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HUGE Taxpayer March on Washington on September 12, 2009
From: DB
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 9:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: HUGE Taxpayer March on Washington on September 12th.
FYI - just in case some are interested... It's a bit of a hike from Oz to join ya'all - Cheers
Press Release is as follows:
For Immediate Release
Contact: Joyce Rae Kardos Tel: 330-348-6938
Email: [email protected]
Group leaders, media and individuals: Will you PLEASE get the word out ASAP so folks can make plans to attend the August 28 - September 12 "Tea Party Express" national bus tour that will cross the nation, holding tea party rallies from coast-to-coast, leading up to the huge grand finale: the Taxpayer March on Washington on September 12th.
Plan now to support the Tea Party Express and be in Washington, D.C. for the September 12, 2009 gigantic TEA PARTY.D.C. rally.....
Lets make our voices heard on their doorstep... with a MILLION citizens there...!!!!
For more info click here and flick the tabs for details:
Event Coordinators
These are the 9-12 March on Washington national co-coordinators:
Brendan Steinhauser -
Jenny Beth Martin -
Darla Dawald -
To set up an appointment with your Congressman and Senators, please contact Andrew Moylan of National Taxpayers Union. [email protected]