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PAN ALERT: Possibly Last Chance To Prevent War
tion: "I just spoke to the French Mission to the UN, urging them as a U.S. citizen to vote against any resolution authorizing war against Iraq--rather than abstaining, which apparently is what the Bush administration is expecting them to do. The person who answered the phone asked if I would put that in writing--and offered to give me the mission's email address. I found this encouraging--suggesting that at least some people in the mission are arguing for casting a veto, and would like to have evidence of grassroots US support for such a move.
"If you would like to provide such evidence, send a quick note to [email protected] . You don't have to explain at length why they should veto--they would like to veto. Just tell them that you think they ought to veto too.
Here's the address for China: [email protected]
Here's the address for Russia: [email protected]
And, again, the address for France: [email protected]
"France, China and Russia are the permanent Security Council members who oppose war with Iraq. A vote against a war resolution by any of them would defeat the resolution. Please pass this on! This may be the last best chance of preventing war."