My Fellow Americans, Please Listen
From Rose King
I beg you all to look into the mirror and realize that all you know, the families you love, and the freedom to live in this peaceful world is about to disappear overnight. When our soldiers begin to die in a country that has never done anything to deserve what is about to happen to it, you will feel my pain, and sorrow knowing about the lives lost for no good reason other than a globalist agenda being spearheaded by this madman administration.
If the war and coming staged event goes according to plan, you will know the wrongness of this action, and it will be to late to do anything about it. You will also realize that the globalist owned media has led you all like sheep to the slaughter house with lies and mis-information as you choose to remain asleep even when the truth was presented to you from other sources. And again it will be to late.
The lying Brokaws, Rathers, Hannitys, Laumbahs, and O'Rileys via the weapons of CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and various press corps like the cia operated associated press have all been part of this diabolical plan to keep the people in the darkness of ignorance. I pity all those lying media people when their neighbors discover what traitors to this country and it's constitutional freedoms they have been daily by the perpetuating and constant propagation of these lies, and dis-informational psychological warfare tactics aligned at the fine American people. It's been the "keep the people blind agenda" for generations now. Soon it will be to late to change it. Let those with eyes to see, see, and let those with ears to hear, hear.
The next plan of the globalists is to sponsor more terror against you my fellow Americans both in violence, and psychological warfare. This will insure reason to go to war. When there is tragic havoc, the riots will begin, which they want, and like the poor Iraqi people the microwave towers that you are all surrounded by, will then be turned against whole cities of innocent Americans to bring them into subjugation. http://www.rense.com/general/nonleth.htm http://www.angelfire.com/or/mctrl/nwo.html
Then, the draconian Anti-American Patriot Act I, Homeland Security Act, Model Health and Safety Powers Act, Space Based Weapons Act, the potential senate bill S-22, and other Executive orders will all be put into effective placement after these planed events, and then you will finally realize the horror that this is now upon you all as you hear nothing but the pre-programmed FEMA orders on every communication device there is.
And I cry even more, because then it will be way to late to try and speak up to cast your vote of the soul. Your refusal to awaken is an automatic vote for the anti-Christ that leads us all to doom, and not for the Christ who might have saved many. Your inability to awaken from the media produced brainwashing will be the main reason for the coming of a potential "hell on earth," and no matter how much eleventh hour praying, and repenting you do, nothing will save you and your families.
And then there was the sickening speech by Bush. In the presidents scripted blabberings, and amongst the many mistakes he made, at about 36 minutes into his programmed babble, he was asked a question about needing a UN resolution of approval for his false war. He said "No," and went on to say, "Ah, secondly, I am confident the American people WILL understand that WHEN it comes to our security, um, ah, if we need to act, we WILL act, and we really don't need the United Nations approval to do so." He finished by saying to the reporter that asked the question, "Mark, WHEN it comes to our security, we really don't NEED anybody's permission."
He is going to use a pre-planed event to go around the UN process, and say, see, I told you so. He has set up the press also, and I wonder if any of them caught this from another scripted question he was asked. The reporter asked him if he would give the inspectors, humanitarian workers, and the press time to leave before an attack. He responded by saying. " The journalists who are there should leave, if your going, and we start action, leave." That was it! The warning, " if we start action, leave."
Now you the press can see just how much your masters love you. Then later, a reporter asked him about the costs of this coming war. He responded by saying in his answer, "And we WILL present it as a supplemental." "We WILL present." This is a pre-conceived, pre-planning to a request for money from congress more than likely to be made after some incident happens that he knows about already. He also said, "AT the appropriate time, we WILL ask for a supplemental." AT the appropriate time? Like he knows there will be an appropriate time!
"We hope we don't have to go to war, but if we SHOULD, ah, WE WILL present a supplemental." "But I want to remind you, remind you of what I said before, there IS a huge cost WHEN we get attacked, there IS a significant cost to our society, first of all, there IS the cost of lives." At the end of his answer he says, " I SEE A GATHERING THREAT," and "that AT the appropriate time Ed, you WILL KNOW the costs." He goes on to mention the possibility of, "someone lobbing a weapon of mass destruction on Israel." Is this a hint of what is to come?
All this pre-conceived talk, and these certain indications that he knows that there is a cia-gov-globalist plan to bring on a Pearl Harbor type event to galvanize the public opinion towards war with Iraq. Martial law could also follow which will set up the rioting.
I suspect that in the light of all the warnings we have been given, something could happen this coming week. This all sounds like a set up of the American people for a pre-conceived event that he knows about, and it could come on a date like, 3-10-2003, which when added 3+1+0+2+0+0+3 equals 9. The traditional number meaning completion, and like 666 when added, also equals 9. 6+6+6=18, 1+8=9. It could mean the completion and the New World Order's final move to destroy one world, and begin a new one. And let's not forget that most, if not all these gov sponsored events have taken place around 9:00 o'clock in the mornings.
And lastly, one more Big Bell that rings 'Set up' is, Where is the military stragedy in a night vision army beginning a military operation during a full moon? They will be sitting ducks out there in the moon lit deserts. Our soldiers are also now being shown just how much their fearless leader cares for them in this total disregard for their safety. Get rid of the only army keeping this world free is the agenda of these globalist madmen. Can't you see this people? I cry even more for all those that blindly follow the anti-Christ to their deaths.
All this is being said like he knows. He says all this in a future tense, and not a past tense. Any spiritually aware person can perceive his intentions through all the skulldugerous rantings, and plainly sense what is going on considering his past and involvement in 911.
At the time of this writing, we still have peace. I appeal to anyone in the Gov, the Military, or the real good-guy Law enforcement community to go forth, and do the right thing according to the laws we have in this country that these tyrants have broken. There are many they have violated just speaking constitutionally. All of you have given an oath to protect the constitution of these United States, as well as the country itself, and if you ignore this evidence, as well as continue to ignore the mountains of evidence that are out there, then I will cry for you too and your families, because in God' eyes, you have all helped this anti-Christ plan to come to fruitation, and will be found in complicity with this present insane asylum administration.
I saw the head line, "President and entire cabinet arrested," and the world rejoiced that finally, some one in the REAL FBI, in combination with some REAL honest Congressman and Senators, and some REAL high ranking honest Military men all got together to end this madness that is jeopardizing the world peace, world stability, and the American, as well a other world countries lifestyles. I beg you all to please do something NOW before it becomes too late, and all these set up's take place. Only a U.S. military coup, and the exorcising and impeachment of this administration by proper Law enforcement can save this world now. Soon though, it may really be too late. And I cry because I care for you all.
In the Chinese year of the sheep, or lamb, please join me now in a prayer that seeks God's help to attain these means NOW! Pray for hope, harmony, and tranquility, understanding and healing for us all NOW.
Peace. Not just a concept.
I love you all, ROSE KING.
Related articles: "Microwave weapons to play role in Iraq." Article printed in the Denver Post, Feb 24, 2003, in the Business section C, by Seth Schiesel of the New York Times.