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Excitement is Building for Saturday's March on Washington to End the War Now!

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e past marches, the Corporate Media is already covering this event, including the Washington Post. Better yet, we've created our own powerful progressive media on the Internet since 2003 - this Revolution will be Blogged and YouTubed!

RALLY: Democrats.Com, PDA, activists and friends are asked to gather with their PDA state banner, Saturday morning on the National Mall between Jefferson Ave. NW and 4th St. NW. (Facing the National Air and Space Museum) We will begin gathering at 9:30 AM. Download the map. (If you need help finding us on Saturday, call Sherry 480-529-2131 or Laura 435-640-2252)

Come to the workshops and trainings (including on how to lobby for investigations with the ultimate goal of impeachment) on January 28th and come with us to meet with your Congress Member and Senators on January 29th. It's not too late to register:

Here's what we're lobbying for (and what you can ask your Senators and Congress Member for):

For comprehensive list of all sorts of related events in Washington and elsewhere in the coming days, see:


Ask Your Friends to Join the Virtual March on Washington

If you can't make it to Washington DC, you can still show your opposition to the Iraq War! Join over 19,000 activists in our Virtual March on Washington:

Each of us knows 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 people who share our opposition to Bush's War but won't march in the streets. All we ask is they take 1 minute to email their Representatives:

Can you help us by reaching out to your personal email lists? Click here:


Congress Announces First Investigation into Bush's Crimes

HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Oversight Hearing on: "Presidential Signing Statements under the Bush Administration: A Threat to Checks and Balances and the Rule of Law?"

10:15 a.m., Wednesday, January 31, 2007, Room 2141 Rayburn House Office Building

THANK Congressman John Conyers: (202) 225-5126, [email protected]


Ask CBS to Let its Reporters Tell the Truth About Iraq