"Yes indeed there do come times when a person must take a stand--but, there are ways to make a stand--AND) WAYS TO MAKE A STAND!! To try to outgun or outrun the adversary is not going to cut it for BOTH those things are HIS BEST TRUMP CARDS! 'They' have bigger guns and they know how to find you if you try to outrun them. 'They' even have space capable craft faster than anything you could find within which to run. To invite death over a soul IS WORTHY--to invite death over a pile of material property--is UNWORTHY! Until you know the DIFFERENCE, you cannot prevail.
"You who cannot seem to understand these things of unknown secret powers and capabilities on your Earth in the control of the Adversarial Elite--must get into understanding. Stop thinking that ALL far-out presentations are entertainment-produced and incredible. There are movies made about very valid and ongoing research, testing and total CONTROL. The Philadelphia Experiment, The Manhattan Project, Jacob's Ladder, D.A.R.Y.L. (There Once Was A Boy), Coma, and on and on--THESE ARE ACTUAL EXPERIENCES AND EXPERIMENTS. You now have programmed and MEAN enforcers of whatever the Elite desire from you. They are no longer your nice little neighbor boys who hold the hands of little ladies crossing streets--THEY ARE TOTALLY CONTROLLED BEINGS MEANT TO BRING ORDER, FEAR AND TOTAL COMPLIANCE WHEN THE BIG BOYS SAY 'BRING 'ER DOWN'. What SHOULD BE no longer IS."
Some of the topics included in this JOURNAL are: CESAR CHEVEZ MURDERED - Janet Reno and "Waco" - Janet Reno to stamp out "groups" - Koresh: a KHAZARIAN ZIONIST & STILL ALIVE - Russbacher's OPERATION CLYDESDALE - Cosmos update - Warning to America's Christians! - Randy Weaver trial update - Blood sacrifices - Update on George Green—Waco—“Operation Clydesdale”—Weaver/Harris Trial—Richard Landkamer Article.