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Millions March Against War On March 15 In Over 2,000 Cities Worldwide

In Over 2,000 Cities Worldwide

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International A.N.S.W.E.R. Act Now To Stop War & End Racism

Millions March Against War on March 15 in Over 2,000 Cities Worldwide

Over A Quarter of A Million March in The U.S.: 100,000 in Washington, 100,000 in San Francisco and 50,000 in Los Angeles

Well over a quarter of a million people demonstrated in the U.S. today against a U.S. war with Iraq. 100,000 demonstrated in Washington, 100,000 came out in San Francisco, and 50,000 people braved the driving rain in Los Angeles in massive emergency mobilizations called on short notice by the ANSWER coalition.

Even with dozens of buses making the trip to Washington from as far away as Florida, Minnesota, Iowa and Maine, demonstrations also took place in Lansing, MI; Columbus OH, Lexington, KY, Tucson, AZ; Albuquerque, NM, and scores of other cities.

With cities around the world responding to the call for emergency actions, March 15 was an urgent and critical day of global anti-war protest, as millions of people turned out to demonstrate against Washington's rush to war. CNN reported that protests took place today in an amazing 2,000 cities in 98 countries. Turnouts were dramatic: Millions marched in Spain and Italy, two countries whose governments have supported the U.S. war. 100,000 came out in Berlin; 150,000 in France; 40,000 marched in Brussels.

According to the Associated Press, "Hundreds of thousands rallied worldwide, in some cases pressing close to the symbols of American power: the White House and the Washington Monument, the U.S. air base in Frankfurt, Germany, and U.S. embassies in Greece and Cyprus. They also took to the streets throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East."

Thousands more turned out in Tokyo, Calcutta, Buenos Aires, Yemen, Frankfurt, Moscow, Turkey, Cairo, Amman, Beirut, many Palestinian cities and refugee camps, Bangkok, Seoul, Toronto, Moscow and many other cities and countries -- one day after millions of European workers conducted work stoppages to protest the war. Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of the Partnership for Civil Justice-LDEF, one of the groups in the ANSWER Coalition, said, "The continued worldwide outpouring against Bush's planned war of aggression with Iraq makes it clear that Spain, Britain and the U.S. are meeting in the isolated Azores Islands because it's the only place they can go without being protested by massive numbers of people."

A highlight of the Washington demonstration was the crowd's enthusiastic response to former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark's speech about his campaign to impeach President George W. Bush for planning to fight a war of aggression against Iraq. "Vote to impeach! Vote to impeach!" chanted the crowd, referring to the website, where people are voting in support of articles of impeachment.

The Washington demonstration surrounded the White House and Justice Department, taking up more than 20 city blocks. The crowd completely filled the 10-lane Pennsylvania Avenue, with demonstrators marching shoulder to shoulder in a turnout that surpassed rally organizers' expectations. "Bush may be determined to fight this war," said Larry Holmes of the International Action Center, also in the ANSWER Coalition, "but he was also determined to have a vote for war at the UN Security Council last week. Bush wanted this war months ago; the anti-war movement has held him back. War is not inevitable."


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