International Day Of Action Peace Rally April 12, Vancouver, BC
Vancouver, BC
The International Peace Movement is again gearing up for massive rallies. Vancouver, B.C. will play its part. Please help by distributing this announcement as broadly as possible.
Join us for
To Say :
" Stop the War on Iraq"
and call for
Peace and Justice in the Middle East
Saturday April 12th
Gather 12:00 p.m. Library Square
1.30 p.m. Rally at Vancouver Art Gallery
Speakers & Music tba
Stopwar.ca Endorsement List
City of Vancouver -City of Burnaby - BC Federation of Labour - Dr David Suzuki, Environmentalist - Anglican Diocese of New Westminster Justice and Peace Unit - Oxfam Canada - Physicians for Global Survival - Muslim Canadian Federation - Vancouver & District Labour Council - United Church of Canada - Campaign to End Sanctions Against the People of Iraq - Canadian Peace Alliance - CAW Canada - End the Arms Race - B.C. Government and Services Employees' Union - Coalition Against War on the People of Iraq - Canadian Federation of Students - Communist Party of Canada - Coalition of Progressive Electors - Veterans Against Nuclear Arms - New Democratic Party - Council of Canadians (Vancouver Chapter) - International Socialists - Justice Peace & Social Concerns Committee, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) - Youth For A Better World - ADALA, Canadian Arab Justice Committee - Anti-Poverty Committee - AMS Women's Centre - Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (BC) - Coalition of Progressive Electors - Check Your Head - SFU Muslim Student Association - St Chiara Community - Vancouver Raging Grannies - Dr Fred Bass City Councilor - Hospital Employees Union - Vancouver Green Party - The Canadian Latin-American Collective - International Longshore Workers Union, Local 400 - Libby Davies MP - Svend Robinson MP - Stephen Owen MP - Tim Louis City Councilor - Lisa Barrett, Mayor Bowen Island - Michael Wallace, Professor Political Studies UBC - Bob Rosen, Past President Surrey Teachers Association - Adrienne Montani, Trustee VSB - Valerie Raoul, Professor Women's Studies & French - Lloyd Edwards, Past President of Surrey Teachers' Association - Vancouver Vigils - Communist Party of Canada, Marxist Leninist - Canadians Concerned About Free Trade - Jews For A Just Peace - Social Justice Committee Unitarian Church of Vancouver - Society Promoting Environmental Conservation - Palestine Solidarity Group -- Dan Chambers, United Church Minister - Canada Palestine Support Network - Council of Canadians, Mid Island Chapter - South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy - Mennonite Central Committee - Workers Communist Party of Iran/Iraq - Women Elders in Action - Douglas College Student Union - Medical Students For Global Survival - Committee for Solidarity with Columbia - UBC Social Justice Club - Nursing Undergraduate Society - SFU Coalition to Stop the War - Philippine Women Centre of BC - Queers United Against Kapitalism - Canada Palestine Association - Trade Union Committee for Justice in the Middle East - Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centers - Emily Carr Students Against the War Coalition - Direct Action Against Refugee Exploitation - International Society for Peace & Human Rights - Marginalized Workers Action League - Lawyers Against the War - Franciscan Sisters of the Attonement - Sunshine Coast Peace Group - Arab Palestine Association - Simon Frazer Student Society - New Socialist Group - The Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice - Happy Planet Foods - School of the Americas Watch, Kootenay Branch - Green Party (BC) - BC Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines - Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance - Vancouver Non-Violence Training Collective - Council of Canadians (Richmond Chapter) - Salaamat -Bible Holiness Movement - Filipino Nurses Support Group - College and Institute Educators Association - Global and Societal Ministries BC Conference, United Church of Canada -Canada Colombia Solidarity Campaign - Direct Action Against Refugee Exploitation.- Senior Networks BC - Christian Task Force on Central America (BC) - BC Teachers Federation - Council of Canadians (BC) - Burnaby Civic Employees' Union, Local 23 CUPE - Trinity United Church (Kitsilano) Social Justice Group - Franciscan Sisters of Joy - Vida & Paz Columbia - Douglas College Faculty Association & Executive Council - Canada Asia Pacific Resource Network - Vancouver Secondary Teachers' Association - BC Association of Social Workers - Seniors on Guard for Medicare - Boundary Peace Initiative - Social Justice Committee of South Frazer Unitarian Congregation - International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees, Local 891 Grassroots Women - Pacific Spirit Family & Community Services Society- Vancouver Catholic Worker - Chinese Refugees Rights Committee - Union of Spiritual Communities in Christ (Dukabors) - Writers Against the War - The Peace Walker Society - BC Synod-Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada - Vancouver Community College Faculty Association - Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians - "Solidarity Notes", VDLC Labour Choir - World Sikh Organization - Common Ground - B.C. Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WW 11 in Asia - Vancouver-Kingsway Provincial NDP Constituency Association - December 9 Coalition - Dunnett Classic Drums - Public Service Alliance of Canada, Local 60 - The Carnival Band - Moms on the Drive - International South Asia Forum.
For information or to join the coalition e-mail