One Billion Person Peace Meditation December 30, 2002
Fred Serling
Much love,
FROM: We the People: The Voice of Peace
By Rev. Fred Sterling through the loving guidance of Kirael from the Seventh Dimension at www.kirael.com
Good evening. I would like to call The Billion Person Peace Meditation The Awakening Dream, for it is a great awakening aspired to for so long. It has been said throughout all times that one day the Earth plane must come together as a peaceful world. It must come together as nations, not against each other but in a unified source of light.
When the human world comes together in great numbers or in a great light, there is a vibration that takes place on Mother Earth. And when you expand that vibration around the globe as in the previous Billion Person Peace Meditations, you awaken the very core of Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants.
You may ask, What about those who will be in their sleep state when Mother Earth awakens to this Billion Person Peace Meditation? Then I say to you, listen to The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation and know that through Sleep State Programming, you can commit your essential self, the higher light of your physical reality, to partake in this beautiful event.
However, nothing can replace the action of the human being, for the action of the human light, the coming together of the great awakening, the vibration caused by all those who will use their emotion at the highest reality of love will reach beyond their wildest dreams.
But what about those who may be too busy to take the time out? I say unto you, it is your world. You must choose at some point to stand beside her. You must stand in guardianship of Mother Earth and plead your case for harmonic energy.
You must awaken yourselves to the possibility that you can make a change. So be prepared on December 30, 2002 to stand together in a unified front. Do not qualify it by the shape the world is in at that time. Qualify it only in your heart, for that is the day we shall make the change. That is the day We the People shall stand without barriers of color or form or language. We the People shall stand and Om, and we shall bring our voice of peace to the highest vibration. Only then will the world awaken to the amassing of the Lightworkers.
I say to you, my friends, each and every one of you who is seeking a peace within your inner soul, no longer look outside. No longer look for your brethren and your sisters to stand up in your light and hold the forces for you. It is for you to stand up and be counted that day as a Lightworker. And if you will Om your soul free into the Light of Creation, then every aspect of yourself on every plane will join forces with you and become a partner within.
Count yourself as a Lightworker, and you will succeed on December 30th. Bring just one person who knows nothing about being a Lightworker but who wants peace in his heart and harmony in the world in which he exists. Bringing just one, then two, and then 22, until you realize that you don't have to be a Lightworker; you don't have to be a metaphysician; you don't have to be a New-Ager. You need simply be a human being who knows there is a greater experience awaiting all of us, and we choose that day to let the rest of the world know we are here.
The news media is not important; yet, we hope they will come. You ask, What is important?The gathering of souls. It is when you send out your emails that you bless them in the highest of light. Send them to as many Lightworkers as possible with a prayer that these words will find the space to bring the people together on December 30th.
As you close out the year 2002 - the year of thought - you will enter into a cycle of love, for you will enter the year 2-0-0-3. Can you imagine if we could start that very first day with an energy developed through thought into the realm of love? Can you imagine, my friends, one billion people, human lights, coming together to say we want peace on our Earth? And we want all those who may be in the far reaches of China or the far reaches of whatever country, some who may not have a computer or who will not be able to hear the broadcast, we want those to participate as well. Now is the time, now is the day for one billion people to come together and to stand and be heard.
So send it out in every prayer that you offer, beginning upon the day this article is published. On this day, set all of your religions aside. Set all of your old dislikes and disharmonies aside. Begin this day to make We the People the Voice of Peace, the most beautiful experience the world has ever seen.
Shall it be a day of peace? Oh yes, my friends. It shall be a day when brothers and sisters alike will stand one next to the other, and they shall study each other's light patterns, and then they will weave their patterns together. They will let their lights touch until they harmonically begin to vibrate one to the next, and streams of light shall form around the Earth.
Light patterns shall reach into the etheric light, and they will bring forth a force that has never been known to Earth. They will bring forth a beautiful span of light, for each and every participant shall that day recognize his and her color. They shall see the color of their soul in the same way that the God Creator sees them, for the Creator Source identifies each and every one of its own aspects in the human world as a pattern of light. And this day, you will shine your light into the heavens. Just this day you will become light source of the human world. Until the Shift takes place in its fullness, you will have no greater opportunity to feel the sources of being one with each other.
If it be your choice, my friends, let the world ring with Truth, Trust and Passion. Let yourself awaken to the beauty of your own light. And hear me clearly. As each of you weaves your color into the one that is next to you and collectively sends your woven colors into the etheric light, reaching the woven colors of all the nations, can you imagine the beauty that the Creator will see in its creation called Earth and the human experience? Can you imagine We the People no longer feeling separation and fear, but knowing on that day they became the collective beauty of Light itself? And in that, they have returned to their own love and their own light.
What a dream, my friends! What a dream to awaken to.
Q: Normally the tradition of The Billion Person Peace Meditation is to do a toning as part of the prayer meditation. Is that something you also see us doing?
KIRAEL: Yes, but I am going to surprise you this time because I want each person to tone their color. How do you do that? First, you sit quietly and calm your energies for about five minutes. At the end of the >term, someone will guide you to do your prana breaths. At the end of nine prana breaths, you will simply ask your higher self, your essential light who w ill be drawn to you at that particular moment, to vibrate your vocal cords with your color. And then you will simply open your mouth and let the air come out and see what arises.
Q: When we discover our color and our tone, how are they used to promote the healing of the Earth Mother and of our brothers and sisters? KIRAEL: I give you an example: When Master Jesus walked the Earth plane, the day that the Christ Consciousness became his enveloping light, he began to intermesh all of his personal light colors. When he became the healer and he reached his hands out, there was always a light which preceded the touch itself, and the touch was the sound that created the healing.
So if you look within yourself to create and recognize your own color and then join it harmonically with the color of your brother or sister using the thought, the will and the word to bring healing to bear, the colors shall enmesh and the sound shall emerge. It may be the softest and most loving of sounds. It may be nothing more than apparent silence]. Ahh, no one could hear that, could you? Yes, but you felt it, some of you. So that is your answer. Wind them, intertwine them, weave them together. Let them shine for what they are.
Q: Am I to understand that color accompanies the tone, so for every tone there is an equivalent color? So you can heal with either the tones or the colors - is that correct?
KIRAEL: It is. But remember this: Color creates the tone. Tone affects the color of the color, so to speak.
Q: What did you mean when you said the touch was the sound that created the healing? How does that work?
KIRAEL: What happens in the literal sense is that when you place your finger or fingers on the subject to be healed, the touch creates a vibration. That vibration begins to utilize its strength through the liquid sources of the human body to vibrate the liquids into a pattern of color and sound. That color/sound pattern searches for its origination pattern, which is the pattern you brought forth to the Earth. While it is searching for that, the healing process is taking place.
Q: What is the color of love?
KIRAEL: I hope you are going to appreciate this as much as I do in offering it to you. The color of love is the nine chakras combined. It does not have a name.
Q: Are there different tones of love, different levels of vibration in love?
KIRAEL: Yes and no. The tone of love is constant, but when you, my friend, open your heart to it, it becomes your love, and you then experience a change in its tone because it merges with your light and your experience to create your tone of love.
Q: Master Kirael, could you give us an update on the angelic realm, the guidance realm, the galactic realm, and the dolphins and whales that will be participating in this next Billion Person Peace Meditation?
KIRAEL: In the angelic realm, it is the cherubs who have said that they will be in the forefront, but all levels of the angels will be participating, including the seraphim, who are usually pretty busy. They will all send onto your Earth plane a harmonic adventure because you will be using your colors and the sound of your colors to vibrate out into the etheric fabric.
The angels who have been designated to watch over the Earth experience (I almost said experiment have been waiting for a particular sign from you to say that you are awakening to their presence, for they know that you believe them, that you have great fondness for them.
Now they will experience the truth. When you send your colors forth, when you intertwine your love and your light, you will see that they will very likely send back their own weavings toward you. The weavings will very likely meet in the center, and that will leave the guidance world in awe because we of the guidance reality have our colors as well.
Understand that guides are all multi-colored, and for those who have reached mastery, our colors are twelve in depth. We will show you all twelve colors, and should you see them, likely you will not be able to breathe for a short time. We will all be participating.
As for your galactic brothers and sisters, those who have already identified their Shift, already found their harmonics and peace, already made the promise not to interfere with your Earth plane until such time as they feel you have awakened enough to accept them, you may get to see a lot more of them than you anticipate as well.
And your loving friends, the whales and dolphins, if they add their color and sounds into your world, your world will vibrate and will thereafter be a stronger and more inhabitable place. So let us pray that they have made their decision by that time to participate in your Billion Person Peace Meditation.
Q: What exactly will happen if we get a billion people? Why that particular number of one billion, which is one-sixth of the world's population?
KIRAEL: I answer this way: If you had a billion people and each of that one billion brought forth its other two aspects, you would have three billion, or one-half of the world's population. But in order to attain that we would anticipate losing one-half of your aspects which would bring you to approximately one-third, or two billion, which is what it takes to make the Shift happen. That is the significance of the one billion number.
What will you gain by bringing one billion people together? You will gain the experience of awakening to love, of being love. You will open to the oneness of Creation and understand that there is nothing to fear by learning; that learning simply means experiencing all possibilities; and experiencing all possibilities is the awareness of being part of Creator Light itself.
Q: In previous Billion Person Peace Meditations, you would give us a tone and everyone would tone the same sound in unison around the world. Now we will be bringing forth our own unique colors, our individual tones, which may be wildly different from person to person. What is the result of this?
KIRAEL: Have you not heard the expression order in chaos There is order in chaos, and that is a true statement. What may seem to some as cacophony, as multiple vibrations of inharmonic sounds, will instead be a unified experience that will become one note throughout the world. You see, when everyone tries to hold one note, that note has a variable to it because too many people have different vocal cords. If I say to each of you to hum a C-sharp or C-flat, it will have many different possibilities. Yet when I ask you to bring forth the harmonious light of your own loving sound, you will create a harmonious blend that belies the chaos. In chaos is the order of light itself.
Q: I'd like to close our session with the story of Fritz Vincken, a resident of Honolulu who recently returned to the Creator. Near the end of World War II he was a twelve-year old who lived with his mother deep in the Ardennes Forest region of Germany. One day, three American soldiers appeared at their door and asked for help and something to eat. There was a wounded soldier, and the mother, though she could speak no English, let the soldiers in, knowing full well that they could be killed.. After givin g aid to the Americans, a short time later there was another knock on the door. It was four German soldiers, equally tired, equally hungry. The mother said that this was to be a night of peace, so she made all the soldiers, German and American, leave their weapons outside the door and promised them a hearty warm meal. And so for one night, Christmas Eve 1944, there was a sacred space of peace and joy between a wise, brave mother, her son, and two sworn enemies who had come to recognize their essential oneness and humanity. I was wondering if you'd care to comment on whether this is possible right now in our day and age.
KIRAEL: I would say it is not only possible, but it is very probable that a grander portion of the young men and women waiting to be called into war are thinking very hard about the prospect of doing battle with their fellow humans. More and more of the human light is starting to look across the cross-hairs of their rifles wondering why they must do what they are being told to do. I will say that it will take a greater resistance to not pull the trigger than it does to pull it; it takes a greater awareness to realize there must be a better way.
But eventually, even the people plotting the scenario of war will have to take a look and say, Let's see. When I press this little button, 100,000 people - men, women and children, lovers, grandfathers and grandmothers - they will all die. Maybe he will just refuse to push the red button. You say, It doesn't matter, Kirael, someone will come behind him.Yes they will. But eventually that line will run out and you will have no one left to push the buttons, and then you will be forced into peace.
Like the soldiers in 1944 who sat across from each other in that forest home in Germany with their different uniforms and their different speech and different beliefs, we will eventually come to the consciousness that We the People of the Planet Earth are all but one. And this, my friends, is truly the experience of the Great Shift in Consciousness.
My friends, you have not seen a year with more potential than you will in 2003 because this is a year in which those who choose to be in love will rule not the world but themselves. And if you ever wanted to rule anything, let it be yourself. Take away the pangs of anger, the memories of hurt. Take away the old feelings of being less than and replace them with the vibration of love, and you will rule, my friends. You will rule the self. And all who are self-ruled in love will stand in a unified space in which fear can no longer play a part.
Good evening, my friends.
**We invite all of you to join us in this wonderful event as We the People: The Voice of Peace amass in love.
For more information on the LIVE Internet Broadcast, The Great Shift with Fred Sterling- Special Guests, Global Times, Helpful Links
Roll Call of Cities: Let us know the city from which you'll be participating in THE BILLION PERSON PEACE MEDITATION
Meditation Flyer: http://www.kirael.com/UploadsBPPM-flyer.pdf
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Instructions on how you can connect to the LIVE Internet Broadcast on
December 30th: http://www.kirael.com/radio/broadcast.html
The Great Shift with Fred Sterling December 2002 Program Guests:
Dec. 2: Judith Moore, author of Crop Circle Revealed and channel of
Laiolin (archived at kirael.com)
Dec 9: Lee Carroll, author of numerous books and channel of Kryon
Dec. 16: Carol Ritberger, PhD, medical intuitive
Dec. 23: Steve Rother, author of "Welcome Home" and channel of the
New Products at Kirael.com
"I, Kirael" - 60 minute CD
"Guide to the Unseen Self" by Fred Sterling
"The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation"