Sleeping Americans: Wake Up! The Form Of Your Government Has Been Changed
Bernadine Smith
No longer will the 1787 Constitution be our protectorate against unjust and unlimited power, because it has been unlawfully superseded. Only remnants of its shell appear to remain. Your system of government is no longer that of a “republic”. “Democracy” has been the stand-in word used during the acceptance of the transformation. People are no longer identified as “the ultimate power”. The United States has been captured and transformed into a militarized communitarian global system, mostly without the knowledge of the general population, and their understanding of basic rights, which they thought would be theirs forever. These are being wiped out by manipulators who ironically promise the people “safety” – “safety against terrorism,” as they say!
This transformation from the Constitutional system to this new form had its early beginnings in the 1970’s when the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration first revised the nation with preliminary mergers of the law enforcement systems with the military under one head, which was then called the “public safety agencies”. Better wake up, sleeping Americans, because soon your safeguards, and defenses by virtue of the Bill of Rights will be rewarded with only a sarcastic laugh! The transformation has the intent of a cruel iron hand. It intends to enforce communistic law on a global scale to which it is committed in building a New World Order!
How did it happen in the United States? Simply by issuance of a huge executive order signed (unlawfully) by the stroke of a pen of one person, George W. Bush: Executive Order No. 13286, dated February 28, 2003. The installation of E. O. 13286 was titled: “Amendment of Executive Orders, and Other Actions, in Connection With the Transfer of Certain Functions to the Secretary of Homeland Security.” It set down the framework and underpinnings of the new form of government: a military system. When the Homeland Security Agency became installed in the United States, it broke a 220-year-old essential principle and time honored tradition.
A sharp line had always existed, separating the military from the civilian law enforcement. To merge the two would create a military government, and this was known to be a big no-no if the republic was to remain a republic. The fact is: that line that once separated the two has now been broken, deliberately crossed, and the grievous merger has been made! This action greatly altered the concept by which the United States form of government was constituted, and definitely was meant to operate. It changed the system from civilian management into military management while the Constitution “the supreme law of the land” became even more detruded.
President Bush declared that if another event such as 9/11 occurs, he would activate and place the full military government into action over the whole nation. He has acknowledged that the Constitution (our only hope against the misuse of power) will be suspended and its protections and safeguards set aside. It will no longer have any standing. No government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” ever existed and retained its authority after a military system was installed over it! That is the fate which has overtaken us since George W. Bush brought on the transformation ‘to make us safe’! It should not be taken lightly nor be allowed to stand. To ignore the potential of this transformation, and to see it expand, is without a doubt, the most fatal mistake of the century.
David Davis, a Supreme Court Justice (1815-1886) left us with these remarkable thoughts on despotism:
“The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and peace and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine, involving more pernicious consequences, was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government. Such a doctrine leads directly to anarchy or despotism, but the theory of necessity upon which it is based is false, for the government, within the Constitution, has all the powers granted to it, which are necessary to preserve its existence; as has been happily proved by the result of the great effort to throw off its just authority.”...David Davis, Ex Parte Milligan,4 Wallace 2 (1866)
How true! Not only is a military government not needed, but it opens the door for pernicious consequences. Nevertheless, the government of the United States has now been revamped so that the government of this nation is in accord to military concepts on an international regional basis -- global communism -- all done without the consent of the governed! Among the powers vested in the Homeland Security Agency is control of birth certificates and driver’s licenses, which creates a wedge for forcing the people to approve of the unwanted change.
There appears an attempt to gain legitimate status for this unlawful transformation in the power structure of the American government, which is witnessed in the effort to get the people to consent to using a “national ID card”. Currently, the effort is called the “Real Id Card Act of 2005”. By acceptance on a state-by-state level of this national Id card, the people can become, as a whole, registered as not only being compliant with the powers and authority now vested in the Homeland Security Agency, but also they can be viewed as extending their consent to the transformation into global government. As a starter, a chip will be placed in each person’s driver’s license, but the ultimate goal is to have the chip installed in the hand of each and every person, because not everyone is old enough to drive a car, and some people do not own cars, nor drive at all at any age.
The chip will carry the most personal and private information regarding the person wearing it. The chip is also a 'people locator'. This is not the liberty and freedom which men died for during the War for Independence! By use of the chip, your total history will be available to anyone who asks for "your papers, please." It can control everything from being hired, to food rationing, health record or gasoline allowance.
George Bush has transferred directly to himself powers that he previously vested in the Homeland Security Agency. This is tantamount to completion of a dictatorship atop the physical underpinnings already built and necessary to sustain it. Are you able to turn to the police or the sheriff for help? Not likely, because every policeman in the nation, in every city and town, large and small, in every state in the nation is already beholden to the Homeland Security Agency and is now ‘on line’ taking orders from the Homeland Security Agency. The sheriffs, too, lack the courage it takes to face the fact that the federal government is misleading the nation and has seized the law enforcement system that rightfully belongs to the states.
When the dictatorial powers of the president and those of the Homeland Security Agency are combined and fully activated by these unlawful acts, pronouncements of sovereignty by the people and endowments which God has granted to each and every individual will be forbidden! The Constitution will be publicly denounced and outlawed. The people will not be allowed to exercise their former rights nor to claim the 1787 Constitution as the Supreme law, because they will have lost the battle by today’s lack of resistance to the victory of the transformation agents. The republican system will then become recognized and known as having been totally overthrown.
As a part of the final transition, the people will be totally without any force. (There will be no guns for the people -- only the militarized Homeland Security Agency and its companion, the world army system, will have any guns.) With no power left for the people to decide their own fate, in any matter whatsoever, the non-elective, appointive system of regional governments will decide the future of all the people. These regional agencies will have more power over the lives of people than our public officials ever had! They can tell you where to live; where to work anywhere in the world, and they are prepared to set your salary as they see fit. You can be sent anywhere in the world to work, according to your ability, and your salary will be determined, according to your need, which they will determine.
You won't be allowed as an individual to own property (a long-standing United Nations policy). You will be told whether or not you may have children. The world army will give backing to the communistic policies of the Homeland Security Agency. You can't vote these regional global managers out, or recall them, because you will do not have that right under the “appointed” global government management system. The states will be abolished and in that act, the state and federal Constitution, which formerly protected you, will no longer be your source of defense. You will have totally become a "Human Resource", a classification already in use.
You will be given a communist bill of rights (called the Human Rights Treaties -- already written), which has been quietly and gradually replacing your inherent true rights listed in the 1791 "Bill of Rights". There are no 'checks and balances' and no 'endowments from the Creator' under the Human Rights Treaties. Your whole life will be monitored and dictated from cradle to grave through the managers of the Homeland Security Agency.
A world army of foreign troops will "preserve order" in this former 'land of the free' and will enforce additional taxes and regulations under the "new world order" rule. Foreign troops can arrest violators, and try them in the World Court, which incidentally, is also in operation and handing down decisions. The unknowing young have not been told of "The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World" (P.L.87-297), which is the source for closing down U.S. military bases that should have been left open for the people’s protection. Public Law 87-297 has always been the main source for the effort to prohibit all privately owned firearms. Self-preservation with arms, protection against lawlessness and sedition will be denied to the people while open borders promote the merger of Mexico and Canada with the U.S.A under the global government, which is called the North American Union. These conditions alone should have indicated to even the most poorly informed that a new system of government was “in the works”!
Couch potato parents really don't care what suffering they are permitting to fall upon their own children. "It can't happen here", they say, while evidence abounds that it has already happened here! These are facts, yet some do not want to muster the interest in verifying these facts, and they have no intention whatever to stop it! The weak tell us that they just "don't want to hear anything that depresses them”, and they just don't care enough about their kids to spend their energy in preventing this burden from falling inextricably upon their own children! Their offspring won’t know how it all happened to them, and they will not have the means necessary to make possible an attempt to stop it.
The propaganda press has emasculated many of those who were supposed to provide protection and guidance to their children. The young are being denied the protection that every young person should have so that they can make their own decisions, and decide their own careers and futures, but they may end up getting caught in the trap their parents created for them by parental lack of interest and parental lack of reasoning. So wake up, sleeping Americans, and shoulder your responsibility to your families against this – this that is real terrorism, a war that is being waged in your own country by your own disloyal public officials against the people they were hired to protect.
The 1791 Constitution and the Bill of Rights are still the supreme law of this country, because they are owned by the people, and we the people, have never given our permission for public officials to invalidate or disregard them no matter what pretended legislation or bogus executive orders are written to the contrary. Wake up, sleeping Americans, and begin an effort to oppose both of these interconnected dangers: (1) the installation of the Homeland Security Agency, the militarized system -- the new form of government – brought on by those who have no authority to overthrow our true government, and (2) the Real Id Card being fostered state-by-state to seduce and deliver acceptance of the people to a new form of government, a commitment to accepting the unlawful Homeland Security Agency, and its dictatorial communist lifestyle.
Second Amendment Committee P.O. Box 1776 Hanford, California 93230