Elitist War Pimps
By Victor Thorn
Yes, in war, people get shot – they get wounded – they bleed and lose limbs – and they even die. There is already legislation in Congress to re-enact the draft in 2005. Will the grandchildren of David Rockefeller fight? Not a chance; but John Smith’s kids (Goyim Cattle) who live on Main Street in Dayton, Ohio will open their mail some day to find a one-way draft notice/ticket to Iraq, Syria, or Iran. They might become casualties, but not those in seats of power and privilege. They’ll simply do what they’ve always done – send other people’s sons and daughters to die in order to further their own self-serving causes.
Quite possibly the best analysis of this situation was uttered by former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who said that if someone believes enough in a war, then they better believe enough to send their own children to die in it. All of us should keep these words in mind as the U.S. & Iraqi body counts continue to climb. The poor will shed tears, attend funerals, and grieve over lost family members; but those who sent them won’t be subjected to such loss. Do you ever get the feeling we’re being screwed?