Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
In moving through this material referenced as a relationship between Communists, Zionists, and World Controllers, it is imperative that you be offered repeated tales of history and insight again and again to that which is confronting you.
Some of you will deny and denounce us for offering TRUTH--for YOU do not yet understand your terrible plight--you have been blinded and the intent is that you shall not see until too late to act. That is YOUR choice, readers. You can turn away, deny, denounce, cast stones, maim and kill in your denial--and it will not change one iota of the Truth of it.
You who think you are some kind of "Christian" are NOT. You, worse, who think yourselves to be Judean Jews under the rights of passage of God--ARE NOT! YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE! I cannot force you to SEE, much less understand that which you see--but the insight will blast upon you as will the nu-clear war coming down sooner than you can imagine.--HATONN
Will there be many Godly people making a journey HOME? Not if you don't awaken and take stock of the truth of your imprisonment--for you will actually turn away from that which was sent forth to attend you.
Some of the important topics discussed are: History of Bolshevism - Spelt and bread - IRS - Behind Communism, the persecution myth - The Jew in Europe (many were expelled for crimes) - The Iron Heel-by Jack London - The 1917 Revolution of Russia - Russian mock nuclear hit on U.S. - Many U.S. traitors named - Propaganda in the movies.