Light From Israel
Ofra from Israel
Israel is not innocent either. Both sides - the ARABS and The Israelites have played their part in this long blooded conflict, yet as a light worker who lives here in the Holy Land, I can tell you that ISRAEL and most of the people of Israel are ready to embrace PEACE into their life. . .
It is clear that both sides are the victims and both sides have brought this situation upon themselves , but you my dear light workers should realize that this bloodshed where brothers are killing their own brothers - only reflects the whole of the HUMAN DRAMA being played to it's last accord. What is happening here now is only a reflection of what is going on deep inside the consciousness of humanity which needs to be addressed now and sometimes realization comes through great pain and sorrow at a time when we cannot stand it any more - thus we suddenly KNOW that we need CHANGE. We need to make a changeand shift our reality into a HIGHER Reality to peace, love and harmonyto ALL. NOW!
Beloveds, this is a difficult hour for all of us but I call each and everyone of you beloved Star Seeds, beloved Light Workers and my brothers and sisters of the Divine Order of The Throne and The Arc: Please send your prayers and your healing Light and your Visions of a world Peace and a world of Harmony and joy to reflect and to shine upon the darkness of this drama and duality which is being played here in Israel and the middle east - for the whole world and the whole of Humanity is involved and it is up to us - the 144,000 Emissaries of Light Beings incarnated now upon the Earth - to create A GRAND SHIFT IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS of the world leaders and the people of BOTH sides- to put an END to War ! To put an end to bloodshed ! To face one another and see how similar we all are. To recognize our family ties and bloodline connections with one another, thus KNOWING we are ONE and all that happened in the past was nothing but a part of our own ILLUSION !!!!
There is NO separation between Israelies and Arabs, we are one ! There is no separation between Osama Bin Laden and YOU and me. . . he represents the dark side we each hold within us. . . the dark side that we must learn to embrace and to love as well, just as we accept the night as it comes after the daylight. . . all these are but aspects of our human angelic consciousness on the way to Ascension. . this is a moment all the Masters and the Prophets have spoken about. This is the GREAT SHIFT IN CONSCIOUSNESS and it is now upon us beloveds. So please embrace your own darkness now. . . wherever you are in the world, upon the Earth, embrace the Mother energy now. . . embrace the Feminine Energy who is returning to Earth now to bring Balance and nourishment to all her children. . . embrace all your identities and do not treat any of them as your enemy. . . for no one is really your enemy - but your own self created illusion. . . please embrace me into your heart now. Please know that I AM ISRAEL, know that I AM PALESTINE, please know that I AM the worst terrorist and the worst ENEMY. . . I AM ALL THAT IS in this great shift of drama. Let the drama die. Let it be released forever into the daylight of your NEW BEGINNING LIFE.
I AM THE PEACE DOVE NOW - AND SO ARE YOU !Pray that we will recognize all these things. Send us your shining LIGHT and embrace us all with your Divine Love, so that we too can let go of our own veils of illusion and suffering and pain - and wake up to the call of our own I AM SELF to live the life we are so honored to live now upon Mother Earth.
Let the . . . [Light] Codes come forth within you and transform the
the very fabric of Creation itself.
I thank you for taking the time to read my message. And I THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL [and all of the Middle East].
Peace to All,
OFRA from Israel