Global Country of World Peace Will Raise Several Nations To Invincibility Trhough Total Natural Law
By Peace Government Media Team
Maharishi's new initiative is the second phase of his programme to create permanent world peace. The first phase was launched last month. Large numbers of peace-creating Vedic Pandits in India have begun creating a holistic rise of coherence in world consciousness—and as a result, are producing a significant increase in positive trends in different parts of the globe.
The remarkable success of the first phase of Maharishi's global peace programme has been documented during the past month by world press reports that show, for example, historically unprecedented reductions in tensions and improved relations between formerly hostile nations, such as India and Pakistan, and China and Taiwan. 'We see these reports of warring nations coming together to talk peacefully as the sign of rising positivity in world consciousness,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi's announcements came during his 11 May global news conference, which was broadcast live to the press on all continents via satellite and internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland.
Second phase of Maharishi's global peace programme to begin soon
Maharishi said the second phase of his global peace programme will begin soon. Maharishi said he will identify the adopted countries during an upcoming global news conference, and added that these adopted countries will not be small nations—they will have substantial populations. 'The world press will then be able to report the good news of rising positivity in these individual countries—as well as continue to report on the overall good news coming from around the globe as the Vedic Pandits in India create a holistic influence of coherence in world consciousness,' Maharishi said.
Maharishi withdraws his Transcendental Meditation Movement from England—the destroyer of the world
Maharishi issued another dramatic announcement during his news conference. Maharishi said he has withdrawn his Transcendental Meditation Movement from England following the recent re-election of Prime Minister Tony Blair. 'When we are fulfilling our parental role in the family of nations by adopting a few countries and making them invincible, we are also rejecting one nation—Britain—which has proven to be a poisonous, divisive influence in the world family,' Maharishi said. 'The good effects of Transcendental Meditation—increased creativity and long life—should not be given to a dangerous country that is constantly busy destroying the world. Transcendental Meditation is a gift from me to those who want to create peace and harmony in the world.' The teachers of the Transcendental Meditation Movement—those who can go out—will leave England and go to other countries to live and teach.
Vedic Pandits are saving the world from destruction
In response to a press question, Maharishi explained that the power of positivity rising from India and radiating throughout the world is being produced by the Vedic Pandits in India, who are utilizing the technology of Total Natural Law—the technology of cosmic creative intelligence—which governs the universe with perfect order. 'The evolutionary power of Total Natural Law is infinitely powerful—more powerful than any destructive force,' Maharishi said. 'Through their practice of Yogic Flying and performance of Vedic Yagyas and Grahashanti, the Vedic Pandits are quietly enlivening Total Natural Law—the Will of God—and creating coherence in national and world consciousness. In this way, the Vedic Pandits are saving the world from destruction.'
Vedic Pandits are waking up to their responsibility due to fear of annihiliation
Maharishi noted that many Vedic Pandits in the northern provinces of India are utilizing his peace-creating technologies—and they are doing so out of fear of annihilation. 'These Vedic Pandits have suddenly realized that Pakistan has enough nuclear weapons to destroy everyone in the northern border provinces overnight,' Maharishi said. 'So now, suddenly, they are waking up to their responsibility to use this Vedic technology—this 'magic wand'—to quietly create coherent collective consciousness from within their own homes.'
Maharishi said the coherent influence radiating from northern India is starting to create coherence in the collective consciousness of Pakistan—and to transform the quality of consciousness of the administrators of the nation. 'In this way, the administrators in Pakistan will never be able to even think of using their arsenals to destroy India,' Maharishi said.
The world press will ring the bell of eureka for a new civilization
Maharishi concluded by emphasizing that his programme does more than merely extend the hope of peace—it is producing the effect of peace. 'It doesn't matter how intense the darkness has been in the past because now we can easily put on the light,' Maharishi said. 'So it won't be long before the world press will be able to report good news coming from everywhere on earth—and to ring the bell of eureka for a new civilization of peace, prosperity, happiness, and invincibility dawning in every nation.'