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Flipping the script: Refugee crisis as chance to bring Gospel to Muslims


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The seemingly endless wave of Muslim “refugees” into Europe is causing chaos throughout the continent.

Some say it is an act of demographic conquest. Others argue it is a product of a failed American foreign policy. But one of America’s best known apologists says the crisis for the Christian West could be a new opportunity to win converts to the faith.

Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author of “The Islamic Antichrist” and the new book “Mystery Babylon,” says missionaries should not overlook the unique opportunity they’ve been given with the current wave of Muslim immigrants.

“Throughout history, the Lord has always used catastrophes for His own redemptive purposes,” he told WND. “This is exactly what He is doing now with the current Syrian war and the global Muslim refugee crisis. Obviously mass Muslim immigration to the West has innumerable long-term problems. Any casual glimpse at Western Europe reveals this. European secularism, socialism and multiculturalism have failed to incorporate the Muslim immigrants.

“That said, despite the negative impact of Muslim immigration, the same Lord who hovered above the deep in the beginning is once again bringing redemptive order out of the present chaos.”

Richardson is also a filmmaker who chronicled signs of a Christian revival in the Middle East in “The Global Jesus Revolution,” including prayer movements in Islamic nations such as Egypt and Iran. He says the flight of Muslims to the West makes efforts by Christians to work with traditionally Islamic populations easier than ever. What’s more, the chaos unleashed in the aftermath of the Arab Spring is challenging many of the assumptions of Muslims, providing an opening for Christian missionaries.