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Maharishi's Message To The World Press

By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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Maharishi to hold global news conferences TODAY, 4pm UK time - details how to connect via Internet, satellite, or telephone - see below _________________________________________

(11 June 2003) His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi issued a strong warning to heads of state and cabinet ministers: "Utilise proven programmes to prevent problems and end the suffering of your citizens - or opposition parties in your countries will take you to court for criminal offences and put you out of office." And Maharishi called on the media to hold accountable those in power who perpetuate problems and suffering.

"The role of the press is to awaken the people," Maharishi said. "It is not enough for the media to simply report that there are problems in the country - they should rise up to condemn the irresponsibility of those at the helm of the nation. If the media only says 'Yes' to whatever the government says, then who will awaken the population?"

Maharishi's comments came during his 50th consecutive global news conference held on Wednesday, 4 June 2003, at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi's next news conferences will be 11 and 12 June and will be broadcast live via satellite, Internet webcast, and teleconference call. (See below for details.)

Education minister should be punished if a man commits a crime

Maharishi cited education as an example of the need to hold leaders accountable. "Education today is appalling - it is a crime against the cosmic nature of human life. It does not educate the individual to develop his full creative potential and to not make mistakes. So, who should be punished if a man commits a crime? The education minister should be punished for not training the man to engage the evolutionary power of total Natural Law to fulfil his desires," Maharishi said. "Leaders should fulfil their responsibilities or abdicate their office - or they will be forced out by the opposition parties. It is not good for millions of people to be guided by ignorant leaders who rule through military and police. The time of barbarism is coming to an end."

Media should stand for truth

Maharishi had equally strong words for the press. "The media should stand for truth. The truth is that people are suffering because of the government. If the media is quiet and only favours what the government says, then the media is wasting the precious life of the people. Who will carry the responsibility for that waste of life? The media will carry a lot of the responsibility."

Maharishi's programme to create permanent world peace

Maharishi then presented his scientifically proven programme to create permanent world peace, which includes:

(1) Groups of peace-creating experts - Establishing groups of 8,000 peace-creating experts in every continent - with a larger group of 40,000 experts in India. Building 3,000 Peace Palaces in the world's largest 3,000 cities, including 51 cities in the UK - each Peace Palace to be home to a smaller group of 100 to 200 peace-creating experts. These experts will practise Maharishi's Vedic technologies of consciousness, including Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying, to enliven in world consciousness total Natural Law - the light of God - the basis of a peaceful, prosperous family of nations.

(2) Transcendental Meditation in education - Adding one classroom period a day in the schools, colleges, and universities in every country for the study of consciousness and the practice of Transcendental Meditation. Students will develop their total brain physiology and cosmic creative intelligence and promote coherent national consciousness - the basis of prevention-oriented, problem-free administration.

"Human life is divine - it does not deserve to be shadowed by any limitation"

Maharishi emphasised that the knowledge is now available to create a better world - however it is up to governments and the people to take advantage of it. "Man has freedom of choice. This supreme knowledge is now available for everyone to develop their cosmic potential - yet other choices are available as well. But why not go for the top choice and choose the light of life - the light of God?" Maharishi said. "Human life is divine - it does not deserve to be shadowed by any limitation. Let's make hay while the sun shines - let's make liberal use of this knowledge while it is fresh to transform our barbaric world into a harmonious civilisation of peace and bliss."



As usual every week:


11 June 2003

* 4.00 PM (UK time)

* 9:30 PM (India Standard Time)

* 17.00 hours (Central European Standard Time)

* 11:00 AM (USA EDT)

As usual every week:


12 June 2003

* 10.30 AM (UK time)

* 4:00 PM (India Standard Time)

* 11.30 hours (Central European Standard Time)

* 5:30 AM (USA EDT)





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conference, to: [email protected] or call (Holland)





Press Office

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Press Office

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