  The higher beings of the planet and her transitioned beings move on into a higher dimension and the lower self (body--as you might think of it) is left to reclaim, the sunken continents rise and the old goes into recycling.

"The final clash comes for Satan is a "poor loser"!  "If I can't have it, no one shall."  At that point, it must be stopped or he would surely destroy the entirety of the manifested "stage" and the play would stop and the repercussions of an exploded planet in the Universe is devastating to your neighbors."   --Sananda

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