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Earthdance International

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to all of your friends and email lists so we will have an even greater impact!

In Peace,

The Earthdance Team

Join Us for the World’s Largest Global Om on Land and Sea!

Be a part this profound moment by registering to do a Private Earthdance Event

On September 15th, 2007, millions of people across the world will unite their voices to create the world's largest synchronized Global OM This magic moment will be the highlight of the 11th annual Earthdance International peace festival, and will be the first time in recorded history that global participants will attune to a special specific frequency that is derived from the natural sound of the Earth itself (The Shuman Resonance). Earthdance International is the world’s largest synchronized global dance and music festival that unites over 350 locations in 60 counties to support

humanitarian causes and world peace. The defining moment of Earthdance is the global link up where each event participates in the “Prayer for Peace” at the same time. To find out what time the Prayer for Peace and Global Om are happening in your time zone, please visit:

This year, the Earthdance Prayer for Peace will be followed by a synchronized Global Om, as people across the world unite their voices with the intention of healing the Earth’s waters. In addition to this frequency that will be audible on land, we will transmit the same frequency (via specially designed water speakers) to the waters of several sacred rivers throughout the world (Amazon, Ganga, Nile, etc). This gesture is our attempt to "homeopathically resonate" the Earth's water with our global intention of healing the waters, and thus unite all life, on land and sea. The Global Om is a specific healing frequency and can be downloaded as a free MP3 with the Prayer for Peace at:

Over the centuries, Scientists and mystics have honored water’s sacred and restorative properties. It is increasingly evident that this precious resource is now critically endangered.

We encourage you to invite your community to join us for the 2007 Prayer for Peace and the Synchronized Global Om! There are several ways in which you can join us for this very special moment. Register to hold a Private Earthdance Event & celebrate with family and


Attend a Public Event in your area for a list of events

Tune-in to the Global Webcast on September 15

For more information please visit or email

[email protected]

Please join us for this very profound moment to respect the sacredness of

water and celebrate world peace.

Earthdance International is a registered 501-3 (c) non-profit organization GIVE PEACE A DANCE!

August 24, 2007