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World Peace Prayer And Mudra Ceremony - Mt. Fuji

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to commence the Ceremonial Prayer gathering. The flags of each nation (192) were accompanied by an escort flag bearing the prayer - May Peace Prevail On Earth - in the languages of each country. The Earth Flag was presented at the end of the procession to honor Mother Earth and all her nations, cultures, tribes and regions on earth.



The prayer field was shaped in the form of a Great Circle resonating with the Great Medicine Wheel taking place in the U.S. Thousands of participants divided into 192 blocks representing the nations of the world sat within the circle to participate in the ceremonial prayer. The members of each country block stood up to offer their prayers and INs (mudras) when their country was called forth in prayer. A wave of prayers, a wave of INs (mudras) rippled across the prayer Circle in a symphony of Love, Light and Harmony. May peace be in Afganistan - Jinrui Soku Kami Nari -Humanity is Divine, May peace be in Iraq - Jinrui Soku Kami Nari -Humanity is Divine - May Peace be in France - Jinrui Soku Kami Nari -Humanity is Divine ........



Masami Sensei (daughter of the late Asccended Master Goi who founded this group effort over fifty years ago) addressed the crowd after the ceremonial prayer. A brief summary of her speech follows:

....great work has been accomplished today through our prayers for peace. We are joined today by the Protective Guardians of each nation and tens of thousands who comprise the Collective Body of Consciousness-the awakened ones who are serving humanity around the world. The energy created by our prayers are being carried to every corner on earth by these Guardians for the evolution and awakening of humanity. As a result of our prayers to day, the history of humanity has opened to a clean new page. We have shifted to a new paradigm. All wars will be eliminated from the face of the Earth by the end of this year. This is a magnificent feat. Congratulate yourselves. Honor and give thanks to yourselves who have continuously dedicated their lives to prayers for peace.....



At the end of the ceremony, the Ultimate Light of the Universe was sent forth to bless each and every one of us. With our right palms facing heaven we proclaimed in unison, "Manifested" "Accomplished" ... as the Light was received through every cell and sub atomic particle of our very essence and Being.


May Peace Prevail On Earth

Jinrui Soku Kami Nari

THE DIVINITY PROJECT promoting the frequencies of the Mt. Fuji Sanctuary home of the White Light Association - Byakko - Japan

415-641-5085 [email protected]

UPCOMING Mt. Fuji Ceremonies in the U.S.

Mill Valley, CA June 3rd, Thursday

Mt. Shasta August 21st, Saturday

New York City August 29th, Sunday

San Francisco September 2nd, Friday

Ukiah September 12, Sunday

To schedule and book a Mt. Fuji Ceremony in your area

please contact the Divinity Project: [email protected]
