Dr. Al Overholt
The News Desk A Special Report
8/16/97 Dr. AL OVERHOLT
Excerpted from CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN EXPOSED, by Doug Miller, July 1997. [quoting:]
...Since undoubtedly most of the over 2,000 attendees in this sinister, secret society have no idea that their leaders are occultists, Lucifer and/or Satan worshippers, how do we know it? "By their fruits shall ye know them." Also by asking questions, comparing notes, networking, questioning Masons, Druids, and Satanists' heathen leaders. Success comes in the using of three necessary principles: Investigate, Educate and Activate. These activities bring us more documented facts and contacts. We trust that most all civil servants, business professional owners, managers, and staff, plus lay members who work for these "Boho" companies and join most secret societies are never told the evil crimes many of their leaders are involved in.
Today, July 15, 1995, we join with hundreds of others to protest the Bohos' annual event and realize that most members and guests are recruited as a "cover" for the hidden agenda of their evil leaders on the left and right. We believe that the majority are good, honest, hard-working, patriotic, loyal, God-worshipping Americans who are gullible. This lemming event is attended by leaders and representatives of almost all professionals and Fortune 500 companies. What better way to build a lasting, long term, potentially very profitable relationship with the world's leaders?
The attendees include, but are not limited to, many of the world's most powerful and amoral international bankers (Rockefellers, Rothschilds and their ilk); Republican and Democrat politicians and behind-the-scenes king makers, military officers, U.S. and world government officials, entertainment and university professors and presidents, but also include many hundreds of white supremacists and Nazi (just like the recently exposed BATF agents' swastika party in South Carolina this week). Masons, Druids, Luciferians, Satanists, CFR, TRI-lats and guests.
THEIR QUEEN? Do you recall when Queen Elizabeth made her first and only trip to the USA
in '83, and her last stop was San Francisco, and the Bohemian Club's Boho Grove? All three major networks featured about five minutes of the Boho recognition of her sitting on a pyramid and calling her "the Queen of Babylon", which she acknowledged. [emphasis mine] These Druids, Masons, and Satanists running the club obviously feel that they can come out of the closet and boast of their evil agenda for America. (Another example: long-time Boho David Rockefeller has his offices in Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 3600, and the building's address is illuminated in very large numbers on the top of the building that 100,000s can see at night. DOES IT SURPRISE YOU THAT IT IS 666? That his 36th floor is six 6s? Time to turn on the TV and do your homework?
THEIR MOTTO? "Weaving spiders come not here!" could not be further from the truth.
THEIR LOGO? An owl. Could it be because owls, like the Bohos' occult, hooded Druid and Satanist leaders, are considered wise and successful? Only prey on the weak and defenseless? Are cannibals? Are symbol used to glorify Halloween which the Satanists' Calendar lists as calling for 5 consecutive days of human sacrifice?... [End quoting]
Here's proof that the Satanic conspiracy goes all the way to the Queen of England. How many will still want to deny that there is a conspiracy from the very top?? Again, "By their actions you shall know them."
Satanic Ritual Calendar
[Note: see page 10 of the CONTACT newspaper issue referred to below for the rest of this Calendar.]
Source: CONTACT, THE PHOENIX PROJECT, August 19, 1997, Volume 17, Number 13, Page 10.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.