Declaration of Independence Against A War God
Mary Sparrowdancer
It was with an exercise of liberty and freedom that in the spring of 2006, the ancient Gospel of Judas was translated and given to the world. Most attention has been focused upon the revelation that we have, for 2000 years, falsely accused an innocent man of something we did not understand. We did this because we did not have all of the facts and were mistaken about the facts we did have. But, there is something of even greater importance revealed by this almost-2000-year-old Gospel that begs our attention. This Gospel reveals that the harsh war god of the Old Testament is not the only god of the universe as many have been led to believe. Jesus was not sent by the god of the Old Testament. He was in fact in opposition to the god of the Old Testament--Jesus had come to liberate people from the harsh laws of the war god. The information contained in this Gospel, however, was destroyed or kept hidden away from the masses by Church Fathers for the better part of 2000 years.
It was Judas, alone, who realized the true identity of Jesus - that he was not the son of the Old Testament war god as the rest of the disciples presumed. It was Judas, alone, who saw that Jesus was the son of a different god. Having made this discovery, it was then Judas, alone, who was asked to tell others about this. "Betray" is what most of humanity has held Judas guilty of for 2000 years, when his true act was to "bewray," or "bewrayeth" the truth. Coming from an early English translation, the meaning is simply to disclose or reveal, but the meaning has become lost over the centuries.
There are some truths that are self-evident, and there are some that are revealed only after careful inspection and seeking. The latter discovered truths are those that will initially leave us astonished and disturbed - a warning that can be found in the gnostic Gospel of Thomas, which is another of the teachings of Jesus that was kept away from humanity by the Church Fathers. This warning that we will initially be shocked by the truth applies in no other situations quite as profoundly as it does in learning the true identity of Jesus. For 2000 years, we have been falsely led to believe he was the son of the Abrahamic war god of the Old Testament, when in fact, he had been sent as liberator by a god he refers to as "the Great One."
Among the truths and rights that are self-evident are those defining peace and the pursuit of happiness. War is not peace, regardless of any claims attempting to establish such a contradiction, and war does not maintain peace. Nor is liberty maintained by forfeiting liberty. Equally self-evident are the truths defining war, bloodshed and sorrow. Most of us instinctively prefer a state of peace in which we and our sons and our daughters - our entire families - might live. Most would not select for our loved ones a life that is cut short by violence and filled with anguish, pain and fear. The question that must be asked, then, is what could cause a once-great nation of people longing for peace, civil liberties and human rights to blindly follow a leader's commands to travel to distant lands and engage in atrocities and slaughter of the innocent in the name of war.
If such a nation blindly pledges allegiance to a god of war, then the answer to the question asked quickly becomes apparent. If, due to a mistranslation and misunderstanding of the words god and gods, such a nation believes that the only god in the universe is a war god, and that war is the traditional, god-approved way of settling scores, then the youthful soldiers of such a nation can be easily led to war and even to acts of atrocities. The rest can be expected to fund such acts and bloodshed, especially if the word "patriot" has also taken on new meaning.
Through perhaps the greatest, and most colossal error of all time (or the most profound, and deliberate ruse of all time) as the early Church Fathers shaped and formed their new religion, Christianity, they made governing decisions based upon personal beliefs, goals, and agendas. Rather than accepting what the ancient writings were stating (and the early Fathers were well aware of the Gospel of Judas at least as early as 180 AD), rather than acknowledging that the god of Jesus was not the god of the disciples, but was a different god, the Church Fathers chose as the god of Christianity, the war god of the Old Testament.
It is no wonder many people find the messages in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament conflicting and confusing. The English translations do not clearly reveal the fact that the bible is actually telling a story about gods - not one god. From the first line in Genesis, the story is about gods, and in particular, there is an unfolding battle between two gods. One is the harsh war god, and the other is a god of compassion. The ongoing battle between these gods is over the state, fate and condition of humanity.
There is no other explanation for Jesus referring to one god as his father, one who is all that is "good," and in John 8 of the New Testament referring to the other god of the Old Testament as the devil, a liar, and a murderer since day one. But despite the now obvious, the Church Fathers apparently assumed they were bound to uphold the doctrine and dogma of monotheism, and in so doing they recreated the identity of Jesus. With the help of the Church Fathers, Jesus then became the son of what he referred to as the devil, a liar, and a murderer.
The result has been 2000 years of unprecedented confusion, bloodshed and suffering.
The revelation that stands in stark reality in the Gospel of Judas, but is still going unnoticed, is that the disciples were in error in presuming Jesus was the son of their god. An eerie prophecy was then made in this ancient Gospel, a prophecy stating that this exact mistake was going to take place, in that only one of the disciples would realize the identity of Jesus. They would then set this error forth for generations to come. Many people would be led astray because of this, Jesus said in the Gospel of Judas. "That is the god you serve"
There is a message in the ancient Gospel of Judas. It is a message written down almost 2000 years ago, addressing a generation far off into the distant future. The message addresses a generation that will discover the truth about Judas and will also discover the truth about Jesus. In doing so, it will discover the truth about humanity and the truth about the gods. It is in finding these truths that this generation will set humanity free, at last, from the unholy grip of the war god.
The Founding Fathers of the united States, some suspecting and seeing that there were flaws in the English translations of the bible, warned against the adoption of a god of religion as the state-approved god of the united States. They spoke instead of a consciousness that was liberating and nameless--a consciousness or god of nature rather than a god of religion. At the present time, however, the largely Christian United States has innocently been led to pledge allegiance to the war god of the Old Testament instead of the god who sent Jesus.
The commandments of that war god ordering us to hear only him, worship only him and set aside his Sabbath for joyful praise of him (under penalty of being stoned to death), are now hanging in government courthouses, schools, parks, and various other places of public congregation in the US. During the last half century, the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the US flag was altered so that now all people who routinely chant this recitation are also pledging allegiance to the only god who exists in the minds of most of the world: the war god of the Old Testament, incorrectly presumed by Christianity to be the only god of the universe.
This war god has a history of repeated injuries and usurpations of human rights and civil liberties, and is reigning in absolute tyranny over the minds and souls of half of the world at this time. While approximately half of the world believes this god to be the only god of the universe, the vicious sting of this god's harshness and hatred for humanity, and his unrelenting tendency to create war, bloodshed, and mindless destruction have been felt by the entire world, regardless of their beliefs.
Let the facts, claims, reports, photo ops and op eds found in the bible and the daily news, however, now stand as evidence of that god's strange, tyrannical behavior. And, if this evidence stirs within the mind of humanity a call to separate themselves, at last, from this tyrant and go instead in the pursuit of peace, then so be it. Independence day is perhaps at hand:
He, the war god, has told us that he is the only god of the universe and that there are no other gods. In our innocence we believed him. We now find that claim to be false. With newly surfaced, ancient texts before us we see that the god who sent Jesus, the Great Peacemaker, is not a war god, but another god whose name we no longer recognize. Since names are now completely confused, mistranslated, and misunderstood, perhaps now is the time to take good advice that was given to us 2000 years ago in preparation for this day: Ignore the names and the name-calling and judge those who now assemble for the war between Darkness and Light by their fruits. It is by their fruits, works, and deeds that we can truly see which side they represent: the side of liberty and Light, or the Dark side of ravening wolves. We now also see that the Great Peacemaker, also known as the "son of man," or by any name, comes to liberate us from the Darkness.
The war god has refused to acknowledge or give his assent to the laws of civil liberties and human rights delivered by his opponent, the Great Peacemaker. But, the Peacemaker has shown patience throughout known history and has returned repeatedly to remind us of the laws of liberty and of our rights. It has been the Great Peacemaker who has shown us repeatedly that the acknowledgement of human rights and civil liberties is a better way to govern ourselves than waging war upon our near and distant neighbors.
The war god has silently refused to strike down or amend old laws demanding barbaric death sentences. The Great Peacemaker, however, told us to love one another and govern our actions with tolerance and compassion rather than harshness. The Peacemaker has reminded us that whatever we do to one another, we do to him.
The war god has silently refused to strike down or amend his laws demanding the ritualistic mutilation of babies. In the gnostic Gospel of Thomas (another gnostic teaching struck down as heresy by the Church Fathers), the Peacemaker said that if circumcision were of any importance to the true god who is the father of Jesus and therefore the father of humanity, babies would be born already circumcised.
The war god has lorded himself over the minds of judges causing them to emulate his harshness in judicial decisions. In seeing nothing but cold laws, judges have lost sight of the human suffering that results from harsh and cold laws. In the harshest of all judgments, even water has been withheld from the dying. The compassionate teachings of the Great Peacemaker, however, are clear and simple enough for even children to understand. Indeed, it was a ten-year-old boy who defied a judge's ruling in the year 2005 as the boy tried to bring a cup of water to a woman dying of thirst. The boy was arrested and led away in handcuffs. The Great Peacemaker has told us that laws should serve a civilized humanity, not harm us.
The war god and his appointed rulers have repeatedly denied to humanity personal access and communion with the messengers of the gods of peace. The war god's religious leaders have openly preached gender inequality, and have demanded that women be silent. The Peacemaker, however, has denied access to no one and has said that all who have visions are divinely ordained to speak, whether male or female.
The war god has called humanity dirt and has separated himself and his appointed rulers away from us, in unreachable places and in bunkers of grandeur. The Great Peacemaker has said he is one of us, that we are his brethren, that he is the son of man, and that he is with us always. If the Peacemaker is one of us, then we are a part of him, and we are also peacemakers. It is said that the peacemakers will one day come to be known as the children of god. Indeed. For those who hear the voice of a shepherd calling within and recognize his voice, his DNA is singing within our blood and our bones and our flesh.
The war god has repeatedly taken away from us the rights, freedoms and liberties set forth by the Great Peacemaker. And the Peacemaker has repeatedly returned to redeliver the teachings of human rights, freedom and civil liberties--regardless of what has been done to him or how these teachings of liberty have been crucified by rulers following the war god.
The war god has, in his rage, commanded people to murder others and commit atrocities upon one another. When the Great Peacemaker walked among the people of the Five Nations, he gave to them the Great Law of confederation and he called for peace. It was upon the Great Law given to the Five Nations of Native Americans that the US Constitution was later based. No one had seen a law of peace so majestically put forth before.
The war god, in the very beginning, destroyed the gate in Babylon between humanity and another god, and in destroying this gate of god, it was reduced to a joke and to rubble that the war god still refers to as "babble." He, the war god, has further instructed heads of state to again destroy the remaining remnants of all that is ancient in Babylon at this time, and with Depleted Uranium the grounds where the Gate of God once stood have been made uninhabitable for all time. In the Gospel of Judas, Judas identifies the Great Peacemaker, Jesus, as coming from "Barbelo." BabElu in Akkadian means, "the Gate of God." It is the root of the word "Babylon."
The war god has taken proud delight in confusing the language and knowledge of humanity since destroying the Gate of God in Babylon, and turning our communication with God into babble. The Peacemaker told us in the gnostic gospels that we should seek the truth and be prepared to find something that will leave us at first astonished and disturbed--but not to stop seeking until we found the truth.
The war god has in fits of rage and vengeance burnt our towns and destroyed the lives of our people. The Peacemaker has been long-known as an architect, builder and healer.
The war god only loaned souls to humanity according to the Gospel of Judas, thus making slaves of all born. The Peacemaker, however, states that the Great One has ordered that souls be given as a gift to the generation that learns the truth. It is this generation that will liberate humanity from the god of war and his ministers of error.
The war god speaks to his church leaders and televangelists with words of hatred and jealousy, thus causing separation rather than unity. He, the war god, has told televangelists to put curses on those who dare to disagree with their opinions. The Great Peacemaker, who is again walking among us at this moment, still has not appeared on the televangelists' television programs, nor has he announced his personal affiliation with any of the world's organized religions.
The war god has led leaders to convince others that war (and thus death) is a good way to make a living and that money is all that matters. The Peacemaker has told us otherwise. He has told us the identity of the peacemakers.
The war god has caused people to be tithed and taxed until they want for the most basic needs of life. The Peacemaker has shown us to give food to the hungry, water to those who thirst, comfort to the suffering and he has asked that we give to him the only thing of true value whatsoever: ourselves.
The war god continues speaking to heads of state--whether elected or not--urging them to lead their nations into war and bloodshed, thus violating within some of us our inherent desire for peace, as well as violating a desire for separation of state from a war god of organized religion. The Peacemaker said he would return at the end of an age. The age of the war god is, therefore, at an end.
The war god has called his heads of state to destroy and bring to rubble again the places where the Great Peacemaker and other Shining Ones stood and spoke to humanity. In addition to Babylon, now the areas and peoples of Palestine are being destroyed without mercy or concern for the suffering of humanity. As both sides fight, the people of Palestine have been left without water and they have no way of cooking their food. Completely surrounded, they have no place to turn in which to seek refuge. It was to the people of Palestine that the Great Peacemaker, Jesus, appeared 2000 years ago.
The war god is a Prince whose character embraces all acts that define a Tyrant, and as such he is unfit to be the ruling god of a free and just people who hear another voice calling them to live in peace.
Therefore, and with firm resolve, we make a Declaration of Independence from the god of war.
Furthermore, we state that in making this Declaration, we establish a new spiritual union free from tyranny and hatred and we set forth as the foundation of this new spiritual union the great cornerstone known as Liberty.
And: We further affirm on this day and on all days after this day, by the authority granted to us by the Great Peacemaker, the reestablishment of the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution's legal Bill of Rights. We reestablish both as the true and just governing instruments by which all peacemakers of all races may live in the liberty that is ours by our birthright.
We, the first of the peacemakers to come forward, now sign:
Mary Sparrowdancer; Nahomi Kawamura; Mark Yannone; Valerie Guernsey; Doug Thomas; Luise Light; Linda McCue; John Charles; Judy Andreas; Carlyn Maddox; Judee Pouncey; Jacob Dean; Carol Cunningham; John Ness; Joanna Booth; Emily Shaw;
Next: _______________________
Copyright 2006 by Mary Sparrowdancer
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Mary Sparrowdancer is a book author and a science, health and spiritual writer. She is the author of The Love Song of the Universe, which Sold Out throughout the US in June, 2006 following the publication of her paper revealing the secrets within the Gospel of Judas. The Judas Paper can be seen here: http://www.rense.com/general71/defmo.htm
Her website is here: www.sparrowdancer.com
The above Declaration will appear on Mary's website.
All those wishing to have their names added to this Declaration may send their names to Mary.