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James Twyman: Important Update On The April 1, 2003 Prayer Vigil

By James Twyman

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o the World" conference.

Now they have asked that we expand the vigil to include all world leaders, especially those who are most involved in the current war in Iraq. They believe that offering our prayers of peace will actually inspire them to make their decisions based upon the good of all. I personally believe that this is the most powerful and positive action we can take, especially for those who believe that violence can never lead to real peace.

Wherever you are at that time, please stop and join the world in prayer. We believe that millions of people will participate, adding their energy to this essential movement.

Also, around a couple of hundred people will gather outside the White House to anchor the prayers. We are asking that as many people as possible join that group, and bring as many children as you can. That is the most powerful aspect of this vigil, the fact that it comes to us from the Children. If you would like to attend please meet no later than 11 AM at the Northwest corner of the Ellipse, between Constitution Ave and the White House. (Parking is very limited, so the metro is best.) The Children's Cloth of Many Colors will be there, and a section will soon be received by the Children's Correspondence section of the White House as a symbol of all our prayers.

Please join the group there if you can.

During the vigil, the Psychic Children are asking that we imagine President Bush and the other leaders as children, not as adults, and to appeal to their original childlike nature. They believe that this is the only way to not only end this current conflict, but to initiate a world where wars like this are impossible. Spend at least ten minutes holding this vision.

Also, please pass this update to as many people as you can. The power of these vigils is the way they spread around the world in a matter of hours.

Thank you for spreading the word.

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Peace Prevails on Earth,

James Twyman


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