Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
Whether long or short—the road matters not if the first step is never taken!
Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
It is important, from time to time, to REMEMBER that we have THOUSANDS of pages of information out to you and, yet, new readers find only an issue or two and base all conclusions on same. It is not wise nor is it appropriate to do so. This is, further, WHY we write dated "journals "--so that the story is inclusive of myriads of pieces of information and comment of additional input--and is without beginning or ending. I am NOT in the novel writing "business" of ANY KIND. When the "novels" are written about these times, places and events--it will be so-stated and will be through the hands and minds of those who EXPERIENCED the actual play--or FOR those directly involved.
Some of the very important topics discussed are:. What to do when you see them coming for your land.' If you think they are after you consult a lawyer now. Time to clean house WHAT TO DO IF POLICE SHOW UP WITHOUT A WARRANT.
Some very important topics include: Know Your Rights!—What To Do If Police Show Up Without A Warrant—Civilization of The Universe—Essence Of Nature Of Human—LAWS OF CREATION—God Has A Plan 2000—BLUE BEAM--Revenge Is Out; Make Friends Of Enemies—Who Is HATONN?—Soltec And Recent earthquakes—Government’s Business Is To Control—Electronic Shutdown of Autos—More Success With Pen And Paper Power—The Short Road To Chaos And Destruction By Gunther Russbacher (Complete)—Living “Through” Without Damage?—Committee of 17—Ronn Jackson—Grandma—Militia Of Montana (MOM)—More Excerpts From The Usurpers—Cosmos Seafood - The real cause of our problems.