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Campaign For Liberty: ----- Original Message ----- From: Campaign for Liberty To: John Adams Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:22 AM Subject: Join Us for Our Seattle Regional Conference, May 22-24

John Tate

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----- Original Message -----
From: Campaign for Liberty
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 9:22 AM
Subject: Join Us for Our Seattle Regional Conference, May 22-24

April 27, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty's first-ever Regional Conference held in St. Louis last month was an incredible time of inspiration, training, and networking for the road ahead. Click here to see videos and pictures of the event.

On Memorial Day Weekend, May 22-24, Campaign for Liberty will hold its second Regional Conference in Seattle, Washington. Mark your calendars today to hear Congressman Ron Paul, Tom Woods, and many other excellent speakers at this three day event.

The Seattle Conference will be held at the Doubletree Hotel, and a special C4L room rate is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Activities will include a private reception and book signing with Dr. Paul and Tom Woods before our Freedom Celebration on Friday night, grassroots training on Saturday (including Tom Woods' class on the Constitution), and Campaign for Liberty member and state meetings on Sunday.

A three day pass to the Conference costs $139, but is discounted to $99 for dues-paying members and local coordinators and to $59 for students.

Check out our Seattle Conference page for full schedule, registration, travel, and hotel details.

Our Seattle Conference will strengthen your understanding of history and the foundational principles necessary to maintain liberty as well as teach you how to:

  • Persuasively communicate our movement's mission and message.
  • Recruit, train, equip, and mobilize a well-informed group of people to build the organizational structure necessary to win for freedom and liberty.
  • Influence the political process on the local, state, and national level.

This training is especially critical as momentum continues to build for HR 1207, Dr. Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve. You can be sure the Fed's defenders will not sit idly by while we push for transparency and accountability in our nation's monetary system. It is key to our success that we continue to educate and prepare ourselves to defend the beliefs we champion.

Never before have our liberties faced so many threats, but never before has our movement been so strong. Our Seattle Conference will motivate, equip, and sharpen you as we pursue our goals of reclaiming our Republic and restoring our Constitution.

Stay tuned to in the days ahead for more information as we get closer to May's Seattle Regional Conference!

In Liberty,

John Tate

President, Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Space is limited and sure to fill up fast as word spreads in the next month. Visit our site and reserve your spot today!