Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
Our full and ONLY intent in offering works of anyone--is to present that which is available (and usually long-since buried or forgotten) as a reminder that truth has been there all along--you only needed to be nudged and SHARE. There is NO CORNER ON TRUTH and beware the person who claims same for self--always check WHY they might be doing so.
The variety of information offered in this journal is seemingly on opposite ends of the poles. No--it is so connected that I can-not urge you strongly enough--TO MAKE THE CONNECTIONS. It runs from Clintonistas, through Usurpers of other ilk to and into the Hopi (Amerindian) projections and prophetic offerings--along with HOW IT WAS AND IS.
I remind you that PROPHECIES are only the telling of that which has been experienced--and unfolds as it WAS--the "future" is for the CREATING! The information and speakings along with perceived "actions" along the way--are TOOLS for your WISE CREATING. Wisdom is Sacred--and so, this journal will be called for identification: SACRED WISDOM.
Some very important topics are: The Plight Of The Krikava Farm Family (Take Heed)—North Korea And Ex-Pres. Carter—Monarch Programming—Tidal Wave Of Haitians Come To U.S. -- Excerpts from The Usurpers book continued—Kissinger Pitted Against Rival—Ancient Prophecies of World Ending by 2000 A.D.—Hopi Nation Cries Out—The Hopi Prophecies—Water Lines Threaten Hopis—The Beginning Of Life—The Arrival Of Another Race Foretold—Aton Speaks On Ancient Teaching—Comets Hitting Jupiter On A Specific Day?