Who Will Take Cindy Sheehan's Place As SPOKESPERSON?
The Pen
ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment.php
Where did the people ever get the idea that they NEEDED a spokesperson? It's really the same thing with our members of Congress. We can't just depend on them to automatically represent our interests just because we voted for them, unless we are constantly telling them what we want them to do. And when they dramatically fail to represent the will of the people, as last week in the latest appropriation for the occupation without accountability or end, who is to blame if the people are not continuously pressing their petitions for grievances?
Last week is profound evidence that STILL not enough of us are speaking out yet.
Of course the pathological failure of Congress to press for impeachment, and of Cheney in particular, is diagnostic of all other ills. Until Congress actually confronts a criminally out of control White House there is fundamentally nothing to constrain them from smirking and sneering their way to even greater disasters for America in the next 18 months. Impeachment is the one thing that Congress can do which cannot be vetoed or stalled in the courts they now predominantly control with crony appointments.
Do you want a peace movement to succeed? Understand that until the day they are constitutionally removed from office there can NEVER be even a glimmer of peace. And the best place to start is by removing the least popular, and most guilty, of them all.
So have you, or have you not, voted in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll?
And even if you have, still read on for there is so much more you need to do. We sometimes get emails from people demanding to know from us why this has not happened yet. And when we read such an email the first thing we do is look at the bottom to see if they have added the following THREE LINES to their email signatures, as we have asked everyone to do.
Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
Add this text to your own email and blog signatures!
If not, there's your answer, folks. Stop asking why OTHER people aren't doing more to make this happen, and ask yourself why YOU are not doing more to make this happen. True democracy is not driven by charismatic celebrity personalities. Democracy only works when each of us does whatever we personally can do, whatever thing, however small, however UN-celebrated, to make it work. At the moment when each of us does that, policy change will happen instantaneously.
When you go to submit the action page above, to cast your vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll, you will find a link where you can read the last 25 personal messages added by your fellow constituents. EVERY one of those comments has just as much validity as every other one. Many are astounding in their articulateness, more so than any smug, self-aggrandizing pundit you've ever read. Even those messages with typos and grammatical errors are astounding in their authenticity. The people don't need a spokesperson. The people need to PERSONALLY speak out.
The people's movement does not need a "face". What it needs is a BODY. What it needs is MASSES of us engaged in caring about making policy change happen, each of us doing what we can do to make that a reality. And if you have already voted in the poll yourself (as more than 50,000 already have) there are a million other things you can do to build the momentum of the people's impeachment movement.
Can you write an alert? Draft your own in your own words and send it to everybody you know, and send them to the Action Page above.
Do you have a web site of your own? Add an action button for the impeachment poll as dozens of sites have done already, and you can display a dynamic tally as the votes add up. Here's where you get the code.
ACTION BUTTONS: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment2.php
Do you ever post to blogs? Use that activity to encourage everyone you can to vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll.
Do you EVER send an email to anybody? Add the three line signature above to all your emails automatically by making it your email signature setting. Do the same thing with your blog posts too.
And then AFTER you have done ALL these things, then check in with us again and see how quickly impeachment becomes a reality. Let us measure the worth of our activism not by the prominence and loudness of our own voices, but by the number of OTHER people we can inspire to speak out.
So again, ask yourself, what have YOU done to make this happen? Get off of your ass. There is nobody else who can carry your piece of democracy on their shoulders. Stop expecting or depending on spokespeople to speak for you or represent you. We can more efficiently and directly transmit your messages, but we don't have to give you the power. You already had it. Now, use it.
Cindy did WAY more than her share. When will you do yours? What's the last thing Cindy said to you.
"It's up to you now."
It's always been up to us alone. Do you get it?
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at http://www.usalone.com/in.htm
Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function at http://www.usalone.com/out.htm
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Vote in the National Cheney Impeachment Poll
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