A Little Child Shall Lead Them
By Judith Moriarty
Indifference and man's inhumanity to man, is most exemplified in the suffering of those children, no less loved, no less precious than those of foreign lands. Lands thousands of miles away; under scorching desert sands, jungle villages, or crowded cities. Children are the Earth's most precious resource and childhood, a short span of wonderment, discovery and innocence. What depravity of man's mindless-perverse genius, uses his intellect--his talents--his creativity to invent diabolical weaponry that shatters, shreds, napalms, sucks the oxygen from the air, or melts the flesh of other human beings and innocent children? What lunatic irrationality poisons air-land-and people with radiated weaponry that lays waste the land for billions of years and mutates the genes of whole lands--bringing forth grotesque monsters?
696,628 U.S. Soldiers were sent in 1991 to fight a War in Iraq. 467 U.S.Soldiers were wounded during the War. 148 U.S.Soldiers were killed during the War (half by friendly fire). 183,000 U.S. Soldiers are now disabled. 9,600 U.S. Soldiers are now deceased. Depleted Uranium 238 weapons are an unacceptable threat to life, a clear violation of international law and an assault on human dignity. Depleted Uranium 238 weapons are a non-conventional weapons type, as it is considered a nuclear based weapon of mass and/or indiscriminate destruction, continuing to kill combatants and civilians in a most inhumane way, long after its use.
Radiation poisoning causes the mutation of the DNA structure of an individual, causing genetic mutation which are passed on to offspring. Babies are born with their internal organs outside their bodies, without sexual organs, without spines, with no heads, with abnormally large heads, deformed flipper limbs and abnormal brain function. In Basra Iraq, numerous children are being born with such grotesque deformities. Terrorism? I am perplexed and stupefied, trying to imagine how you bomb a country for over ten years, subject it to inhuman sanctions, poison it with depleted uranium, and then proclaim that through "Shock and Awe" missiles raining down, cluster bombs shredding the limbs from children, Daisy Cutters sucking oxygen from the air--exploding eyeballs, that you've come to "liberate" them into McFreedom, finally setting them loose from a murdering dictator?
Here we are in the 21st century with weapons enough to destroy the whole of the planet ten times over. Ha, a supposed Think Tank on every corner of Foggy Bottom-Washington D.C., politicians done up like pet nanny goats, puffing and pontificating playing the blame game and stables full of Public Relations 'experts' of every ilk, from moth balled gray generals, to designer suited puppets, and not a one of them with an ounce of common sense or discernible intellect amongst them. The people knew.
Yes, the people of the Earth, who reside in the real world of pain-suffering-deprivation-hunger-joblessness--decayed infrastructures, Enron-Worldcom-Tyco etc., rip offs--closed clinics--rusted mill towns--soup kitchens--and corporate thuggery, knew and know, the insanity of a world at war. And so it was that last October saw millions upon millions, upon millions, marching-singing-protesting--for sanity--for peace to no avail. Insanity never listens to the voice of reason. Insanity bloated--gorged--and satiated with the lust for power-control-dominion, are the forever lost trio on the Yellow Brick road searching for a heart--a brain--and courage. Finding none they invent it.
They imagine themselves as wizards--gatekeepers--crusaders and warriors. Proclamations are issued forth through the lap dog--salivating media stooges, that the god of perpetual war is on their side. This vengeful--annihilating god says, "Bring 'em on....wanted dead or alive. We are on a mission, a crusade to rid the world of terrorism through famine--torture--assassination--napalm--chemicals--mother bombs--and cluster bombs. Sure some innocents will die mere collateral damage that's the cost of freedom!" Faceless--nameless--their echoed cries are smothered, beneath their collapsing farm house walls, the market place, in desert tents. A bloodied severed hand clasps a doorknob--a little dark-eyed boy--his arms severed, lies amidst the shredded remains of his family, and a rag doll little girl is lifted gently from the debris, by her "liberated" grandfather her feet gone---her little hand hangs lifeless in this extravaganza of bombs bursting in air of "Shock and Shame". And the gatekeepers--the crusaders--wizards-- our costumed warrior, with his testicles strapped in flight suited pride declared a victory.
One can picture them, far from the stench of charcoal burning bodies and shredded flesh, climatically gleeful in their ornate war rooms slurping down the best of scotch in celebratory madness.
The cannon fodder sent off in a flurry of flags--patriotic fervor--and marching bands? These youngsters, a few months removed from skateboarding, roaming the malls, gathering at night with their friends in parking lots, ghetto tenements, decaying mill towns, rural villages, and small town U.S.A., believed a man in a glitzy recruiting bus promising them the education that their unemployed miner or farmer dads could never afford. They joined in the hopes of a better future, a way out of their dead end no jobs to be had lives. Others bought the freedom--democracy--save us from the terrorists. The bus never showed pictures of the dead, blind and maimed. It never showed the Littlest Echoes born with flipper arms--missing legs. Reservists, some in their fifties, mostly joined the reserves to supplement their incomes. The poor always fight rich men's wars, and return forgotten--misused--begging for medical care and forever changed by the impossible the unspeakable.
The millions upon millions, young--old--teacher--veterans--housewives--students-
grandmothers--musicians--poets--artists--etc., who marched last October to stop a slaughter were labeled extremists and unpatriotic. The perverseness of our times has the impressionable--the uneducated--the stupid--the ignorant--the unthinking--the easily led, believing a lie. Most, are so mind-numbed, that they believe that Saddam was responsible for the Towers Disaster!
Most know nothing of the history of the region, nor their people, and don't care to know. Afghanistan, now back in the hands of the drug lords, is not even spoken of. The horror and devastation there, has a land poisoned with depleted uranium, with its infrastructure totally destroyed. There aren't enough billions in the whole of the world to keep up with this annihilating god on his mission to wipe terrorism from the earth. Catching the fog in one's hands would be an easier feat than something as obscure and ludicrous as this.
And now another October and millions more will march--sing--drum--and try to reason with costumed--leering clowns gone mad, rampaging down the Earth's midway. Thousands that were alive this time last year are now dead. Thousands more are limbless-blind-mindless--or forever genetically mutated, by inhaled particles of radiated uranium....with whispered echoes yet to be born, deformed in numerous ways. They will not be marching. It is up to those of heart-conscience-and sanity to carry their voice to the world.
Our Littlest Echo, sits pensive and wounded before us. He speaks loudly this little boy lost, of the carnage-the barbaric savagery of war. His little face needs to be taken to Washington and held before the world. He is everybody's child--he is the loudest voice--the most articulate of speeches--the most thoughtful of banners, of what we have become. The men in black helmeted uniforms with their clubs and shields need to unmask and see what the people cry peace for. This babe is the son of their loins--their future.
They need to throw their helmets and clubs aside and join the world in its cry for survival for that's what it has come to.
And the Littlest Echo, and all whom he represents; be they a U.S. Soldier's son--an Afghanistan child or an Iraqi youngster----what have they to say if they could? "I am the lie that you believed. My stunted arms represent a world grown callous and cold, unable to lift the suffering-the helpless-the lonely--the dispossessed--the sick and the stranger from a world gone mad in its selfish egotistical pride that sees only to its own desires--lusts--and conquests. My stunted legs represent a world unable, through deformity, to run to the aid of another, to take a stand, to become involved locally-domestically or globally with others in bettering their communities and nations. My eyes see beyond your petty jealousies, your unforgiveness-one to another, your drunkenness, your abuses, your bias, prejudice, hate, anger, greed, ego, and arrogant self righteousness. You look upon me with pity--you need not. For I am just like you only inside out. If for a brief moment in time the deformities of your own natures--your spiritual void, your lewd lusts, your indifference and murder of the innocents; through war or domination, could be made manifest, it is you who would be the one to be pitied and I most whole. I am a world without song--without laughter--without joyful dance. Make me whole, make us whole. Go and speak where I cannot. You must persist, you are about Truth-Love-and Peace. You are about the saving of the whole of the Earth, believe me you are. This is the real mission, and you will win, for where there is great evil--love abounds even more. Tell them, shout it, sing it, we will have Peace, we will not be silenced."
The Littlest Echo