Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
This Journal discusses our “trainers” and “deceivers”. “The MASTER PRINCE OF DECEIVERS is in charge of that which is physical and binding in our expression. HE IS GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES! “The Adversary sets up his own traps and the enemy is always at the door. However, THESE ARE the things from which knowledge and wisdom can rise.”
"As we move through the JOURNALS, much will seem redundant to you long-time readers but new and shocking, still, to new readers. Always changing and becoming a greater challenge is the bringing together of the tales and text so as to allow for the broader view of the myriad of subject fragments which ARE your "trainers" and deceivers. Remember, the MASTER PRINCE OF DECEIVERS is in charge of that which is physical and binding in your expression. HE IS GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES
"If we were to integrate all the information we offer into a single volume, it would stretch to the moon page by page. Moreover, 'man' would not so much as begin such a task at investigation. So, we organize as best we can AS WE MOVE ALONG--efforting, always, to connect, generalize and not miss too much of the current example as is possible with limited resources, "time", and human endurance. Meanwhile "life" goes on and the Adversary sets up his own traps and the enemy is always at the door. However, THESE ARE the things from which knowledge and wisdom can rise and grow. It is simply a HARD UNIVERSITY of learning."
Some topics in this Journal are: Does Your Government Lie To You?—Tinkered Genes In The Supermarkets & Genetic Suicide—Jews Demand Total Control In Secret Meetings—Phosgene Gas & Deadly Sins—Smallpox & Malaria?—Israel’s Incredible $10 Billion Scam—Who Is Lucifer?—Weaver/Harris Trail—Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator --George Green and Luke Perry - ADL and Associated Press -- Prices paid by signers of The Declaration Of Independence - Adams breaks the gravity barrier.