The Second Coming Of The Next Great American Revolution: Let Us Count The Ways
Scott Mowry
We have already come out of the gates in the first part of this year with guns a blazin! The indictment of Washington, DC lobbyist Jack Abramoff is an extraordinary development. Besides bribing numerous members of Congress, Abramoff has been identified the main moneyman for the crooked 2000 election and equally duplicitous 9/11.
According to the Lyndon Larouche camp, Dick Cheney may be very close to facing an impeachment trial due to his strong ties to both the recently deposed Tom Delay and Abramoff.
After yet another Bush administration scandal, this one known as "Spy-Gate," the hue and cry for George W. Bush's impeachment is growing louder and louder and should reach a fever pitch very soon. For the first time, in the history of the united States, a President has actually ADMITTED to an impeachable offense.
Along with that, there is a rising disgust and abhorrence for the Iraq War that is growing ever stronger by the week. People around the country and across the planet are waking up to the lies, deceit and corruption that surround them. The voices of dissent are going to grow only more and more vociferous.
Finally, it seems as if Albert Gore, Jr., after his speech on Monday, January 16, 2006 before an audience at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC, has decided to stand up and draw line in the sand as if to say to Bush and his fascist cronies, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”
With a new year underway, it is worth reviewing the major gains that have been realized over the past year:
--The alternative internet media has made monumental progress in getting the truth to people that the mainstream, monopoly press ignores and attempts to cover up. This shift of vital information sources has turned the tide significantly against the fascist power elite who are scrambling like mad to continue to hide the truth from the people. However, they are failing at nearly every turn.
--80% of the U.S. intelligence communities are now opposed to the Bush/Clinton crime families and have actively joined the fight against them. Combined with intelligence services from the country of France, they have formed what is known as the "American/French Alliance" to provide a powerful and pro-active resistance to the Bush, Mossad, British and New World Order gang of thugs and conspirators.
--According to federal whistle blowers Tom Heneghan & Stew Webb, the American/French Alliance foiled four separate terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in 2005. One was underneath the Chicago courthouse that was intended for the Patrick Fitzgerald grand jury, another was in the New York subway system and yet another was on the Canadian border. Ghost Troop Captain Eric May also reported that another terrorist attack was aborted in Texas City, TX in the oil refineries. It is remarkable to realize that no significant terrorist act has occurred in this country since 9/11.
--It took only approximately 5% of the population to begin the push for America's first independence in the 1700’s. We are fast approaching that critical mass point yet again. Legal scholar Richard Cornforth has reported that the figure that may be needed this time around, will be as little as 3% of the U.S. population.
--Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is investigating the crimes of the Bush administration relentlessly. He has already secured the indictment of prominent White House staffer I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. According to Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb and Sherman Skolnick, another 23 sealed indictments have been prepared that name Bush and Cheney and numerous other members of his cabinet. Fitzgerald is going all the way back to the JFK assassination in his pursuit of evidence. Grand juries have now convened around the country to investigate the Sibel Edmonds evidence, the JFK, Jr. assassination, as well as, the recent response by FEMA to Hurricane Katrina, among many other crimes.
--According to Tom Heneghan, without much fanfare, the American/French Alliance snuck in the back door and gained majority control of the Department of Justice, despite heavy resistance from Bush and his stooge Attorney General Alberto Gonzoles. Patrick Fitzgerald has been instrumental in leading the charge and the fruits of his labors should soon be presented before the American people in a historic fashion.
--Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who is linked to the bribery of as many as 100 members of Congress, as well as being fingered as the moneyman for both the fraudulent 2000 Presidential election and 9/11, has plea-bargained and is now co-operating with the Patrick Fitzgerald investigations. His testimony is going to implicate a whole host of corrupt characters from the Congress and the Bush administration, the Departments of State and Defense, as well as corporations and other key players, perhaps even Bush himself. Abramoff's criminal activities go all the way back to Iran/Contra.
--House Majority Leader Tom Delay (R-Texas) has been convicted for illegal campaign contributions by a Texas grand jury. He has lost his position of influence in Congress and has relinquished his seat as Majority Leader. It cannot be overemphasized enough, how closely tied Delay is to both Dick Cheney and to Jack Abramoff. And the fact that both Delay and Abramoff have been indicted gives a very ominous outlook for Cheney's political future.
--Tom Heneghan has also reported that former CIA Director George Tenet has turned states evidence and has provided testimony to the Fitzgerald grand jury that Valerie Plame's CIA team, heroically prevented weapons of mass destruction from being planted into Iraq as a justification for the war in 2002. This revelation has now established the real reason why she was outed by members of the Bush inner circle. Heneghan also reported that Karl Rove and NSA head Stephen Hadley have also co-operated with the Fiitzgerald grand jury.
--Sherman Skolnick has reported that Barbara Olson, wife of former Solicitor General Ted Olson, who supposedly perished on the plane that slammed into the Pentagon during the 9/11 terrorist event, was captured by intelligence sources last year, carrying a Vatican passport and wearing a disguise. Olson’s arrest, that now proves she is very much alive and well, blows the whole 9/11 scenario as portrayed by the Bush administration and the equally corrupt 9/11 Commission to pieces.
--Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb openly discussed the notion of "Constitutional re-implementation" during several of their radio programs this past year. Webb was particularly insistent that a "new government" for the U.S. is on the horizon, which will include a revamped and just court system and a fair and reputable economic system.
--Activist Cindy Sheehan raised more awareness of the failed and woefully corrupt Iraq war than any other person was able to do in all of 2005 or before, for that matter. The momentum she has generated will not cease. This woman is not going to go away quietly and expect to hear much more from her in 2006.
--Richard Cornforth has reported that we are very close to seeing the fraudulent and illicit Federal Judiciary system being pulled down entirely. Legislation is before Congress right now to just that.
--Also according to Richard Cornforth, significant steps have been taken to put the debt-collection industry completely out of business, once and for all, within the next year. Mr. Cornforth also predicts that the corrupt credit card industry will be brought down within the next five years or less.
--And here is what Richard Cornforth had to say on the future outlook for America: "We have a wonderful future. We have an opportunity to actually have that (American) Revolution completed. This will be the greatest thing that will happen to the people in the history of the world."
--Finally, former Vice-President Albert Gore, our last duly elected President, gave a rousing and brilliant speech on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 16th. In that speech, which was a call to arms for the people of the united States he said, “as I stand here today, I am filled with optimism that America is on the eve of a golden age in which the vitality of our democracy will be re-established by the people and will flourish more vibrantly than ever.” Stew Webb called this speech, “the greatest political speech he has ever heard in his life.”
The Second Great American Revolution marches on to its inevitable victory! The time has come for all of you to join in!