Peace, Please!
Only peace can heal the wounds of war. Only peace can prevent war, not a preemptive strike. Peace allows all people to openly communicate their thoughts and desires, their hopes and dreams among each other and among nations. This goes beyond any and all tribal beliefs and customs. Peace ends the ignorant fear and distrust of each other, it opensthe doors of mutual understanding and respect. It allows for the free exchange of ideas. It ends the class system put on nations. Also peace doesn't have a political party a favorite sports team, hair styles or uniforms, no makeup is required. Peace is a bargain when you compare it to the cost of a war, and no one gets killed too. What a deal, all you have to do is sit down and talk about it and come to a compromise that everyone can work with. All have to give something to the process, no one can put limitations or any restrictions on the process and or the participants of it, except all parties have to stop fighting and killing. Peace is not a good corporate business deal, because everyone profits the same from it. Everyone comes out a winner. Big global corporations can't have that, they have to be the only ones profiting from it or they wage war to
profit off our pain and misery.
The Bush administration is like a suicide car bomber except his car is
a monster SUV and the bomb is nuclear, yes a 2000 pound nuclear bomb
will fit in a Navigator or an Escalade and still leave room for the
wife and the twins.
The nations energy policy was written by the ones who own the oil and now control over 70% of the world's oil supply with the help of our military forces. We need to charge them a million dollars per hour for each of our military members fighting to control the oil for them. These corporations control the supply of oil and the technology that has been developed to replace oil, which they promptly shelve until the patent rights expire. Then when someone comes up with a "new idea" to replace oil or cut the use of it down, they do the dog and pony show of the new stuff on national news and they buy up all the new patents and we wait another 10 years, for research and development they always say, nothing is really done with the new stuff except to lock it up to never be used.
The best way to stay in business is to own the competition. Just ask Ma Bell and A T&T, or any of the major TV networks they are owned by the military industrial complex, so they show what their owners want to see, not their viewers. This medium the Internet is a threat to their control of the news and information we see. They want to control it as they do the TV. By limiting the content and the providers of it. TV already tells you what to wear, eat and drive, what to sleep on and what pills you need to take, it even goes as far as to say when you are in the mood for sex, and what pill you need to take for that too. HUMMMM KATT