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Shambala Peace Prayer & Message From The Holy Mother

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I was directed to ask people to enter into a focused prayer at this time. This prayer will help stabilize the planets energetics through this effect. The main focus is to open our energy fields to be vessels for cosmic prana, that will nourish and sustain Earths energy fields through this effect.

Please enter into a 15 Min. focused meditation at the appointed time. I have included a recent channeled message that has a meditation that may be useful. Follow your guidance, do what feels right to you. Remember the the effect initiates the end of Jan 2003 and will continue until it peaks the end of May 2003.

We will be called to come together in prayer in many ways over these next months. It is no wonder that we stand on the brink of war at the same time as this effect. We are being called to action, I know our prayers will divert this unnecessary disaster.

Remember the Hopi Elder told us "WE are the ones we have been waiting for." Our prayers are powerful. Please forward this email.

Many Blessings,



Divine light of creation my heart opens in gratitude for the miracle that is at hand.

Holy temple of Shamballa your grace is received in the hearts of humanity

Divine light of creation receive me as a living light of the Christ consciousness

Through my vessel I pour forth the light of the Holy Spirit to fill the world

May the Peace that transcends all, enter my heart that as

I go forth from this day forward I AM the I AM a living temple of Peace

From this holy temple of peace I embrace all Creation in the One Heart One Mind One Soul of Divine Truth.

I send forth a prayer for unity through diversity honoring all pathways of spirituality leading to the holy temple of divine grace. I call the hearts of humanity to embrace the ultimate peace the light that lights the world

As above so below as the spirit so the soul as without so within and

Blessed be, So Be it

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Message From Holy Mother

Laolin and the Council of Aboraha

Through Judith K. Moore


[email protected]

I was awakened at 5:30 this morning by the voice of the Holy Spirit. "Rise my child and do your morning prayers. Today is the feast day of the Virgin of Guadualupe, the Holy Mother wishes to deliver a message through you." My heart was filled with joy as I began my day in prayer. I have had many apparitions of the Divine Mother beginning when I was 20 years old. As I sat at the computer the words just flowed through me. Thank you for being the light bearers.

Message from the Holy Mother

May the Divine will of creation fill your heart with the promise of the miracles at hand. Beloved disciples of peace I speak to you from the heart of creation. The veils between the worlds are thinning my dear children you prepare for your journey home to the heart of Divine love the love that transcends all. Know this my beloved ones we have entered the doorway to eternity.

All trauma that you have known in the past is an illusion of separation. This illusion will fade as a distant memory as your beloved planet emerges through the ascension corridor. Allow this miracle. Let go of the fears of the past, these no longer serve you. The illusion is powerful you make a choice moment by moment what to create in your reality by your belief systems. Do you truly choose to believe in mass destruction and the Armageddon plan? If you make this choice you access that potential time line and which only serves to accelerate anxiety and fear. Regardless of thought forms that serve the old paradigm the new creation emerges, love light and truth shall reign in the kingdom of heaven on earth. You now have the opportunity to choose manifestation of the promise of the immortal soul, the divine light of creation. I speak to you now of the power of the immortal soul. My beloved ones, the immortal soul is consciousness of every aspect of creation multidimensionally. The immortal soul is not bound by physical form and knows its divinity. Embrace the immortal soul now; call forth your Divine essence. Your high soul self await your loving embrace. You need not respond to the restrictions of the old time lines, a history that held you in a narrow confine of consciousness. Spread your wings children and fly with the angels.

Enter a deep meditation connect to your Golden soul cord or prana tube, that golden pillar of light that is the axis of your soul being. Focus your intent on the heart chakra within the heart chakra is the golden lotus chamber of compassion. As the golden lotus opens step in and take a meditative posture within the lotus. As you do so consciously connect to your divine soul self and radiate the light of compassion throughout your cells. Speak to your cellular memory, ask that any DNA memory that still carry trauma codes are attuned to the vibration of compassion. Now travel up the golden soul cord to the pineal gland there within is the lotus chamber of enlightenment. As that beautiful lotus of enlightenment opens notice the light that radiates from this seat of enlightenment, step in and take a meditative posture, as you do so call forth your high soul self, consciously commune with the highest aspect of your creation. Fill your self with the light that your are and radiate that light into every cell of your body. Speak to your DNA memory cells in your pineal gland, ask for a remembrance of your souls journey on the path of enlightenment, now attune every cell in your body with the light of your divine creation. Requesting that any trauma codes that remain be attuned to the vibration of your divine essence. Travel down the golden soul cord to three inches below the navel, the center of your maternal chakra. Locate the merkaba, the double hexahedron of the Star of David. Now spin it clockwise allow your energy to enter a cosmic spiral up your soul cord expanding your light body. Experience the power of the Golden Soul cord as your light body expands to radiate and fill every cell of your body, now return your focus to the golden lotus of enlightenment in your pineal gland. From this point allow your golden light body to expand throughout your auric field, as you do so view your aura with your third eye. Focus your light body on expanding and strengthening the resonance of your auric field. Observe any weak energy fields and fill them with your divine light. Now expand your golden light body into your astral plane. Set your intent to attune every aspect of your astral plane with the vibration of your divine consciousness. You may meet old thought forms there that are entities attached from past cycles of trauma. With the power of unconditional love and forgiveness invite them to be transmuted by your golden light essence. Fill your astral plane with your golden soul body. Now expand your light to the etheric plane, there you enter the temples of the family of light the golden realm. Welcomed as you are by your family of light attune your light body with the etheric realm setting your intent to attain vibrational attunement with all aspects of your divine creation.

You will be guided to the temple of Shamballa, The temple of Shamballa is open for human communion you have but to seek its golden doors and enter

As you enter this holy house of Peace, you experience the great peace that transcends all experience you have ever known of the meaning of peace. Embody the great peace. Become the peace embody the living temple of Shamballa. Your conscious communion with the temple of Shamballa forever transforms your soul. Integrate this precious gift of divine grace into every aspect of your soul. You are the living temple of Shamballa. Now that you have received holy communion with the living temple of peace image that your are creation a holographic projection of your Mother Earth Planet in the center of the temple of Shamballa, now image that your are filling the earth grids with the light of Shamballa. Focus on the areas of concern. You may observe with your third eye the areas of density on the planet, these places where the vibration of fear holds the conscious in conflict and chaos. Now holographically project the light of Shamballa into those areas. Using the light of Shamballa gift your planet with vast amounts of photon energy and creative prana, literally image that your are infusing every cell of the living body of Mother Earth, and all her creation with the divine light of creation. You are the light that lights the world. Before your leave the temple of Shamballa make a commitment to be the living temple of Shamballa with conscious choice in every aspect of your third dimensional _expression. Take time to express prayers of gratitude, honoring the gift of the divine.

Divine light of creation my heart opens in gratitude for the miracle that is at hand.

Holy temple of Shamballa your grace is received in the hearts of humanity

Divine light of creation receive me as a living light of the Christ consciousness

Through my vessel I pour forth the light of the Holy Spirit to fill the world

May the Peace that transcends all, enter my heart that as

I go forth from this day forward I AM the I AM a living temple of Peace

From this holy temple of peace I embrace all Creation in the One Heart One Mind One Soul of Divine Truth.

I send forth a prayer for unity through diversity honoring all pathways of spirituality leading to the holy temple of divine grace. I call the hearts of humanity to embrace the ultimate peace the light that lights the world

As above so below as the spirit so the soul as without so within and

Blessed be, So Be it

Gradually focus your intent and your light body from the expansive realms back into your physical body, anchoring and integration this gift within your physical temple. Focus on the golden soul cord allowing the merkaba to stop spinning stepping out of the lotus chambers allowing the lotus to close. Now chant the five vowels of creation to vibrationally anchor this gift in your physical reality. AAAAA, IIIIII, OOOOOO, UUUUU, EEEE. Finishing with three universal OMMs. Breathe deeply and celebrate the gift.

The shift of the ages is at hand. Please repeatedly use this meditation over the next year. 2003 is a critical linear time cycle for the fulfillment of the divine plan of the purification and emergence of heaven of Earth. The great cosmic teacher Nibiru-Planet X approaches. The Earths orbital field will be in extreme flux beginning with the Jupiter effect January 31, 2003 and peaking during the period of most intense influence the end of May 2003. There is a potential for massive and violent winds as prophesized by the Lakota Native Americans. All thought forms that serve the dense vibration will be intensified for clearing. There are still many beings on your planet that cling to the old time lines and have intent to fulfill the Armageddon prophecies, every effort will be made to upset the balance and adversely affect the history of your planet, FEAR NOT. Earth is experiencing an intense period of transition. You are being given an opportunity to manifest miracles. The family of the House of David, the Christ consciousness has prepared for this time though out the millenniums. As your Christ DNA activates you will receive divine guidance. Send forth the word to all you can to enter into global peace prayers particularly on January 31, 2003 and the end of May 2003. These prayers will be used as vehicles to infuse the planet with the photon and prana energy needed to stabilize Mother Earth as she experience massive metamorphous. The time of the miracle of heaven on Earth is at hand, congratulations, you have chosen to incarnate at a vital time in the history of creation. Be the living temple of Shamballa. Go forth in PEACE.
