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Bush Wants $9 Million An Hour For War

By Chuck Zlatkin

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tching station knocking out an entire line that serves hundreds of thousands of people. It was estimated that it would take 3-5 years to get it back to full service. In this city home care attendants, who serve elderly and homebound people, are not paid a living wage. Politicians say that there is just not enough money to raise their wages.

The majority of the people in this country realize that the war in Iraq is an enormous mistake. Thousands of Americans have been maimed and killed. That alone should be too high a price to pay for an immoral and illegal war, but when you factor in that it has already cost $280 billion, it staggers the mind and deadens the spirit.

Most Americans are struggling just to make it from paycheck to paycheck. The cost of a college education is off the charts. More and more Americans are going without health insurance because they can't afford it. It is a reality that seniors are choosing between life saving medication and food.

Where are our elected officials? Neither Republicans nor Democrats have distinguished themselves in serving the needs of the vast majority of Americans. What a travesty!

Millions of Americans work for less than $9 an hour, while George W. Bush and his cronies on both sides of the aisle will vote for you to support this insanity to the tune of $9 million an hour.

Stop The War! End The Occupation! Bring The Troops Home!

[email protected]

Chuck Zlatki

P. O. Box 821

JAF Station New York, NY 10116

