Farrakhan's Second Letter To President Bush "The End Of Mercy And Grace"
"The End Of Mercy And Grace"
Min. Farrakhan writes second letter to Pres. Bush, warning of Divine consequences of war
[Editor's Note: In December 2001, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan penned a letter to President Bush, warning him of the mistakes he was making in his "war against terror" in pursuit of the perpetrators of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. On Oct. 30, 2002, the Minister again warned the President, in this letter, of the Divine consequences if he continued with his present plans.]
National Representative of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam
October 30, 2002
George W. Bush, President
of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500
As-Salaam Alaikum.
(Peace Be Unto You)
Dear President Bush,
May this letter find you and your family well.
I am writing this letter to once again appeal to you in the strongest way that you might heed my humble counsel and sincere warning to you. I am not your enemy, nor am I an enemy to this country, but, I do believe that the course that you are guiding the nation on will increase many enemies for you and the nation at home and abroad.
In my last letter, I respectfully called your attention to U.S. Presidents and their dealings with Islamic nations and leaders over the last several years, and, I warned that should you pursue what I know is in your mind and heart concerning Saddam Hussein and Iraq that you would lose the great advantage that you gained after September 11, 2001, and, that the coalition would fall apart and you might be forced to go it alone. Also, I opined that if you did such, you might run into something that your advisors had not thought of or perceived. This is already happening. Nations are becoming afraid of you and the tremendous power of America. In this state of fear, they will not stop trying to attain weapons of mass destruction because they believe that is the only thing that you will respect.
There is a rising chorus of anti-war demonstrations in the nation and throughout the world and it will intensify as you move toward war with the thought of occupying Iraq. The anti-war demonstrators will blame every death of an American service person and every death of an Iraqi citizen on you and this will produce a crisis for your administration within the United States, as well as in countries throughout the world.
I am writing to plead with you that there is a better way. However, the more you talk and the stronger you talk about regime change, you paint yourself into a corner from which it becomes increasingly difficult to extricate yourself.
There are times in history when men of conviction go against the tide of world thought and opinion, bringing suffering upon themselves to establish a new truth or a new idea. However, this is not that time for you. In my judgment, this is a time when the President of the United States must not only listen to his advisors and study their agendas, but, he must listen to world opinion. If the President of the United States seems to show no respect for world opinion or for the thoughts of the members of the Security Council of the United Nations, then, your actions will turn the nations of the world against you and against America.
Your actions will also render the United Nations an ineffective institution for future peacekeeping.
Ancient Babylon was a city that caused all who traded with her to wax strong, but, at a certain point, the neighboring nations turned against Babylon and she was destroyed and left as a sign. The Book of Revelation speaks of a mystery Babylon that ancient Babylon was a sign of. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, my teacher and guide, said that America is the fulfillment of that mystery Babylon.
Mr. President, you must study prophecy in order to beat it.
Look at the nations to the north and south of you. Are they pleased with you, your administration and your polices? Look at your friends in the Middle East. Are they really pleased with you, your administration and policies? Look at your European friends and your African and Asian friends. The prophecy teaches that, they will take your money and whatever you offer, but they will hate you and ultimately make you desolate.
We are headed into a terrible time. I am writing this letter as a final witness of my deep concern for you and for the nation, believing, however, that you are bent on doing what is in your heart with respect to Iraq and Saddam Hussein.
Mr. President, if you do this, you will bring down upon America an increase in the Divine Judgment of rain, hail, snow, wind, earthquakes, pestilence and famine that is already witnessed in the country. As you go about destroying other nations and cities, you will bring this kind of Divine Wrath on the American people and on American cities.
Please reconsider your plans.
May Allah (God) guide you to make the right decision for this nation and for the future of the world.
I Am Your Servant in the war against evil,
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Servant to the Lost-Found
Nation of Islam in the West