Win Without War Calls For End Of U.S. Occupation, Setting Of Date For Withdrawal Of Troops From Iraq
For Withdrawal Of Troops From Iraq
Fire Rumsfeld and Others, Let People of Iraq Govern Selves, Says Nation’s Largest Anti-War Coalition
From: http://www.commondreams.org/news2004/0527-01.htm
MAY 27, 2004
WASHINGTON - May 27 - A coalition of 42 national organizations making up the country’s largest anti-war organization called today for a date certain for withdrawing all American troops from Iraq.
"U.S. actions in Iraq are squandering precious lives, national treasure and international support," said former Congressman Tom Andrews (D-ME), National Director of Win Without War. "The prisoner abuse scandal has shamed America and increased the danger to U.S. troops. The occupation is shattering hopes for genuine Iraqi freedom and undermining U.S. and international security."
The group announced a weekend of nationwide protests of the Bush Iraq policy on June 26 and 27, just days before the U.S. says it will hand sovereignty of Iraq to a UN chosen administration. The weekend action will be organized with Win Without War members MoveOn.org and the Internet based organization TrueMajority as well as the coalition United for Peace and Justice.
In a statement released today, Win Without War said any rationale that once existed for the U.S. action in Iraq no longer works.
"There is no military solution in Iraq. We, therefore, call upon our government to commit to ending the military and economic occupation of Iraq and to withdrawing our troops by a date certain. There is no justification for letting any young American be the last to die for a mistake.
"Some see U.S. withdrawal as an admission of defeat, but the far greater failure would be to remain on the present course. The invasion of Iraq was flawed from the beginning, and the mistakes of the occupation have compounded that error. The war has overburdened the armed forces, drained the national treasury and sparked worldwide animosity toward U.S. policy," the group’s statement said.
Andrews called for the firing of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his complicit involvement in decisions that led to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib and for his consistent misreading of the situation in Iraq. Others responsible for the criminal treatment of Iraqis also must go, he said.
The statement of Win Without War, which represents a wide range of civil rights, human rights, peace, religious and political organizations, follows:
There is no military solution in Iraq. We therefore call upon our government to end the military and economic occupation of Iraq and to withdraw our troops by a date certain. There is no justification for letting any young American be the last to die for a mistake.
The U.S. has a moral and legal responsibility to help finance humanitarian relief and economic reconstruction. We must work with the UN and other international partners to enhance the security and economic development of a post-Saddam, post-American Iraq.
U.S. actions in Iraq are squandering precious lives, national treasure and international support. The prisoner abuse scandal has shamed America before world opinion and increased the danger to U.S. troops. The occupation is shattering hopes for genuine Iraqi freedom and undermining U.S. and international security.
A majority of Iraqis wants American forces to leave Iraq now. The mere presence of an unwelcome occupation force, exacerbated by the criminal treatment of Iraqi detainees, is fostering insurgency. Our soldiers have become vulnerable targets and are unable to restore order or get on with the business of rebuilding the country. More troops will not change the reality that Iraqis and most of the world view the American presence as illegitimate and unwelcome.
We demand full accountability for all those responsible for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners, including senior-level military and civilian officials. Lower-ranking troops must not be made scapegoats. The cavalier disregard for international law reflected in this scandal has characterized the entire U.S. mission in Iraq.
The plans for creating an interim government on June 30th should foster genuine Iraqi self-rule, not perpetuate U.S. control. Iraqis must have command over their own security forces, and the right to negotiate an agreement setting terms for the operation of foreign troops on their soil. The interim government should have authority over the Iraqi economy and oil revenues and the right to reverse or modify decisions made by the U.S. appointed governing authority. Absent these conditions, Iraqi "sovereignty" will be a sham.
We reject the argument that America cannot withdraw from a costly, bloody occupation that was mistaken from the beginning. Such a course will only doom more Americans and Iraqis to die for a dubious cause at costs we cannot afford. To those who claim that American credibility is at stake, we say that the best way to restore America’s credibility, respect and honor in the world is through the success of a vigorous citizen’s movement in ending the occupation and holding those responsible fully accountable. The Win Without War coalition is fully committed to this end.