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"America: Not Worth Being Proud Of"

Larken Rose

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Just how delusional can Americans get? How long will we display our profound insanity to the rest of the world, by calling this place a "free country"? The fact that a lot of Americans still own guns is the ONLY thing keeping the American tyrants slightly more polite (usually) than the other tyrants of the world. But the way the megalomaniacs in modern America view us is exactly how every tyrant in history has viewed his victims. Are Americans really so stupid that they don't recognize that? Apparently so.

I can't even keep up with all the examples of police state lunacy going on in this "free" country. Here's a fairly amusing one:

Doesn't that make you proud to be an American?

All good tyrants know that it is important to train the peasants to feel a profound loyalty to the regime which enslaves them. It worked on the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese, etc. And it worked on us. So many people here are so "gung ho" about America that they are utterly incapable of LOOKING at the damn country to see what it has become.

Maybe you like the ideal upon which the country was founded. That's nice, but for the most part, that ideal is STONE DEAD. We don't have it, and 99% of Americans don't WANT it. And if you're proud of our present system of government, you need your head examined.

History is full of examples of how "love of country" (nationalism) blinded people to everything else -- like love of freedom and justice. We like our club: hooray for us! We just don't bother being anything WORTH being proud of. For at least 90% of the population, the difference between the Americans, the Russians, and the Germans, is the accent. And that's all.

This country is like some has-been, fat, drunkard slob who used to "be somebody," pathetically trying to relive the glory of bygone days. Anything worth being proud of about this country is long gone. We Americans are, for the most part, short-sighted, ignorant, and have no principles. We are stupid sheep, like the rest of the world. The main difference is that we were given a chance at something better -- a LOT better -- and we squandered it.

Hooray for us.


Larken Rose

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