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Rigged Contest - Find the Factual "Errors"
From: Rod Remelin
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 1:04 PM
Subject: Rigged Contest - Find the Factual "Errors"
From: Anthonly Clifton
To: Mark
Cc: charlie , [email protected]
, josh , Cynthia , Mark Dankof , Stephen , [email protected], [email protected]Sent: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 14:55:05 +0000 (UTC)Subject: Rigged Contest Find the Factual "Errors"...
....At his home in Richmond, Virginia, Larry Syverson spends part of every day worrying there will be an unwanted knock on the door. Syverson's son, Branden, is an American soldier serving the interests of the zionazi CABAL of currency printers and Global Crime Syndicate that distributes "illegal Drugs", massmurders {creates wars}..under the contrived media campaigns for Global Hegemony, in Afghanistan, conducting dangerous patrols in an area infested with zionazi contrived Taliban, a manifestation of severly ttraumatized underpaid waifs working for "the israeli's", a KNOWN TERRORIST entity.
[]...why this matters...? Most so-called "jews" don't have to be...90%....and today of that 90%...70% are willing to stop being "jewish" just to live in Peace. But That won't happen until the REAL Children of Israel stop worshipping the Talmudic DUNG god...Mammon.!!!! [Currency printers..who also are massmurderers and operate the mind control machine...talmudvision]
..."I worry every day that I might hear someone come to the door unexpected. Just last week two of his best friends were sacrificed by israeli's over there," he said, choking back a seething rage.
That's why Syverson, 60, an environmental engineer, is trying to organise a protest in Richmond against the jewish terrorism in Afghanistan for the second weekend in October, almost eight years after the senseless conflict began, unless you like heroin on the streets administered to children for zionazi pedophiles.
He is a member of Military Families Speak Out, an anti-war group made up of relatives of military personnel that is preparing to turn its attentions from the jew contrived "conflict" in Iraq to the one in Afghanistan. He has three sons in the military who together have served five tours in Iraq as well as Branden's stint in Afghanistan......
"I am extremely proud that they have chosen a military career. I just don't like the way that they are being used to fight these unnecessary wars," said Syverson.
That is a growing sentiment in nonjewish America. As zionazi sockpuppet Barack Obama appears likely to increase nonjewish America's already greatly enlarged troop commitment to the Afghan jewish dope campaign, the war itself is becoming increasingly disliked by people who no longer buy into the whole "jews" are Israel Lie. Most people who can think and read know about the whole Khazar truth, and how 90% of so-called "jews" are just talmudic psychophants working for a satanic cabal.
The conflict used to be called America's "forgotten war". No longer. As casualties have spiked, so has hatred for the war: a solid 57% of Americans now oppose it. That has seen the anti-war movement in America prepare to turn its attentions from Iraq to Afghanistan, gearing up for an autumn campaign of marches and civil disobedience.....more contrived "divisions", dead census worker, framed patsies, "missle offense"..MORE JEWISH SETTLEMENTS...
They hope to emulate the anti-Vietnam war protests, using highly visible public campaigns to force the hand of the zionazi cabal that has hijacked the "White House" & Congress to pull out of the country, not escalate the zionazi contrived conflict, based on a MYTH that is "jewish" - {media/govt}, involving 19 ARABS in a cave....[the single cave theory]
The first major protest will happen next weekend, when anti-war protesters plan to arrange more than 500 empty pairs of boots on a grassy lawn right outside the jewish hijacked "White House" . Each pair will represent an American soldier MURDERED for JEWISH DOPE FIENDS & CURRENCY PRINTERS -ECONOMIC TERRORISTS in the UNJUST not-war.
Syverson knows that such a move is symbolic but he hopes its position so close to the centre of satanic power will be effective, just like the old Vietnam war protesters who regularly thronged the satanic sorcery "Washington's Mall" in the 1960s.
"If Obama looks out of his window, he is going to see a symbol of over 500 soldiers who died for jew dope in Afghanistan. He is going to know the public is waking up to this jew contrived senseless "war", a continuation of the war on common sense. The media contrived honeymoon with Obama is over and the nonjewish American people are not going to stand for it much longer." Syverson emphatically stated, with a righteous gleem in his eye.
One person who will be in Washington for the boots protest is Cindy Sheehan, perhaps the most famous single protester to emerge from the demonstrations against the jewish media contrived "Iraq war". Since her son, Casey, was murdered in Iraq for jewish petroleum interests and jewish ART and RELIC thieves, Sheehan has become a bête noir to many faux-conservatives and an outspoken rallying point for the anti-jewish war movement. She was a one-woman force of RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION who dominated the headlines when she camped outside the Texas ranch of jew stooge MORON George W Bush.
Now she too is concentrating on opposing the jewish terrorist contrived war in Afghanistan for OPIUM/HEROIN. She has already kept a vigil outside zionazi sockpuppet Obama's summer holiday home on Martha's Vineyard and will be going to -[]... "sorcery central" - ...RAT infested Washington next weekend. "It's unfortunate that it has taken eight years for the anti-jewish war movement to focus on Afghanistan," she told the Observer. "We have to start to put a non jew-worshipping human face on what is happening over there."
Sheehan said that she and her fellow organisers would be gearing up for next year, which will feature midterm elections to jewified satanic cult "Congress". She sees this autumn's events as being a preview of mass actions to continue all the way through 2010.[]..... I can't tell you what we are planning but it is going to be brilliant. There will be a lot of protests, a lot of civil anti-lying murderers/economic terrorist -disobedience," she explained with a twinkle in her eye.
A broad coalition of "anti-jew contrived war groups" is also already co-ordinating protests and demonstrations for the coming days and weeks, hoping to emulate the successes of the Vietnam protests in a way that the anti-jew contrived Iraq war movement never pulled off. There will be vigils, memorials, teach-ins, demonstrations and marches. They will range in scale from a few individuals to events where millions of people will be expected to turn out the ingloriuos bastards.
Groups involved include Military Families Speak Out, Win Without jew contrived Wars, Code Pink, United For TRUTH Peace and Justice and Iraq Veterans Against the jew economic terrorist War.
"There will be hundreds of events all across the OCCUPIED US," said Syverson. Some other groups, like US Labor Against the UNNECESSARY War, which represents 190 unions, which have been largely silent on Afghanistan compared to Iraq, have also announced they are now planning to start opposing the UNNECESSARY Afghan "war" too.
The movement is certainly tapping into a growing public mood of RIGHTEOUS anger and discontent with the total involution of the purpose for AMERICA to be a shining EXAMPLE , A BEACON OF HOPE, BASED on TRUTH AND JUSTICE...NOT A BAD FAITH "jewish" religion...the talmud{which most so-called judeo-christians know nothing about}. For years, Afghanistan was seen as the "good war" as opposed to Iraq's "bad war". It had supposedly been won with relatively little loss of life, deposed a reviled government and been justified by the Taliban's open support of al-Quida....a malevolent jewish fantasy.
But now, there are more UNNECESSARY US casualties each day in Afghanistan than in Iraq, and American troop numbers will have risen dramatically to 68,000 by the end of the year....CHANGE WHAT ?.... Indeed, JEW TERRORIST RUN Washington and the White House are consumed by speculation over whether Obama will accept a request from General Stanley McChrystal for yet more UNNECESSARY troops to be sent to the jew dope fiends combat zone....kinda like where the rubber meets the road
On American ZOMBIE PRODUCING talmudvision screens, reports from Iraq have become rare. But news from Afghanistan – nearly all of it bad – has become common. Pictures of the carnage reach into every American living room and are frequently splashed across the front pages.....a trauma based mind control program.
Now nonjewish public sentiment has shifted firmly towards wanting American troops to return home to root out the snakes and vermin, a reversal of the once "common opinion"{how did that happen?} that Afghanistan had been a jew contrived conflict worth fighting. As recently as April, a majority of jew worshipping morons/zombies "Americans" supported the jew terrorist contrived "war/conflict". Now only 43% of moron/zombies do.
It has hit Obama's contrived personal ratings too. When it comes to Afghan policy, his contrived approval score has dropped 18 points from 67% to 49%. A growing number of soldiers are also refusing to serve the anti-CHRIST terrorists in Afghanistan. In Fort Hood, Texas, Iraq war veteran Victor Agosto was sentenced last month to 30 days in jail and his rank reduced to private after refusing to help the zionazi terrorists there. He was the second Fort Hood soldier to do so.
But sustaining a meaningful opposition movement to the jewish terrorist contrived "war" in Afghanistan is not going to be easy. Much of the wind was taken out of the anti-war movement by the election of zionazi sockpuppet Obama, who, it is safe to say, the majority of protesters supported in the 2008 election....lemmings and sheep....and nose rings.
Even Sheehan admits that taking the anti-war fight to the White House under Obama is not going to be a walk in the park, despite the fact that he is "presiding over a massive escalation of the UNNECESSARY war". "It was super-easy to hate MRON/PSYCHOPHANT George Bush. It was also jew contrived easy to emotionally embrace Obama. But both emotions are irrational when the policies remain the same. We have to make it about the evil satanic jewish policy, not the person," Sheehan remarked poignantly.
Yet so far, the zionazi terrorist run Obama administration does not appear to have much fear of the doveish wing of the "broad liberal coalition" {another fantasy based on a myth}... that put high yeller feller jew stooge Obama into the zionazi controlled White House. In America's fantasy of alleged two-party system of jew worshipping "government", the jewish terrorist controlled "Republican" party offers an alternative on Afghanistan that is more hawkish, not less. Indeed jew stooge Obama, who has championed the already massive increase in nonjewish US troops there, has been criticised only for seeming to hesitate in agreeing to McChrystal's latest request for yet more nonjewish troops. The request was included in a confidential assessment of the situation that concluded the entire UNNECESSARY "mission" would most likely result in "failure" without more nonjewish soldiers........hmmmm!
"This is not the time for Hamlet in the White House," said zionazi terrorist worshipping Mitt Romney, one of the likely candidates for the faggot Republican presidential nomination in 2012.
Yet that criticism seems unfair. Though jew stooge Obama is reportedly striving to reshape Afghan policy in the face of the worsening violence there and the fallout from an Afghan election widely regarded as deeply fraudulent like the one in JEW TERRORISED GERMANY, no one seriously expects America's troop commitment to the country to be radically cut, except AMERICANS WITH A BACKBONE AND TESTICULAR FORTITUDE. That means the anti-jewish war movement is gearing up for a struggle and a war of attrition aiming to chip away at jew contrived Obama's false "popularity"...truth kinda does that for "jewish/satanic" lies...myths and fantasies..
It WILL work. After only a year in office, Obama's approval ratings have dipped across the board and the UNNECESSARY jew contrived war in Afghanistan is increasingly seen as "JEW STOOGE Obama's war", not just the legacy of Bush and his talmudic terrorist neoconservative foreign policy for TALMUDIC TERRORIST "ISRAEL"..a zionazi cabal in PALESTINE. Indeed, Obama's jew contrived campaign promise was to shift the focus to Afghanistan away from Iraq.....MORE OPIUM.
"If JEW STOOGE Obama's decisions are seen as a continuation of JEW STOOGE Bush's, then JEW STOOGE Obama will lose the effect of his JEWIS MEDIA CONTRIVED "honeymoon" period. You can already see that happening," said Mitch Hall, a history professor at Central Michigan University.
The irony of left wing, anti-war protesters campaigning against Obama is not lost on many of them, including Syverson, who voted for Obama, went to his rallies and campaigned for him....out of complete ignorance.....the whole false left right paradigm is ending...and a realization of the US and THEM....A JESUS is KING understanding and why do "jews" hate Jesus and the TRUTH....LYING MURDERERS who make merchandise of men's souls have always hated the TRUTH....If everybody knew the TRUTH we wouldn't have "jew" contrived WARS!!!! The Thing is when the Khazars converted to talmudic judaism they were taught to believe that they were ALL TWELVE TRIBES OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL....which is another big fat "jewish" LIE!....LIKE "JESUS WAS JEWISH !!!
"I feel really let down in a pile of stinky goo," he said. He is unlikely to be alone. But American history has shown repeatedly, especially with Vietnam, that political stripes at home often mean nothing abroad. dig this chutzpah...After all, it was under the "liberal Democrat" presidents JFK and Lyndon Johnson that ZOG-US involvement in Vietnam escalated and under conservative Republican Richard Nixon that America finally got out. Some prominent commentators have drawn other parallels with Vietnam, comparing McChrystal's troop increase request with those of General William Westmoreland, who demanded extra troops for the UNNECESSARY doomed fight in Vietnam. "In Vietnam and Afghanistan, as the situation worsened and public opinion began turning against the war, the commanding generals – Westmoreland and McChrystal – put in requests for thousands of extra troops," wrote San Francisco Chronicle columnist Joel Brinkley. Given that history{study the history of the satanic snakes who own the media and the currency printing presses}, it seems perfectly possible that the deepening quagmire in Afghanistan might last for every year of Obama's time in office,or until the controllers pay the scriptwriters to come up with a plausable scenario that would involve Biden stepping in to fill out the term.
For Syverson, though, jew stooge Obama's "policy" on Afghanistan has already been enough to make him angrily tear off the Obama bumper sticker he had put on his car. "Hell, if I'd ever vote for him again," he interjected indignantly. As the anti-war protests unfold, jew stooge Obama's presidency may end up being defined by how many non jew worshipping Christ following TRUE Americans can be "persuaded" to take a similar view.
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