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Musical Butterfly Invitation for World Peace

Alan Moore

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wer' now and being embraced by more people than embraced the peace and love generation of the 60's.

In 1993 National Geographic proclaimed that a butterfly can, with a flap of its wings, change the world and that the ripple it sends out can spawn a hurricane. In another issue that same year Geographic stated, "...Beauty seems to be an intrinsic part of nature, and perhaps even the organizing principle of reality. Scientists, in testing their theories, invariably find that the simplest, most elegant, most beautiful equation, is the correct one. Rainbows, butterflies, and the periodic table are some examples of intrinsic beauty. The world will be saved by beauty."

The butterfly initiative intends to do just that by becoming a catalyst for helping to cocreate a culture of world peace and global harmony. The butterfly could be the key to what we call the "paradigm shift." Our butterfly Earth Proclamation was endorsed by James Redfield and Dr. Paul Ray, coauthor of the book on Cultural Creatives.

The Butterfly Network is a group of individuals and organizations trying to build a worldwide network for global change. We intend to do this by developing and promoting events and programs that will inspire citizens on a worldwide basis. This coalition of organizations is in the process of coming together & getting a structure in place.

We are inviting you to discover how this project may be just what you have been seeking for a long time. We are collaborating with a consortium of groups and individuals to open up centers for peace, justice, and global healing all over the world, starting right here in the San Francisco Bay area. It will collectively house the Butterfly Gardeners Association, Performing and Fine Artists for World Peace, Project Chrysalis, Authors for a Positive Millennium, a branch of the International Association of Educators for World Peace, the Woodstock Nation Foundation, a nonviolence program for youth, a crisis program for women, a grief counseling program, a children's reading, gardening and environmental education program, and an indigenous support outreach among other things.

Before we continue, please reply and ask to subscribe to our email list. Otherwise you may not receive anymore correspondence from us.

Please also let me know at least what your City, State and Zip code is. That way we can let you know of any important local happenings. Complete contact information including your snail mail address and telephone number would be appreciated, but is not necessary.

Those living in the San Francisco Bay area will be informed weekly of the best political events, actions, festivals and gatherings around.

We are inviting you to work with us hand in hand. To be candid, we are looking for individuals and organizations that don't have ego vested interests & whose driving force is primarily focused on improving conditions for all people on Earth rather than focused on personal gain or greed.

We have discovered that there are thousands of organizations, big and small, working to bring people together to help heal the world in one way or the another. When fundraising, marketing and PR strategies begin to dominate an organization's goals, they risk losing site of the fundamental objectives and values that once birthed them. They risk becoming more and more like the system they once vowed to help transform. Our intention is to partner with those that understand this. We seek to create a network that transcends these limitations and offers hope of a global all-encompassing vision for the world.

Are you willing to support such a coalition? Are you interested in exploring what might be possible if we all worked together and synergized our efforts?

Here is a brief overview of some of our projects.

The Butterfly Gardeners Association seeks to foster an appreciation of butterflies, hummingbirds, dragonflies, and other lifeforms. We emphasize the need for conservation of natural habitats in our communities and around the world. Our programs promote the installation of butterfly gardens, children's environmental education, reading, and nonviolence programs. We also promote the belief that the butterfly is the symbolic representaion and catalyst for the conscious evolution of the human race and will usher in the Butterfly Era of Global Civilization as outlined in Norie Huddle's book Butterfly. Please see and Norie's site at

Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace will be promoting events and concerts to support our environment and peace organizing.

In addition to our interest in world peace and the environment, our campaign will also cover election reforms such as campaign financing and the abolition or reform of the Electoral College, supporting Congressman Kucinich's proposal for a cabinet level Department of Peace - see, reforming the criminal justice system and the three strikes law, banning space based weapons, making the office of public defender an elected position, raising the issue of corporate responsibility, protecting the Earth and old-growth forests, raising global consciousness, supporting and developing sustainable communities, helping indigenous causes, increasing funding for art and music programs, ending the cycle of violence and abuse that is rooted in our male dominator culture, and acknowledging artists and musicians as an important ingredient to transforming and improving our lives. We will also be working in collaboration with Project Chrysalis.

The Vallejo Performing Arts & Conference Center is now the new home of Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace & the Butterfly Gardeners Association. We are looking to book shows, concerts, dance events, workshops, meetings, conferences, exhibitions, weddings and banquets at our facility. We have two ballrooms with 10,000 square feet of space, a dance studio and a full size 16 x 26 foot commercial kitchen for food preparation and catering.

We are going to transform the Old Masonic Temple into a community of resident artists, performers, educators and healers dedicated to global peace, love and transformative performing arts and healing.

Project Chrysalis is a therapeutic program to bring performers, musicians, dancers, artists, clowns, story tellers, puppeteers, and mimes into hospitals, hospices, schools, juvenile youth facilities, senior centers and other institutions that can use joy and healing entertainment for adults as well as children. We also plan to use other therapies such as horticulture (butterfly gardening), drumming, healing touch and massage, comedy, and theater as well. We believe that love and caring can be powerful therapeutic tools. Patch Adams is honorary chairman of this effort.

On March 18, 2003 His Holiness the Dalai Lama endorsed our Earth Proclamation. It was also featured on James Redfield's Celestine Vision site. He thrilled us all by featuring the Earth Proclamation on his front page for about a month beginning in February 2000.

We are a magically attuned world peace, environmental and spiritual network built on Synchronicity. Please let me know if this resonates with you.

I have a whole collection of amazing stories, poetry, and happenings that people have been sharing. If you can endorse the Earth Proclamation and forward it and any other material from us to your email buddies, it would be very much appreciated.

I have also coined a new meaning for the word butterfly, which used a verb means to give or teach someone the gift of looking at the world, as with butterfly eyes, and seeing only the beauty, love, and harmony in the world around them. If we can reach out and butterfly people all over the world, we may be heralding the dawn of a major paradigm shift and find ourselves living in the Butterfly Era of global civilization that author Norie Huddle envisions.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

May Peace Prevail on Earth!

Alan D. Moore

Butterfly Gardeners Association & Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace - Director and founder

Vallejo Performing Arts & Conference Center - Director

International Association of Educators for World Peace - Western States Program Director

Authors for a Positive Millennium - Co-director

707 Marin Street, Vallejo, Ca 94590

Send mail to: POB 1511, Vallejo, Ca 94590


[email protected] The Earth Proclamation

Make Love Not War CD is now available. Immerse yourselves in the spirit of the butterflies & hear great music. Get our single CD featuring 19 songs of mostly Bay Area Artists for $12.50. Our double CD has over 2.5 hours of music featuring 38 songs for $20, including postage & handling. You get a copy free with a membership to the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace for $25. I personally guarantee that you will love it & your purchase or membership will help support our mission.

Songs for Cindy, a compilation CD with 18 songs that you will love dedicated to Cindy Sheehan. $12.50 includes postage

I now also have brand new signed copies of the origional first printing edition of Butterfly by Norie Huddle for $35 including shipping They sell for $80 used on Please see Butterfly is being used as a model for global transformation by Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Elisabeth Sahtouris, the Institute of Noetic Science and many others.

We also have copies of the English-Japanese edition of Butterfly that was translated by Yumi Kikuchi. You can get a copy for $20 including shipping. With a family membership for $35 you can get the book and the CD.

For a $50 donation you can get the English-Japanese edition, the CD, a membership and a listing as a sponsor of our calendar too!

Please see membership info below or at

Peace and love, Alan

Butterfly Gardeners Association & Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace

___ Limited Income $0-15 Get listing & membership

___ Individual $25 Includes Double CD

___ Family $35 Includes Double CD & the book Butterfly

___ Butterfly Lover $50 Includes CD, book & sponsor listing on calendar

___ Sponsor/Business $100 Includes CD, book & sponsor listing on calendar & website

___ CD only $12.50 for single with 19 songs & $20 for double with 38 songs

___ CDs for groups $10 per double CD or $5 per single CD in bulk for peace & justice groups used as a fundraiser. Please inquiry at 707-552-9886.

Specify if your membership is for the Butterfly Gardeners or Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace and specify which CD you want. If you wany both CDs, please add $10 to your order.and mark in memo "Both CDs"

Please make your check out to the Butterfly Gardeners and mail to Butterfly Gardeners Association, P.O. Box 1511, Vallejo, Ca 94590

Musical Butterfly Invitation for World Peace